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Anyone hoping for a March baby?

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About me:

On month #11. So, so impatient. Tired. Going crazy. And getting scared :(

On 2nd round of Clomid, 50 the first time around, 100 this time.

Currently (Friday, 6/22) on CD 13.

This site says if we were to conceive this round, we'd be due March 17 - St. Patrick's Day. Thats gotta be a good (lucky) sign, right?

Just looking for some gals around the same cycle day/ boat as gets a little tiring trying to talk to your DH about these things!

Baby dust!

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268 Replies • 12 years ago



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pinkbride..i am so so sorry for your loss. I was really excited for you. a chemical pregnancy is a pregnancy regardless. hate that term "chemical" because it makes it sound like we're just making stuff up.its a roller coaster of emotions all the way through trying to conceive.
just know that we are all here to support you and hopefully you will get a sticky bean soon.
i'm also sorry to hear about your ob being so flippant about the whole situation. personally..i'd switch doctors because I need a doctor who is going to listen to me. Regardless of you testing early..if your period was a week late, you would have tested anyway and found out you were pregnant so that argument is stupid. are we supposed to wait 6 weeks with no af without testing? that just upsets me when an OB isn't understanding what you are going through...thats thier job.

my best friend had several miscarriages ..several weeks into her pregnancy and the doctors basically reacted the same towards her as well and were very insensitive and didn't bother investigating why she was having repeated miscarriages. but she did have a beautiful eventually. so i know we'll all get there...just stay strong!!

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11 years ago

pinkbride- no, they haven't always been this long, I had a MC in March and my cycles haven't gone back to "normal" since then. It will be 4 months next week and I'm on my second cycle :P the first cycle was 49 days... which is still super long, but seems wonderfully short at this point! I wish I had answers to your questions about your CP. :( Doctors can sometimes aren't the most compassionate people when it comes to CP and MC. I had a doctor in the hospital give me what she called her "miscarriage speech" after I had an U/S and they couldn't find a heartbeat. I lay there with tears streaming down my face as she belittled my loss and talked about my baby as if it were a bodily function and not my precious child. I don't care how far along someone is when they lose a baby, you still love each precious life, and it still hurts. I'm so sorry you have to go through this, just know that you are not alone!

"Baby Sprout" 3/17/2012 User Image

11 years ago

Thanks ladies, you don't know how much your support means to me. I didn't really tell anyone that we were pregnant, bc it was too early, so talking to anyone I know about the loss is just too hard. My poor husband is trying to be there, but lets face it, guys just don't understand. They think giving a sperm sample and performing every other night are the world's worst delimenas! LOL. Anyhow, my BFF does know we miscarried, but she's only 6wks along so I'm pretending it's easy and no big deal bc I don't want to scare her, if she isn't already.

Angeluv- you are so right about my OB. I started thinking the same thing, but wasn't sure if I was being too sensitive bc it's still raw. I wanted to reevaluate my feelings in a week or so. How are you doing? How many days dpo are you, or did AF come and you're joining me in the quest for an April Baby?

MikesKT- whoa! Praying your cycles go back to normal soon! Isn't there a medication they can give you to help you do that? Thank you for your sentiment and sharing your experience. I know drs/nurses are delivering the facts, but I think there is a compassionate way of doing so. When you've been trying and are as vested as us ladies are, we love the baby even before we know we have it. I think every woman on here that is desperately seeking that BFP is doing it bc they already have so much love in their hearts. I wish drs/nurses considered that before speaking.

Anyhow, you ladies truly are the best! This has been my most favorite, friendly, comforting and amusing thread I've ever been apart of! I couldn't think of more deserving mommies!

DH (39) Me (33) Married since June 2011 TTC #1 since April 2012 CP July 2012 User Image

11 years ago

Have to rush to work but just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss Pinkbride. I lit a candle and said goodbye to my baby and that really helped me. Even though it doesn't feel like it now it does get easier with time. Also don't be too hard on DH. It's a loss for them too but they often don't know how to process mc or express their feelings and they try and stay strong for us. I watched Marley and Me a few weeks after, totally forgetting they'd had a mc and when the scene came on we both got pretty teary. I wish I could give you a real hug

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11 years ago

Hi pinkbride2011,

When I had a chemical pregnancy in Jan 2012, even my gynaecologist did not educate me why it happened. She was neglecting me or not giving me right treatment when I had been to her for 8 months, no results. So I changed my doctor and saw another Fertility Expert. She suggested me to go for Follicular Monitoring to check if my follicles (egg containing sacs) are growing well or not. At that time, we have to start from cycle day 8 or 9 to check the follicle growth pattern until ovulation by transvaginal ultrasound. In my case, when i did this in April 2012, it was found that the follicles were not growing beyond 6 mm and so did not ovulate. This condition is due to PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and it is treatable. The follicle has to grow ideally 18 mm and then rupture on ovulation day to release an egg. Sometimes when the follicles are not matured (18 mm and above) it is called immature and if such an immature follicle say of size 10 to 14 mm releases an egg, it is not a mature egg, not a good quality egg. Such an egg causes miscarriage or chemical pregnancy. Such eggs have chromosomal abnormalities so nature tends to bring the pregnancy to an end.

