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cycle buddies!!cycle started june 11th!l

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Hi everyone ,
My cycle started 11th june and if this is the month for a BFP then i will be sharing my birthday with my baby! would be best present ever!
hope to hear your stories and share your cycles ups and downs together xxxx

73 Replies • 12 years ago



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Omg I wish they sold opks here. It would make things so much more easier for me. :/
I had this weird sharp pain in my ovary on the right side. It was really intense, never felt it before. I might have ovulated early :O ..i don't know. I'm never good at pinpointing it. :(
Today i've been extremelyyy tired. My body won't let me do anything for the whole day. And i've been bloated and don't have an appetite at all. Feels like everything I eat is taking forever to digest.

How's everyone else doing?

12 years ago

For me, even though my cycles are regular, OPKs are really helping this time, which is the first time I have used them for this long.

I can't say I've had ovulation pain, I got a weird pain in my pelvic area, lower abdomen the other day, but it was really brief.

I feel tired too today, not really wanting to do much...hoping to BD again tonight, it gets tiresome having to make it a point instead of just being spontaneous but babies don't make themselves!

12 years ago

@pbc910 thought might be too early for pregnancy test,but did think that first tho and was so excited for you
at least you know your ovulating i did 2 ovulation tests today and they were positive, i was late this month so think my ovulation is also, but it is peace of mind knowing that your ovulating, @ruqsar you can get the cheap ovulation tests on ebay and i think amazon also, thats what i have been using and they are really accurate , i have also felt like i got no appetite and tiredness. must be some symtoms of ovulation if we have all been feeling it xxxx

12 years ago • Post starter

I am curious to see my OPK tomorrow. I am hoping it isn't positive so I can start counting DPO.

12 years ago

And my OPK is still positive and super dark, way darker than the control. So confused as to when I am going to O.

12 years ago

My cycle started on the 12th, so we're pretty close. DF and I hve been BD off and on all week - yesterday a.m. and last night being the latest. I got my smiley face on my OPK this morning, but we were both too exhausted from all the BD last week and a busy weekend to do anything this a.m. after the smiley.

Sad, because I'm on travel for work for the next three days (back wednesday). Just hoping that everything we did the past few days will count (and maybe wednesday). I just read something that says 4-2 days before you ovulate is also a good time, so here's to hoping (and crossed fingers)!

So now begins the horrible TWW! I assume you gals are close, too. Maybe we can commiserate together?

This is only our second cycle TTC, as I had an unexpected pregnancy that ended in MC at 7 weeks back in April. We tried last cycle, but weren't successful.

User Image Baby M v1.0, 4/20/2012

12 years ago

Oh, and I had a weird cramp (actually like 3 in a row)this AM while driving to work - I'm hoping that's my O, because DF and I were up late last night doing the dance - anyone else have weird O cramps yet?

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User Image Baby M v1.0, 4/20/2012

12 years ago

Hi Daph - sending positive vibes your way.

I have read the same thing about it being best to BD the days leading up to O. I hope b/c with my positive OPK for the 3rd day, and being sick, I doubt DH and I are going to be BDing tonight. The last three days it felt like I was making him - of course he is just a part of this as I am and is just as excited to start a family, but it can get tiring.

I haven't had any pains, but I usually don't. WIshing I did though so I would know I was ovulating soon.

12 years ago

hi daph317 i am sure things will work out and from what you said you look like you have covered some good days, so sorry to hear about miscarriage sending and hope you get a .
i have had some cramps today, my right side feels funny and soooo tired. my ovulation tests keep staying positive with very strong lines, and i have read that if they stay positive for couple days then it is a good indicator for a bfp? as they pick up the surge of hormones .hows everyone doing? xxxx

12 years ago • Post starter

I hope thats what all these positives could lead to!!! My positive is still as strong tonight, really dark line! I still feel like poop. Maybe this is good, my immune system is weaker so it will allow an "invader" in! I am normally very healthy, strong immune system, I will take any help I can get.

12 years ago

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