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Private Testers Support Group Part 2!

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Hello my lovelies! We need a new thread because the old one is huge. Let's stay together and keep our little unit going!

443 Replies • 10 years ago



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LJT I will have you in my prayers tonight.

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10 years ago

Blue, sorry for the bfn, fingers crossed for you

Luv, sorry for your bfn too. Hope it changes.

Ljt, sorry that things are so tough at the momeny. Hoping things improve soon.

Afm, cd1 here. Af was 4 days late so ive been going a little crazy. So I am very glad to see af lol.

10 years ago

@sailorsgirl23 - Ugh, I hate when af is late for unexplained reasons! Drives me crazy as well. Good luck this cycle!

@afmedic109- Thanks. I hope all my symptoms are a good thing as well! Have a great day!

@LJTsMomma- I am sorry to hear about you and your Grandmother's health problems! I am hoping for the best for both of you.

@JLHart22- Glad you like your new doctor! It makes things so much easier when you get along.

@luvtowalkfast- Sorry about the negative first response. But you are right. It may just be too early!

11 or 8 dpo today. Not entirely sure. Either way I am not currently pregnant. And it sucks. Last day off before going back to work tomorrow.

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10 years ago

Hey ladies sorry things have been hectic at work like usual and i have been trying to help my mom run her errands after work seeing she goes in on thursday for her knee surgery! so its left me little time to get on here.

LJT: i am soo sorry to hear about your grandmother. i know it is extremely hard from my own personal experiences. I will be keeping you and her both in my thoughts and prayers!!

luv: good for you that you finally got to!! i dont think i have gone since yesterday morning which kinda hurt..!! that would be great to have a few girls to be bump buddie with. outside fo a headache and some congestion and another night of restless sleep i feel ok overall..just a little tired.

AFM: i am currently 12dpo. The only thing that is keeping me from even attempting to test is one i only have one HPT in the house right now and im not going out to buy another one. and two with doing the iui and the HCG shot i havent wanted to test early just in case i get a false positive from the remaining HCG form the shot. so i have been waiting it out like a good little My dh wanted me to wait until saturday to test so he could be home but i dont think i will make it that far without testing. as it is im trying to not test before thursday morning...kfx we will havea rush of bfp's this month even if i am not one of them

BLue: dont give up hope yet you have had some great symptoms and as everyone says you are not out until AF shows. Im really hoping you can be part of the many bfps this cycle...!!

10 years ago

Hi ladies!

Hope all is well with you ladies...I am at work...trying to act We are having flurries off and on...wish we had a true snow day so I could have stayed home or at this point just go home...LOL!

LJT, thinking of you!

Luv, you asked about what I liked from Omaha Steaks, the potatoes are amazing! I haven't had anything in awhile as my parents used to get products...should ask them to buy some and send to me and the hubs!

Amag, hope you get some rest soon! I PASSED OUT on my hubby last night, lol, but it was the best sleep in awhile :) Hoping you and Luv are next in our BFP pool!!

Blue, I agree with Amag, pulling for you!! You are right on the doctor front too, I really feel blessed and I have only met with her that one time ;)

Sailor, hey lady! FX'd this is the last you see of her for awhile!

Cam, praying today is better for you!

Jan, hey there! How are you?!

Law, what's on tap today?? Hope you are feeling well!

AFMed, sooo happy for you!! How did you tell your hubby?

AFM, I am feeling ok...better rested at least. Looking forward to Friday and of course next week. Trying not to focus on 'symptoms' but you know how that Breasts still really tender, some constipation as well, but no cm it seems...not sure what to think, so trying not ready for more BFPs on this forum, feeling really good about all of us!! Just a matter of time...

10 years ago

JLH I am excited about all the stuff coming up! I feel like you'll have a million answers next week! :) Agree about those Omaha Steaks potatoes! My mom gets me and my brothers big orders of OS for Christmas, it is the best gift ever!

LJT sorry about your health problem and your grandmother. The only words you need on this forum are to respond to what we say. There is no right or wrong thing to say as long as we know you care.

afmedic your progesterone is probably great! Are you going to keep testing to see progression?? I am dying to see your line get darker!

lawbride what is a nuchal translucency? I am so clueless about what happens once you're actually pregnant ;)

Cam and janise hope you gals are having a good Friday!

sailors sorry about AF :( But if you were glad to see it then that is good too! It's such a tease when that witch is late! Argh! You're gonna get back to charting this cycle right?

bluerose I'd forgotten how early you were for testing! Yeah girl, a BFN at 10 DPO is nothing! I hope you can enjoy your day off, relax, watch TV, eat nachos or some such ;)

amag I think holding off on testing is a great idea! True about the trigger shot too. Wouldn't want that to be the reason for a "BFP" :) Hey even if you get AF at least you have IVF coming your way very soon! Either way you'll be pregnant in a few months!! So exciting! :)

AFM 11 DPO and not much new happening. Slept bad again last night, which I expected because I got over 11 hours the night before. I hardly ever get fatigue in the TWW, usually I'm just generally a bit tired but I sleep like crap! Just watched The Bachelor from last night, what a train wreck. I tweeted it. LOL!

10 years ago • Post starter

luv: i think you are right. that may be another reason im ok with waiting right now too.. i know my time is coming if not this cycle it wont be next because we have to obstain but one of the next few after that we will be doing our first egg transfer and my dr says she believes there is no reason it would not take with the first couple I am not as stressed out as i usually am. i know what you mean about being tired. i usually am a little in the tww to begin with but this weird sleep pattern now is driving me crazy. i would try to nap after work but if i do then by the time i get home and nap i wont be tired enough to go to sleep so i just have to deal with it!!

Jada: glad at least someone is sleeping. it always seems whenever i am that close to just passing out thats when Dh decided he wants to go figure...haha

How is everyone else doing? anyone have any good plans this week before superbowl. I am just helping mom get ready for surgery.. i will be dropping her off at the hospital on wednesday night and her surgery is very early on Thursday morning. i have to go help my brothers fiance get the extra room ready for when my mom gets out. seeing they have more room there she will be going there after surgery . Other than that nothing really going on here for the rest of the week. Have a day off tomorrow so i plan on staying in bed and catching up on sleep as much as possible...

10 years ago

Hey there...

Just finished giving a brief to our newly hired employees...the only real productive things I plan to do today, LOL.

Luv, I am soooo asking my parents for some, shoot may call my mom now and put the bug in her ear! HA! How's your day going? Can't wait to find out answers!!

Amag, hilarious..I feel the same way about my dh at "don't you see I am sleeping???" ha ha. But I do believe this is my fertile week sooooo hey! I really hope this is your month!!!

AFM, READY TO GO HOME!! LOL... that is all :)

10 years ago

Hey my beautiful ladies I passed my anatomy physiology lab test, now studying for my microbiology test also microbiology lab test tomorrow. Ughhh but hey I can do it! I'm looking for more bfps on here!!! I'm testing on Feb 5. My baby will be 11 on Saturday I gotta think of's always something over here! Oh and we are looking for another place to move to by March 1. Super busy over here. Pray for me please ladies!!!

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10 years ago

Cam! You got this :)

10 years ago

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