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Been at this a while...Private "Testers" Support G

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Hey! So the "Testers" thread was getting way too big, and way too chaotic, so I decided to make this thread hidden away in the Long-Term board... Because I know a lot of us have been at this for a while and we had such a close knit group and I don't want to lose that. So if you ladies want to join me here, please do! Hope nobody is offended by my doing this, I just cannot keep up with the new folks and honestly a lot of them do not "get it" at all. :(

752 Replies • 10 years ago



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afmedic-will you always deploy together or will you have to leave each other? Will there always be one parent NOT deployed to be with your kid(s)?

10 years ago

Law- With our jobs being different we most likely would not deploy together, But with the deployment schedule there is a chance the deployments could over lap. If that happened we would have to use our emergency family care plan and our daughter would go to my in laws, until the other parent came home. I hate the idea of deploying any more since I had her. I have deployed 3 times prior to having her. Dh just did his 3rd. He was deployed while I was prego then last year.

10 years ago

@luv: I am sooooooo sorry! I missed your post earlier. I have not been ignoring you all day on purpose. So sorry!! And your poor dh :( I can't imagine how he feels. This has got to be really hard on him. Hopefully all will go well with the iui tomorrow and he won't have any trouble making his deposit. Keeping my fingers crossed and big hugs to you both!!!

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10 years ago

luv--I just went back and reread your post. That's so incredibly heart breaking. DH and I actually had a few fights about impotence so I can relate. It more than anything made me feel inadequate and bad about myself because it had never happened until AFTER my body went through these crazy changes and I just internalized it and made it about me. I think it really hurt him that he was having problems and it was really about anxiety over TTC (for him) and just mental. I hope tomorrow goes well--does he give the sample there or at home and you bring it in? I hope it goes well and without any pain or awkwardness. I'm rooting for you.

10 years ago

afmedic--I couldn't even imagine. I guess it's destined to happen though since you have so much time left. Hopefully you never deploy at the same time. What's the average length of a deployment?

10 years ago

Law- Anywhere between 6 months to a year. I would gladly go again if I am needed because I know it is what I signed to do, but of course the mother in me does not want to go again.

10 years ago

SMH sounds like you had an awesome day! I Didn't Know I was Pregnant always horrifies me! How were the cupcakes?

Rice hello hello! Sorry again, gah! I think I got everyone this time...

lawbride thanks for the kind words! I'm sorry to hear that you dealt with something similar, it definitely can make a lady feel like "maybe it's me!" I just wonder if it's because he can't sleep well. It's been an issue since we moved in together, so maybe sleeping in the same bed is a bad idea? Speaking of which I hope you're sleeping better now!

bluerose thanks girl! Hope that you do O earlier this month, you had to wait a while last time right?

Cam hello! I do love your attitude :) I don't want to reveal my full name here because I talk about so much personal stuff that I don't want anyone googling me to be able to trace me back to here and read about it ;) Nothing personal against you girls, just me being paranoid about people I know IRL!

mydarling wow that is one early little guy you got! I think it's very smart to wait to test, tests get expensive and it's silly to test too early and be disappointed. Your bathroom plans sound awesome! How long will it take to do all that?

afmedic I don't know about your OPK for sure, but I know Clomid gives me very early near-positives but they end up getting lighter before they get darker, so who knows? Definitely a good idea to start BDing now ;) I think the Christmas eve celebration is an awesome plan! You have a good explanation ready too ;)

AFM I got half my pretzels done and ate one, it is delicious! I'm a bit nervous that the IUI will be as traumatizing as last time, but a different nurse is doing it so hopefully it will go more smoothly. Fortunately I don't have to work tomorrow so if it goes badly I can stay home and sob!

10 years ago • Post starter

luv---I certainly hope it goes better. Sleep-wise it's hit or miss--some nights DH snores worse and it makes it harder for me to sleep. I'm going to try to remember to take benadryl every night on the off chance that it helps even a little bit.

afmedic--that's completely understandable. so...are you getting excited about your new position?

10 years ago

Luv- I will be thinking of your tomorrow, I hope it all goes well and not as bad as the previous one. I am def going to keep testing with OPKs to see what happens. I am glad my temps stabilized. As long as I am with my family on Christmas I am happy no matter where we may be at the time.

Law- I am getting excited for the move, I think mainly because of all the crap going on in my clinic. We only have 3 males in my duty section and with all the females sometimes the drama can run high. It's like I am in freakin High School sometimes.

10 years ago

law- My husband will probably help, but it'll mainly be my dad. He's a fixer man, cars, houses, plumbing, electrical, you name it. My folks just added 1400 sq ft to their house all on their own, without any contractors. He's pretty inspiring. :)

afmedic- That's awesome. To be honest, if anyone does the fixing around here, it's usually me. I typically do all that stuff, but I'm lucky cause I absolutely HATE doing wash, and he's happy to do the laundry and dishes! haha we sort of have reverse roles sometimes :P Have fun bding and hope you get that temp rise soon!

luv- Yeah he was a little over 3 weeks early, so he had to go through all the preemie testing. I ended up getting an infection because I was in labor for so long (20 long hours), and so he had to stay for 4 days with antibiotics until his culture was finished. Tests are expensive, and BFNs are depressing! The bathroom plans all happen depending on how much money we can save. It'll be a buy as we go process. My work is SUPER slow for the holidays but in Jan, I'll be NONSTOP busy, so that means good $$$. :) A curious question, what made it traumatizing? like what are the steps to IUI? I hope it goes very smoothly for you!

AFM I didn't get too much cleaning done today, I ended up spending more time organizing my books (in order from tall to short and from there, alphabetical) and then my CDs and DVDs. Sadly, my son will probably wreck that order within the week. :/ Hopefully tomorrow will be more productive! Have a nice night ladies!

10 years ago

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