I would say, you go for follicular monitoring ultrasound for two months and get a pattern. You will then know if your follicles are growing and releasing mature eggs or not.

If they do, its nice. Otherwise, there are treatments for inducing ovulation which you fertility expert will guide you. I have also taken this treatment in May and June 2012. I had to take Clomiphene Citrate or Clomid from cycle day 2 to 7, that is five days to induce ovulation and then go for follicular monitoring to see the results. My follicles then grew above 18 mm and in this treatment sometimes more than one follicle gets matured releasing multiple eggs, causes of twins and triplets. If Clomid doesn't work for some people, there are other medicines that work.

I don't know, in my case why the egg did not get fertilized May and June 2012. So, this month, July 2012, I went for ovulation induction plus IUI. I am in TWW and waiting to see if I am lucky this month.

I have also found the following info from one web site :

Most women with PCOS either do not ovulate at all or they ovulate irregularly. As a consequence, they usually experience delayed, absent or irregular menstruation. In addition, an inordinately high percentage of the eggs produced by PCOS women following ovulation induction tend to be chromosomally abnormal (aneuploid). Rather than being due to an intrinsic egg defect or being inherent in PCOS women, the poor egg quality is more than likely the result of overexposure to male hormones (predominantly testosterone) produced by the ovarian stroma. These two factors (ovulation dysfunction and poor egg quality) are the main reasons for the poor reproductive performance (infertility and an increased miscarriage rate) in PCOS women.


11 years ago

pinkbride2011, i have also lost two more times earlier as you can see in my countdown history. One was again a chemical pregnancy in April 2010 and second was in five months due to child having genetic defects. All these losses are due to poor egg quality.

And it is very tiring and hurting when one loses pregnancy after having so much of hopes to see your baby in hand.

You are in your early stages so please check if your follicles are growing well.

I would never want anyone to go through what I went through. Its been three years and lot of time got wasted due to lack of treatment from doctor's side and not knowing why all this was happening.

I wish you soon find out the cause of your loss and treat it well, get pregnannt again and deliver a healthy baby soon.

Sending lots of baby dust your way. Take care.


11 years ago


11 years ago

Losing hope... Another BFN at 9dpo with Wondfo. I dont know if I want to go through this again next month.

11 years ago sorry for your loss, honey!! to you. It's so frustrating when your doctor a) doesn't feel any sense of urgency with what you're going through and b) are completely dispassionate about it. What they said about testing "early" may have been true, but there are ways of saying that without coming off as jerks.

sunanshu - thanks for all the great info! Definitely will be armed with this stuff the next time I talk to my doc. She has mentioned all of that - checking follicules, etc - but I'm curious at what point we figure Clomid doesn't work (starting round 3 today) and move on to the next step (assuming DH's appt with urologist goes well next Wednesday).

cannina - I think you're testing way too early. The best embryos implant, at the earliest, at around 7 if that's the case, a positive wouldn't even show up yet! I suggest using the "When Should I Test?" link off the homepage of CTP - it's really helpful in giving you guidelines of when to test. I know it's hard to wait, but all you're doing is frustrating yourself, and I think unnecessarily. Hang in there!

All of you ladies are just amazing. I've been on some threads and it can get pretty dramatic and ticky-tacky, and there has been none of that here. I'm so proud of all of us for keeping this going! I've been a little MIA the last 2 days, keeping to myself and trying to accept the fact that we are onto month #12 of trying............but you girls do nothing but give me hope - and smiles! to you all - I have complete faith it will happen for us all soon!

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hi nsking83,

As far as I know and from various places it is given that 6 rounds of clomid is safe. In my case, after two rounds of clomid plus natural trying to conceive, when it did not work, i went for clomid plus IUI. This way various combinations you can try. After six rounds of clomid, i guess your fertility expert will suggest you some other medicine. Or else you can take a break of few months say one or two and try continuing clomid again.



11 years ago

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