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5 DPO Cycle#9 {{Need A Buddy}}

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Hello, Im A Newbie Here, Just Trying To Find Some Friends In The Same Boat As Me TTC. I Have Been TTC For Almost A Yr And NOTHING YET. Im 5DPO And Praying For A Sticky Seed This Month:))


Dear God, Please Bless My Husband And I With A Baby This Month And All The Other Ladies That Are TTC. **AMEN** User Image

291 Replies • 12 years ago



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Trish, I love you for your optimisim, but mark my word,I am not pregnant! I am laughing as I write this, cause I tested like 3 other times and they were all I will keep you posted, but please don't get too excited, I don't want to let you down Did your dh have his test yet? I for you all. I love your enthusiasm, I don't think that is spelled right I wish you lived closer

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12 years ago

WHOOOP WHOOOP . IDC whaat you say im excited and that your BFP shows up nice and strong. Was all with 1MU? Did you take a digital test yet? Well it aint over til the evil shows. Are you still spotting? PLEASEEEEE stay away from that BLUE DYE . Wait a few more days and test again!!!

Well I looked on my calendar and im 20days late WOWWWW!!!! If I get another I really need to see a doctor quick . I wanted to give in today and test but my DH wants me to wait another week.

Heres a big for you both and blowing tons of :))))

Dear God, Please Bless My Husband And I With A Baby This Month And All The Other Ladies That Are TTC. **AMEN** User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

The was not from fmu. This morning the was. I have never had a false positive, but it was also the dollar store test, so maybe it was a dud. I think YOU should test now. Take some of the pressure off me Trish, I have a question for you. It is kinda gross so I apologize in advance What do you consider spotting? I had spotting again today, but mine is pink and is mixed with that egg white cm. Lovely huh? I did not know if yours was like that or if yours was just blood. Sorry to ask I will let you all know if anything happens. I can not believe you all think this is a good thing, I am feeling really bummed about my Dawn, let me know if you test

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12 years ago

Kb, I don't know what time morning is over there, but it's morning here so technically if you test just now it's FMU - at least somewhere in the world! i'm dying to know what you're next test says!!! I really, really can't wait. Do you keep the positive test? I'm sure you'll have lots more to add to the collection very, very soon! Sending you lots of and crossing my fingers so hard my knuckles are turning white!

Dawn, 20 days late! Perhaps you'll be like one of these women on TV who just end up going into labour one day!!! You really need to go and see a doctor! *putting bossy boots on*, GO AND SEE A DOCTOR! I don't want to have to come all the way over to the bahamas to take you (ok, yes I do!!!). *takes bossy boots off*

WARNING: The rest of the post is TMI. Do not read on! You have been warned!!!

Okay, kb, the spotting question. Normally it starts light brown/pink and turns red/brown and gets heavier the closer I get to AF. By the time I get to AF, it's so heavy I'm not sure where one ends and one begins!


When did your spotting start? It's been a couple of days now anyway hasn't it? I would suggest if it's still a light pink then it definitely doesn't sound like the footprints of the . Sounds to me more like implantation bleeding. Did you have that in any of your other pregnancies.

Of course, there's also the fact that there's a positive HPT lying around your house somewhere...!!!

I'm out all day today and won't be back till late so I'll have to go all day without knowing! Now go test and get back to us asap!!!

User Image Team TTC buddies with Kbcooper and Mommybowleg My Ovulation Chart

12 years ago

The got me. I woke up this morning and there she was My spotting was only pink and it was for 2 days off and on before the witch showed up. I cannot explain my cause when I tested again last night it was a My dh was sad as well. I think that was my warning to stop testing, I need to wait til I miss my period. I had what I believe to be implantation bleeding with my first. I had tried on a bikini, back when I was skinny, and there was a blob of what looked like chocolate pudding on my thigh. I could not figure out what it was, it freaked me out. I am sorry to let you all down, I was excited when I saw the as well. Please let me know if anything goes on with either one of you. Dawn, please test again I really appreciate you all, no one else understands what I am going through and how hard it is to wake up to a period I am thankful for the connection we have
Angels exist but sometimes they don't have wings, we call them friends.

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12 years ago

Awww im sending you both a cyber.

Kimmie im sorry but maybe this is a sign that your is coming real soon. Atleast now you can move on and try again this cycle. I have learned that when you keep testing it ways on your mental. I know it's hard but it's so much easier on your . Now dont be sad handle it like a strong chica and prepare to .

Trish... I promise you I will see a doctor next month I start my job Feb 1. I can't wait to find out what's really going on .

When I test I will Jump on here quick to update.


Dear God, Please Bless My Husband And I With A Baby This Month And All The Other Ladies That Are TTC. **AMEN** User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

Oh, Kb, I'm so, so sorry. I just got back home and this is the first thing I've done since taking my jacket off! I was hoping for much better news. Don't worry, we'll get there. Like you said, we're all in this together and we WILL get our BFPs.

And I agree, nobody understands the highs and lows of this journey better than you two. I;d be lost without you both.

Take a nice relaxing bath tonight, have a glass of wine and just take it easy. Watch your favourite TV or DVD and just forget all about this whole TTC business for the rest of the evening. You'll feel much better tomorrow, I promise.

I'm here for you

User Image Team TTC buddies with Kbcooper and Mommybowleg My Ovulation Chart

12 years ago

You are both so sweet I think I am going to start exercising, I think that might help some. I started taking my vitamin B complex again today. I can't wait til I start again. Dh has been taking that Maca Root, don't waste your money! I don't think it does anything Dawn, I hope you are relaxing now and spending your carefree days as you wish cause it is going to be the first before you know it Trish, with my second son I found out I was pregnant on Valentines day, so that is what we should aim for this next time around Thank you both for the encouragement

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12 years ago

Okay ladies, seeing as we can't be closer to each other and invite each other over for a girlie night, do you fancy arranging a time for us to chat on the new 'chat live' section? It could be the first official team meeting of the Team TTC-ers?

What do you think?

Alternatively, I'm happy for us all to meet in front of a brightly coloured umbrella in the Bahamas and sip cocktails while the warm waves wash over our freshly-manicured toes?! Sorry, I drifted off for a second there...

Hope you're both doing well and focussing on our 2012 BFPs.

x x x

User Image Team TTC buddies with Kbcooper and Mommybowleg My Ovulation Chart

12 years ago

Hey Bugs...

Well this has been the Friday 13th from HELL . DH and I have been fussing all day because he said the only time I wanna is when I think im fertile and that is far from the truth, He really hurt my feelings. He pissed me off early this morning and when he got home from work I just went crazy on him. Well I won the fight he's now getting me cookies and Ice cream. Still no sign of the ..uugghh...

I think the chat thing is great and Bahamas is even better.

Dear God, Please Bless My Husband And I With A Baby This Month And All The Other Ladies That Are TTC. **AMEN** User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

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