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The Nice List...December TTC buddies

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Hi everyone! Sara here. decided to start the thread before December I didn't want anyone to steal my threadpost name . Hoping you all get in November but if not hoping you all continue your journey over here with us

265 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm really looking forward to Christmas morning. If I get my first I have it all planned out how I'm going to tell my BF. I'm gonna put the test back in the box and wrap it up. Then I'm gonna right FROM: SANTA on the front and put it under the tree! :D He's gonna love it! We tonight again and I'm starting to realize just how much he wants a baby. I doubt it'll make a bit of difference in my test result this weekend though. :/ I'm so nervous to take the test. GAH! that the wicked doesnt show up!

@Destiny !

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12 years ago

Carilynn -- I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!! Are you having any symptoms yet?

I haven't told my DH yet... still trying to figure out when and how lol... he's so nonchalant so I'm sure that where a surprise like that is quite a big deal for me, he'll just smile and say something like 'nice!' ahahahaha

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12 years ago

@Destiny Yes. I've had horrible nausea the last couple days. I've also been feeling some tugging in my lower abdomen and yesterday and today certain things I've eaten or smelled have made me feel so sick. I've had sore bbs and I feel like a bottomless pit, I can't stop eating. lol. Worst of all though is the exhaustion. I feel like all I do is sleep. I'll sleep all night, wake up for a bit, and then pass out and sleep just about the rest of the day. And when I try to stay awake all day I am so exhausted it makes me feel worse. I'm really really hoping that means I'm pregnanct and not just super paranoid. lol.

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12 years ago

I have the tugging too Cari, and slight cramping (at times, feels like AF is coming). It started this afternoon though, never had it until it now. I get the occasional bout of nausea over the last 7 days, but more like car sickness or getting off an amusement park ride that went upside down too much. It either goes away on its own or I have to eat something to rid of it -- then I feel fine ;) My nipples are getting more sensitive... still not sore per say, but the sensitivity level has increased.

Tonight after a nap, I took my BBT it was 99.1 (I slept about 3.5 hrs). My cervix was low and medium hard when I went to bed, but now its high and I can't reach it (lol, my cervix is like an elevator taking trips down/up from the penthouse suite).

Crossing my fingers and toes and throwing baby dust for all of us testing this weekend, esp xmas day. I am testing Friday & Saturday & Xmas if AF doesnt show up. I am having xmas at my parents house, so to break the news to them, I got a grandma and grandpa burger wrapper from A&W which I am putting lotto tickets into, and the pee stick into my mothers wrapper as well. Thought it a cute way to let them know! You could use a papa burger wrapper for the same idea :)

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12 years ago

@ Mommy and Destiny: Yall owe me a stick!:-( Yep I finally tested in the afternoon and it was a BFN. I'm gonna try uploading one of the images but it was as clear as day. No disputing or second guessing it was a clear negative! Gladly I wasn't too bumbed out by it, I think after the last few cycle's I'm better prepared to deal with BFN's. Yeah right! So far I've had mild cramping and very very light flow. I'm guessing AF will be here fully in the morning. Oh well I'm definitely out for this month, though gladly because my cycle comes round every 23days, I'll be back on the wagon by next week! So Destiny I might just be joining you and Sara for a Sept 2012 delivery!;-0 I'll still be following this thread, so yall keep hope alive for Dec, there are still 10days left!

@ Carilynn: Your're next!

@ Cutegibby: Hope you're unto something good!

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

12 years ago

Aw sorry Steph :-( I'll be due in September too... IF I'm pregnant

12 years ago

My 13 year old brother is spending the night tonight and I'm going to my mom's to spend the night tomorrow so there will be no testing for me until Sunday morning. Even if I wanted to cave and test early I wouldn't be able to. Maybe this is a good thing. lol. I want to test as early as I can but not too early because if I see a BFN I won't want to test again. Anyways..... it's 6:30 in the morning here in Michigan and I have to go pick my brother up and go to my old doctor's office to get my records switched. Probably won't be going back to sleep until I go to bed tonight. Blah. Already wanting to curl up under my blanket and cuddle. lol Talk to you ladies later.

to everyone that has yet to test and and to those that are going to have a beautiful baby!!

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12 years ago

Bummer Steph!! I'm sorry to hear that! Good thing that you do have shorter cycles -- not long to wait to start getting it in again!!!

@carilynn -- Heeey!! I'm originally from Detroit... but I live in Texas now. What part of Michigan are you in?

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12 years ago

@Destiny I'm from Grand Rapids. I was born in Big Rapids though. I've lived here my whole life.

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12 years ago

@ Destiny - CONGRATS!!!!!!! H&H 9 months for you. I hope the luck of this thread will help me along with my BFP this month.

I am only 4 DPO and I will either have AF on New Year's Eve or will be taking a test New Year's Day. No "real" symptoms except gassy the last 2 days and mild twingy pains over my uterus.

Me: 34 DH: 34 TTC #2 DD: 7 & Can't wait to be a big sister User Image

12 years ago

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