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Confessions and Frustrations of ttc Women

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Hi to all of you ladies who are experiencing struggles and frustrations during this ttc journey.

This thread is a spin-off of past threads by Pookerdooks and Expecting2Expect, which acted as a safe haven to vent, share, complain, and confess the negative feelings we all have at dark moments during this ttc journey. I found the treads in the past were (for me) very helpful in getting out a lot of anger and negative feelings that had built up over the course of my ttc journey. I hope that I can find others like me who need a place to vent and confess those negative thoughts we have instead of carrying them around with us.

I must insist however that no one judges anyone elses' posts. If you don't agree with a complaint or a vent. Keep it to yourself. This is a safe haven and a No-Judging-Allowed-Zone. Feel free to vent your negativity here and get the negative energy out. If your feeling guilty for your negative thoughts then feel free to confess them with ttc women who understand.

Starting things off . . . . I'm Becca, 29 and am approaching my 1 year mark of ttc #1.

Confession #1 - I immediately feel angry and jealous when I see women at the store with baby bumps. I cant help it and then I feel sorry for myself that I don't have one.

Confession #2 - I am so frustrated with women who I've talked to that get pregnant and then say, "Oh it will happen for you, after all it happened for me." I know they mean well, but I don't want to hear it. I think, "Its easy for you to say since you already are pregnant!

Confession #3 - I feel angry when people tell me its all about God's timing. I believe in God, but I don't want people saying this to me, it is extremely hurtful! Your saying God has chosen to keep me from getting pregnant until its the right time? What time will that be? I'm 29, do I need to be 40 for it to be the "right time"?

WELCOME to all ttc women regardless of how long you have been ttc or what you have to vent about. . . . . .

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

44 Replies • 12 years ago



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Aryian ha ha ha lmao that is so freakin funny!!!!!!
Im willing to admit im def addicted to those stupid little tests! I ALWAYS see something and then I show dh who tells me he sees nothing. Then I get all mad at him and wont talk to him for the next hour. Lol its funny and sad at the same time!

I hear you on the jealousy. I feel guilty about it but I cant help but be super jealous. Especially when someone is having more than one. Raging jealousy and anger take over, ugh. Im happy for our friends but . . . . . . . . . you know . . . . .it hurts some days.

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey there, yeah it is hard, to have friends on here that get preg, and tho you are happy for them, it's hard to be the "last one standing" but then another group comes along and you have new buddies....haha but like you said, it's hard not to be green with envy! :)

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12 years ago

since this is a judgement free forum...I thought I would share something that has been on my mind...I do have a wonderful son, that is 4, we have been ttc number 2 for over a year, and it's been such a struggle, that sometimes I do think maybe we should just give up, I let my mind kinda talk myself into giving up by thinking things like, do i really want to be up again all night, now that my son sleeps soundly in the night, from 8pm to 8am, I love my I want my body taken over again, I had a hard first delvery and tore very badly, to the point I couldnt sit for about a week after, do I want to go through that again? Do I want hemmroids the size of grapes again? sorry TMI! LOL, do I want my breast huge and swollen and leaking milk in the grocery store? do I want to cart around a heavy baby carrier, my son can already get in the car and buckle himself and going back to changing diapers, my son has been out of them for 2 years...But then I think about the sweet things, like holding a newborn, and the way they smell so sweet (most of the time lol) and what a wonderful sibling bond my son could have, and how fun it is to watch a baby learn new things, and start to walk and talk...I dont know....I DO want another child, Like I said, I let my mind wander too much sometimes, dont want to come across harsh or selfish by any means, I hope no one will take it that way, I'm just ready for this to happen, I'm ready for my family to be complete...thanks for listening

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12 years ago

Shannon: I hear ya with the second child. I do not have one of my own yet, but I am a full time nanny for a three year old and when I have a baby the plan is that I would bring the baby with me to work. However I also have an elderly FIL that is like having a toddler at home. I wonder if I'm not getting a child because God may not see that I can handle yet another person to care for. I psych myself out all the time, but deep down I know I want a baby - sooner rather than later - but I want a baby.

I know that this is a safe place to vent, but sometimes after I write and press the submit button I feel guilty of what I say - maybe I should keep things to myself, but then again if I keep everything - I will explode in a negative way! UGH Is it just us girls that think this way or do guys think this way too? Sometimes I get so annoyed with myself! LOL

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

I soo know what you mean, as soon as I wrote my last post, I felt horribly guilty! Like I shouldnt feel that way at all! I know babies are blessing, but they are alot of hard work too, thank you for your understanding, I know if I would have gotten preg after only a few cycles, I wouldnt ever think this way, I think the stress just gets to us all sometimes, I do try to stay positive but sometimes its hard, again, I apreciate your understanding, and not thinking I am a horrible person! haha :) baby dust

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12 years ago

nope! you're not a horrible person - you're just a lady ttc and it gets to all of us, every month, every day, every minute until our bfp is screaming "YOU DID IT"!!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

No feeling guilty ladies. Thats the point of this thread. I look at it as group therapy and were here to vent and get this negative energy out.

Shannon its okay to realize their are some problems and frustrations that come with having a baby. That doesnt make you bad. We all think that way. Reevaluate the con and pros. No worries

Aryian I guess I feel guilty some too but I have to get this crap out or it comes out in the form of a meltdown and thats not good.

I hope you ladies feel comfortable venting and sharing. most of us are thinking and feeling the exact same crap so its unlikely anyone on here thats been ttc for a while would judge you.

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

soo kinda off topic, but has anyone tried Soy Iso? thinkin of trying it this cycle, but also kinda scared cause I have heard of it messing up some womens cycles?

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12 years ago

Shannon yeah, I've heard they mess up your cycle as well. I don't know for sure though since I've never tried it.

So I've taken 3 dollar tests tonight, 2 were negative and one was either faint positive or the worst freakin evap line ever!!!

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

Hello fellow ttc ladies

Yup it was a stupid evap line after all. Tested like crazy the past few days and nothing but freakin negatives. Stupid stupid stupid tests. Af should be making an appearance very soon now.

Made the mistake of clicking on the due feb 2013 thread. Some jerk on there is pregnant with baby number 5!!!!! Are you effin kidding me??????? Who the Hell gets on a website like this to chat about their 5th pregnancy??? Hey Lady if your goal was to make me feel like shit, mission accomplished!!!!!

Ok that was a vent. To the lady preg with #5 good luck. I dont hate you I just hate your super fertile UTERUS!!!!!!!! What can I say its been a long year of failures for me. af hormones are def at work tonight.

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

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