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TTC PARTY! BYOB: Bring Your Own Baby! AKA AF Christmas Girls

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Ok ladies...

Our last thread was 17 pages long!
We were honest, open and held nothing back.

I really enjoyed every one of your posts and want to thank you so much for being such a fantastic support to me and to all of the other beautiful women on the thread. Everyone has got something unique and special to offer... Let's help eachother through this next month.
Here we go! On our way to making some babies!

Thanks so much for joining me on this journey!

BIanca's Mama (NIcole)

338 Replies • 13 years ago



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Yay Eric!!!! Yum, yum, yum!!!
Your going to love book 4 ;) haha

Nicole, so sorry the witch showed :(

Tink - I think you have incredible willpower. I'm not even sure I'll be able to last until 11dpo to start testing. Ideally I'd rather wait until Feb 10 (the day af is due) but I don't see that happening!!

13 years ago

Baby Mumma,
thank u, I do have incredible will power but after trying and waiting for almost four years, I figured 10 more days should be a piece of cake.... um but it is a little nerve racking. well I believe in your will power you can wait. but just in case you get POAS early frenzy than u can POAS on Feb 1 like me and then we can post our results.. Much baby dust to you.

13 years ago

Wow Tink you have some serious will power! I get that your nervous about poas but you are SOO late already! I will honestly be shocked if you don't get a bfp! I saw you posted something about frequent urination on a different thread? Seriously??? I would be poas right now!! LoL! That was how I knew the last time I was pg... I was running to the washroom almost more than my pg friend! LoL! Good luck! I hope Feb 1st is good to you! (And serious girl, you got will power!!)

Corvina, in bed till 3?? You even have me beat! LoL! Only reason I got up was cause the dog was licking my face (he wanted outside) LoL! Needed to clean the house before dh got home today too... when I'm grouch I tend not to clean, so hasnt been a good week for the house! LoL! I blame it on all the damn 's & ! LoL!!

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13 years ago

Well, I just ordered my preseed and opk's for this month. I was convinced I would not be doing it this month, but whatever.

Bianca, it looks like you and I are going to be on very close cycles this month. It all depends on if your body likes the 26 days better, haha. I am supposed to O on the first. AF is due the day after Valentine's Day, which is the day before hubby's birthday. Wouldn't a bfp be a wonderful birthday gift for him! Here's to hoping! Since I am not preggy, I am going to make myself a yummy blender drink.


13 years ago

schmidty - are you still crampy? what else do you feel right now?

I still in the running, I guess. But trying not to get my hopes up.
as I said in my last post, I have weird things going on in my mouth.. dry mouth, thirst, strange taste...and now things are tasting right. very strange...

AF is due tomorrow, maybe... my cycles are never exact each month, so I am not entirely sure.

DH told me that I look different...then I went to the gym and ran into a friend and she said something similar.

oohh.. the head games!

13 years ago

IKR! Well the other reason I'm waiting is because KC and I promised my mother and his mother we would wait until they come to visit us to test. Within the last two months three of my friends my sister and KC's sister all either found out they were expecting or gave birth. So all the attention has been with them. I didn't want to take any of their attention. So we figured come Feb 1 every thing will be calm and then we can give our good news hopefully!?

13 years ago

Aw Tink that is very sweet of you to wait for them before you test! Really hope you get your bfp!

Well I am starting to get crampy, and gushy not loving this weekend so far!! LoL, should just have one more heavy day before things calm down... can't wait till next weekend!!! LoL!!

Bens - Good luck, I hope af doesnt show tomorrow and you get your bfp!!

Corvina - you O on the 1st? I should be around the 4th I am going to have to run out sometime and get some more O tests as well... ran out last cycle and was hoping that would be the end of it. Oh well.

Well dh is finally home, so I am off to snuggle on the couch!! & to all!!

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13 years ago

Tink & Bens- good luck ladies! I'll keep For your 's

As for me....I'm Soooo cranky today! Bfn this morning and now I'm sitting here waiting for to show...ugh! Since the witch is scheduled for Monday I don't think there's a chance that I could still get a bfp this month. Looks like we'll be hanging together for another month

My gyno appointment is booked for Feb 1 which should be the middle of my fertile period so maybe she can work some kinda miracle for me.

I'm totally agreeing with the idea of yummy blender drinks but unless I wanna feel slightly guilty, I should wait for the witch first.

13 years ago

I stayed in bed today too until almost 10 then ate lunch did some errands and went back to take a nap until 4PM! I have been really tired... could be a good sign..... or just a long week.... It was only 10 degrees here today and -10 yesterday..brrrr...

13 years ago

Tink, can I at least STRONGLY suggest that you start taking prenatal vitamins? If you ARE pregnant, you need to be getting prenatal care. I understand that you're scared and nervous of getting a BFN, but it's more important that you get help for your baby if get a BFP!

Ladies, I think the blender drinks idea sound marvelous for you!! Take care of yourselves, get a pedi, baby yourselves! You're all wonderful and I just KNOW that you're going to get your babies!

I'm 13dpo today and took two more tests, just to be sure. Both came up strong, fast positives. I'm just so paranoid. I'm just so afraid of something happening...I'm not cramping at all, and I still feel a lot of the same symptoms as before. I'm just terrified that I'm going to do something that will jeopardize my baby.

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13 years ago

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