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The Nice List...December TTC buddies

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Hi everyone! Sara here. decided to start the thread before December I didn't want anyone to steal my threadpost name . Hoping you all get in November but if not hoping you all continue your journey over here with us

265 Replies • 12 years ago



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I was going to test today but my temp dipped... I think today may be implantation day... so going to wait till test till thursday earliest... more likely friday. Then if its negative, I will test xmas eve or xmas day -- that is the plan at the moment (*hint* plans do change for us POAS addicts, lol).

See i have one senstive test (non digital) and then two CB digital tests. What I was going to do is if it shows a line, any kind of line on the sensitive, I was going to also do the digital to be "sure".

Lol... sigh, I feel like time is standing still... anyone specialize in time travel? LOL!

Baby dust for all of us TTC this holiday season!

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12 years ago

@Destiny I put mine on top of the fridge as well so hopefully I won't think about them. I'm actually a little afraid to test because I really don't want to see a negative. I want a positive so bad! :/

@Steph I don't know if I will be able to but I think my fear of seeing another negative will keep me from testing this week.

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12 years ago

Where to start... Yesterday I got a positive on my opk and DH and I have been BD every night since Saturday night and we decided to one more night to be sure in case my ovulation didn't happen until the 21st, which is when it is supposed to happen. Well the last three night I haven't...erm...gotten mine, so tonight I thought, "Screw it, I'm getting my OTHER O." Well DH did an amazing job as usual then we were working on his finish when our 22 month-old DS comes up the the bed crying and climbs into bed with us! My DH tried to cover us up but DS realized that something was going on and started yelling "No, Daddy!" Oh my gosh... Well, DH didn't get the troops deployed so we're just going to have to pray that his swimmers from the last few nights can get the job done!

I cannot WAIT for our son to have his own room again...

So I'm in the tww now and I'm SO grateful that Christmas and new years offer a distraction since I'm determined to not use the 20 tests I got in the mail today until the 4th! (yeah, right)

12 years ago

Hey Ladies..

Well showed up on the 16th. 2 days early.. ughhh... I'm kinda giving up on the thought of having another baby...its been a year since i lost my baby and my fallopian tube. I really had faith that i would have another baby naturally.. my doc continues to tell me that it is possible....but i just don't see how.

Sorry to sound so bummed..but bummed is what i am.

to you all of you. if you start a Janurary thread please post.. hopefully i get over this bummed feeling and get back on the wagon.

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12 years ago

I am so over the mooooooooooooooooooooon!!!! I just tested and I got a faint positive!!

Yall were right about me...I couldn't wait. LOL

I wouldn't have tested, but ALL of a sudden today -- I noticed smells were more distinct (that I almost gagged at) and I've got a boatload of saliva going on. Then about 20 minutes ago, my boobs started tingling and swelling almost like a breastfeeding letdown. Something told me... eh, what the heck. Go POAS.

I'm going to post the pic later and test again in the morning just to be sure... but I am so STOKED right now!! WOO HOO!!

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12 years ago

@ Mommybandy: Loooooooool!!!! Girl you had me trippinhg up!!! This is too funny! And then poor your hubby after all that effort, didn't get the troops out in time. I feel for you and him! lol Seriously though I hope your efforts so far will pay off. So you won't test until the 4th huh? Yeah right! hehehe

@ Destiny: Oh my! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! that is sooooo amazing! I knew you couldn't keep away from those test, that was put on the fridge top downstairs! lool! Still I'm happy for you. Roll on tomorrow, can't wait to images.

@ Lisluc: Cheer up girl! We're here for you. I'm sure I'm out for this month too. So I'll be with you on the January thread.

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

12 years ago

@Destiny: Thats so awesome to hear!!! Congrats on making it onto the nice list!!! Im expecting AF on Friday and wanted to know what the best pregnancy test you have found that you can get at the store.
Have a healthy and happy 9 holidays months!!!!!

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12 years ago

Thanks everyone!!

@steph -- yeah, after my sobbing meltdown this morning followed by the smells and extra saliva I figured I'd go ahead and try. All the rest of the symptoms I've been having were very minor and PMS-like so the sudden increase/change in symptoms certainly caught my attention. If nothing else, AGAIN I've learned from this experience to not underestimate your body and/or symptoms until you have a concrete answer (AF) ... keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

@bandy -- OMG I CRACKED UP when I read your post!!! Bwaaaahahahaha -- you must've been mortified! LOL Good thing yall got it in the night before lol

@bondy -- I used First Response. As expensive as they are, those are the ones I tend to buy. In the past, I've also used Answer and the Dollar Store kind. FR are on sale this week at Walgreens if it helps.

@carilynn -- good luck with holding out honey... I know that can be difficult.

@lisluc -- I'm so sorry tp hear that! I pray that you get your two lines soon! I know its easier said than done, but please try to keep your head up.

@gibby -- can't wait to hear your results!!

to everyone testing soon!!

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12 years ago

So I feel like I'm getting a cold. I have the stuffy nose and watery eyes and stuff. But I read that can be a symptom after implantation. Gah I'm getting all paranoid. I've been charting my symptoms and I'm thinking if I don't get my BFP this month I'm not charting them again. I can't afford the stress. My BF keeps telling me to just test but I really don't want to test too early and see that negative. Anyways, I really need to get some sleep. Talk to you all in the morning. :)

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12 years ago

@ Destiny: Thanks girl! Once again I'm really happy for you. Can't believe you've graduated leave us from TWW:-( Gonna miss you. Hope to see you over there soon!:-)

OK peeps so it's day 25 of my cycle, 11dpo and still no sign of AF! My cycles are usually 22/23days long, which I confirmed after adding all my cycle span for the entire year, and divide by the number of cycle's I've had my average is 23.5days, so I know I'm definitely over by a few days. I've had the odd cycle that lasted a few days longer, which is what I'm guessing is happening this time round. Now it's easy for me to do a HPT in the morning, however I just don't want to do it and get a BFN, hence I'm VERY reluctant to test till at earliest Friday. Does anyone think I should do otherwise? Maybe AF will be here by the morning if not it'll def be here on Thurs. So I say! Till I realise AF has gone AWOL!!! Wouldn't that be great!

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

12 years ago

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