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Anyone hoping for a March baby?

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About me:

On month #11. So, so impatient. Tired. Going crazy. And getting scared :(

On 2nd round of Clomid, 50 the first time around, 100 this time.

Currently (Friday, 6/22) on CD 13.

This site says if we were to conceive this round, we'd be due March 17 - St. Patrick's Day. Thats gotta be a good (lucky) sign, right?

Just looking for some gals around the same cycle day/ boat as gets a little tiring trying to talk to your DH about these things!

Baby dust!

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268 Replies • 12 years ago



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i personally think your DH should just go ahead and do it. that way when u see your doctor you can give her the results and if your hubby is okay, she will know how to proceed better.

I think you can go see any urologist and they will either do it there or give you a referral to a clinic where you can get it done and have the results sent back to the doctor.

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11 years ago

I agree! I hate to say this, but I have this feeling that his friends may need some help. I hope I am wrong, and I am not trying to blame him for me not being pregnant, it is just a feeling. If we found out he was ok, I'd feel 100% better!

11 years ago

My DH had to have a referral ("prescription") to a lab to have it done from his general physician....and even then had to explain it was at my ob/gyn's request - but I'd think most GPs would go ahead and order the test if you explained you're in month #11 and still haven't conceived on your own. At that point the GP only needs to be involved, DH's lab faxed the results back to him, who sent over to my ob/gyn. My ob/ gyn actually recommended he see a urologist (since they're considered a "specialist") - DH's GP actually told him everything was "fine," but the lab results themselves have the "normal" paramaters lined up and there are the few things that AREN'T within the normal ranges!! *facepalm* So, off to the urologist he goes next Wednesday....

Our insurance actually covered part of the SA ($55 of the $145 cost) which surprised the heck out of me, since they don't cover the Clomid (thankfully comes in the generic form of serophene and last month only cost me $18).

It's worth asking, could just be an easy fix!

Well girls, many tears later, I've had it with today. Talking to my mom was hard. I know she wants this for me, and my husband, so badly, and she's been praying and hoping just as hard as I have. Just gotta rely on God's plan though, I suppose.

Night, girls. Sweet dreams & .

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11 years ago • Post starter

I'm sorry to hear about all of the AFs :( My heart goes out to all of you. Here's to hoping for an April baby!

I'm lucky enough to be 6 weeks pregnant today, but reading so many of your posts reminds me of what I went through for 9 months so I just wanted to share my experience in the hopes that it may help someone else. First of all, I totally agree with, I believe it was Magenta, who spoke about how stress affects EVERYTHING. Both times that I have gotten pregnant (June 2010 and June 2012) I had just gotten back from my annual trip to a lake in upstate NY where all we do is relax and eat and laugh. I really don't think it's a coincidence that conception happened twice around this time when I was finally relaxed and not stressing over ttc!

There were also a few things I did differently in June that I believe may have helped me to get pregnant. I had crazy long and irregular cycles and I purchased the clearblue easy fertility monitor and used it for the first time. The last cycle before I got pregnant was 59, yes 59, days I had no idea what to expect with this monitor. So you can imagine my surprise when on CD 12 I got a 'high' reading on the monitor. According to the manual, you typically get 4 'high' readings before ovulation and then 2 'peak' days, with the first peak day typically being the day when you ovulate. And this is exactly what happened to me. It was really nice to have a 'heads up', more so than I did with opk's, of when ovulation will happen so my DH and I could plan ahead.

I was also a bit underweight for my height, similar to someone else, I was 5'7" and about 124 lbs. It's mostly because I'm constantly chasing my 16 month old daughter around! But my Dr. told me that I could be putting extra strain on my body by being underweight and that could affect my fertility. So this month I started to make an effort to eat a little more at breakfast and lunch.

Sorry to ramble on, but I know what it's like to search for any information, so hopefully this will help someone. I've got my fingers crossed for all of you wannabe mommies!! Good to luck to everyone still waiting to test!

11 years ago

I wish I would have bought that monitor in the beginning, it probably would have equated to all the money I've spent on OPKs and what not for 10 months!

Congrats Tara! So glad this was your month!

nsking - I wish I could talk to my mom about this...she thinks I should wait to have kids b/c my DH has kids already and she wants me to "enjoy" motherhood. I know she wants the best, and I know she would talk to me if I really needed to, but its hard when you know someone just thinks you are making the wrong decision.

I think that seeing a doc next month is somewhat easing my stress about this. We have pretty decent insurance so hoping to will cover a lot, but I would probably pay a lot for the SA. I just hope that if there are any "problems" with either of us, we can fix them relatively easy.

11 years ago

Morning! Woke up to some EWCM at 8dpo... Confused!!! Still BFN though.

11 years ago

Hi Ladies,
I'm so proud of you all for staying supportive and keeping this thread going!!! I've continued reading, cheering you ladies on, and smiling for the BFP's. On a very sad note, I am no longer a March Mommy... I had a chemical pregnancy and miscarried at exactly 5 weeks. This experience has changed me, made me more guarded and even more scared. It's not just about ovulation, tracking, tww and BFN/P anymore, it's the whole experience until you actually get to hold your baby that has you worried, frustrated, and stressed out. I don't want to be too much of a downer so I won't say anymore, but the whole experience takes a lot of faith, patience and optimism. On that note, I'm onto cycle #4 and hoping I never have to feel the loss I felt this week again.

for everyone!!!

DH (39) Me (33) Married since June 2011 TTC #1 since April 2012 CP July 2012 User Image

11 years ago

Hi pinkbride2011, I am very sorry to hear about your loss due to chemical pregnancy. It reminded me of the chemical pregnancy that I went through in Jan 2012 at 5 weeks, same like you. After that, I came to know that I have PCOS. And started clomid treatment and trying till now. You are a very strong woman can make out from your words. I have no words to express but I know you will soon have a healthy baby. Sending lots of baby dust your way. Take care.


11 years ago

So... you know you have the longest cycle ever when CTP ends it for you because it won't record past 70 DAYS!!! :P Grrrrr.. Never got my AF, but all BFNs too... Took a few digital OPKs on a whim when I noticed some EWCM the other day and had a +OPK!! ... I'm not holding my breath tho, cause if I did O I have a slow rise, and I thought I had O'd before so... Not sure what to think.. kinda afraid to hope.. Wish my body would at least get back to "normal"!

pinkibride- so sad to hear about your loss!! Hang in there!

"Baby Sprout" 3/17/2012 User Image

11 years ago

Thanks MikesKT... and omgoodness!! 70days??? Have they always been this long? What does your ob say about it? Hang in there, I cannot imagine how frustating that must feel.

Thank you Sunanshu, sorry for your loss too! I'm trying to stay strong and optimistic, it's sort of been a rollercoaster of emotions, I'm sure you understand. How did you find out you had PCOS? My OB seems so unconcerned about my CP, they didn't even examine me. They sort of made me feel like it's my fault by saying, "chemical pregnancies just happen and if you hadn't tested so early you would never have known you were pregnant, you would have just thought you had a late period". But that's not true, I tested bc I was puking my guts out and exhausted beyond belief, I wanted to know what was "wrong" with me. Anyhow, how did you get your doctor to be more proactive? Was it your only CP? Sorry for the barage of questions, but I crave more info about why this CP happened to us.

DH (39) Me (33) Married since June 2011 TTC #1 since April 2012 CP July 2012 User Image

11 years ago

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