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Starting clomid, anyone with us? Can we get a hell ya!Part13

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Lucky 13!!

Welcome to part 12 of our discussion group! Our forum is for anyone using Clomid or Femara for treatment. We are all super friendly ladies, so please come and share your story with us!

For anyone looking to catch up, part 12 is here:

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

556 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi, ladies! So, um, I'm back. It was nice to take the four week break and just have fun and forget about TTC for a while. If you remember, I had just had my third failed IUI and the doctor told me I need IVF to get pregnant and carry to term.

Anyway.... Lo and behold.... This happened this month....

We aren't too hopeful about it sticking, since that is my main problem. Doc thinks the embryos don't make it out of my fallopian tubes, which is why we need IVF. I've been down this road before. But I'm trying to be positive. I had blood drawn this afternoon and will have beta results tomorrow.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Hi Felurian. Welcome back!! And with such good news! I will be praying for you and I hope this is the one. Good luck and please keep us posted!

10 years ago

Welcome back felurian!

I just had my first IUI yesterday (round 4 of clomid). Seeing an RE now and being monitored and feeling much more optimistic about it all. The NP said I was definitely ovulating when she did the IUI, which would be cd13, my earliest O ever, so I take that as a very GOOD sign.

She said I have to act pregnant until I find out I'm not - no alcohol (telling friends I'm on antibiotics so no one freaks out) and 70% exercise ... I take a BodyCombat class I'm REALLY going to miss.

10 years ago

Are IUI's painful?

TTC #1 for over 6 yearsMyself (35)-DH (33)1 Blocked tube<img src=

10 years ago

congrats felurian.. All the best for a healthy 9 months ..

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10 years ago

OMG Felurian!!! This is wonderful news!!!!! I am so very excited for u and ur husband!!! Fxd tht everythig is as smooth as possible!!!
I should be starting my new cycle withn the next week and could not be more excited to do so! We too will be starting the IUI treatments. I am now one week and one day post surgery and have my 2nd follow-up on Monday morning. I also sart my workouts back up this eve, only less intense, but that is ok if it will help;)
Hello to everyone else as well!!!!

10 years ago

ssurra, yay! I hope your IUI is it for you!!! Fingers crossed

MrsMullen, heal quickly! I hope your IUI goes well! I hope your new cycle comes soon.

Thank you all for the well wishes :) I took some more tests today, and I think it's definitely clearer now.

I got the beta results from yesterday, and they were 27.8. I go back Monday for another test.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Lacey -- No, IUIs aren't painful. A bit uncomfortable, very much like getting a pap -- and just as quick.

10 years ago

Congrats on the BFP!
I'm on cd 11 after taking my 2nd round of clomid days 1-5 and today have been having really strong sharp o pain, its different to the o pain i normally get do you think it could be my ovaries preparing to o?? I'm in UK and not being monitored just told to take 100mg days cbfm shows high and has for 3 days but no sign of +opk yet

10 years ago

I still seem to be having hot flashes at night, although they are not as bad as they were while taking clomid. On CD 11 now. Excited about blood test tomorrow!

10 years ago

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