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Anyone hoping for a March baby?

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About me:

On month #11. So, so impatient. Tired. Going crazy. And getting scared :(

On 2nd round of Clomid, 50 the first time around, 100 this time.

Currently (Friday, 6/22) on CD 13.

This site says if we were to conceive this round, we'd be due March 17 - St. Patrick's Day. Thats gotta be a good (lucky) sign, right?

Just looking for some gals around the same cycle day/ boat as gets a little tiring trying to talk to your DH about these things!

Baby dust!

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268 Replies • 12 years ago



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Oh, and welcome newbies! for you!

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11 years ago • Post starter

All these messages humble me. I should STOP worrying about a 7dpo BFN.

11 years ago

cannina..don't feel bad we were where you are just a few days ago and we know how stressful it is. Just know that at 7dpo your not going to get a positive test or really any symptoms. You have to wait until day 9 at the earliest, day 11 is more likely..and any day past 13dpo to be certain.

we're just being bitter cuz we got AF lol.

nsking..i do know what u mean about hubbys being a pain. luckily my DH didn't complain at all about the SA. He was actually eager to make sure he was okay..and he is. His blood test said his testosterone is a little low thouh so we're starting shots once a month for him. Hes only scared of the fact that i have to give them to him lol and he think im going to kill him. I've had the same discussion with him though..i've told him "you have NO IDEA what i go through and stress" but luckily he just shuts up and says I know, you're right. did your DH get his SA results back? was everything okay?

how is everyone else doing?

Alisha..any news??

welcome kk and duckie any other newbies!

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11 years ago

angelluv, I'm 3 days late with 2 more neg tests!! at this point hgc would certainly be detected, I'm thinking AF is coming very soon. I am still having all the same symptoms but thinking it's a mind game......gonna go crawl under my rock, how to give my husband the let down again

11 years ago

alisha, i'm sorry your going through this ..i went through this last month. I had the longest cycle i've ever had at 35 days. No AF and all BFNs on every test. i know how much the uncertainty and the small slither of hope hurt and stress you out. good luck

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11 years ago

angeluv - Howdy! Everything came back okay on his SA - EXCEPT FOR total sperm motility number. I was looking closely at it last night and his count was okay (normal is 20-40 mil and he was at 21 mil), and the motility PERCENTAGE was okay (52%, anything over 50% is good), but the total number of actual motile sperm was low. So my ob/gyn wants him to see a urologist to make sure that there is nothing they can do to fix that, and if it's really okay to have that amount.

Also, there was a separate page that discussed sperm shape, and I am pretty concerned b/c it just goes off percentages, and it had a note about how there were great deal with "tapered heads." I have no idea what that means, and so that's why he has to see a urologist. I've told him he will probably have to do it again - b/c I've read a million times that even two samples from the same person in the same WEEk can be different....there are so many factors! Body temp, stress, clothes you've been wearing, the last time ejaculated, food you've eaten, time of we'll see, I guess. But my doc doesn't really want to move forward until he's figured out, b/c with guys it's pretty simple - make sure swimmers are good and going the right way, but for us girls, it can be so many different things. We'll see, I guess.
I'm not sure why he hates it so much - I've tried everything from joking about it ("this has been your favorite pasttime since you were 13, it's just a different place" - btw, bad idea on the joking ) to explaining to him that it's not like he's being judged, doing this is their JOB - to reassuring him that he's probably fine, so why not just check it out?

I've had time to calm down a little and I see it from his perspective - but that doesn't mean I don't want to BD at all this month - but maybe we just won't go at it as hard this month - just have sex when the mood strikes instead of that week of nothing but sex, when it just gets old, y'know? (God, that sounds so horrible). It's just....we're now going into month #12 - so if we don't conceive this month, we're officially in that 10% of couples under 30 who don't get pregnant within a year. When we started trying on our 3rd anniversary last year, I had absolutely no idea or inclination it would be this hard or stressful - I thought I'd have a baby in my arms by now

Alisha - I was right where you are 3 months ago - 5 days late, and 3 BFNs in a row. That's when I finally gave up and called an ob/gyn, who luckily took me on before the "year mark" since my periods were so irregular. Symptoms are so tricky....this whole last 2 weeks since I o'd on 6/25 - I was completely convinced one day, and then not the next. Its been super hot here so I figured some of the nausea and dizziness were coming from that, but I still can't explain the super sore breasts (so bad they woke me up Monday night!). It sucks to want something so bad you feel like your body is almost playing tricks on you! Hang in there & keep us updated!

and to all. You all keep me sane!

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11 years ago • Post starter

I live in NC so it's ridiculously hot here too!! and I like you have begun to place blame on the heat for my symptoms. I also am having terrible boob pain, and my nipples are wanting to stand straight up, whats that all about??? I'm almost freaking my hubby coming home from work today....... he is more sensitive than I am!!! Evidently I am underweight for my height, not sure if that has anything to play in it??? 5'7 123lbs I have tried to come to every conclusion I could. I really think it's not going to happen this month...

11 years ago are totally right about the SA changing from day to day. My best friend..(who has a one year old with her hubby now and it happened on a month when they were taking a break from any fertility drugs)..her husband's SA came back so bad the first time that they told her that there was NO CHANCE of them ever conceiving naturally on thier own. that they needed to go straight to IVF. and they were wrong..and her hubby took a bunch of vitamins, got a second opinion, and his SA numbers went up and she got pregnant without any assistance other than vitamins.

My hubby morphology (sperm shape) was a little low too..the percentages..but they told him that the rest of his numbers were high enough to make up for that. So his urologist gave him the same spiel as my OB..just keep trying naturally for a year. were in month 9...and i really hope this happens before the 1 year mark.

and i totally though i'd be about to have a baby by now too :-( you never anticipate it not happening right away.

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11 years ago

Hi girls, I am so lucky to live in Australia knowing that all medical is free and even IVF is partly covered by the government. I think TTC is a totally different experience to mc and while I agree with you that is does feel good to know you can get pregnant, trust me, it's not so good when you go for your scan and the baby's heart isn't beating. Grief is a different feeling to frustration, hopelessness, anger etc- all the things you feel when TTC. Mine was an early mc and I was so relieved the baby wasn't 20 or 30 weeks because if it is you have to labour it, which would truly be heartbreaking, and stillborn is everyones worst nightmare.

My Dr says stress is the number 1 cause of fertility problems because it changes your hormones, metabolism, everything. Doing daily exercise, eating whole foods, lots of water, relaxation exercises- all this helps with fertility and makes you more resilient in these trying times . I don't want to preach but it truly does

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11 years ago

Angeluv - I have felt the same way, I wish knew I COULD get pregnant, at 11 months, this is getting old, real fast.

So, any urologist will do a SA? I can just call one and they will do it? My DH is open to getting it done and I don't want to have to go through a bunch of hoops, or do you all think I should wait until I see my doc next month and see what she says?

11 years ago

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