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January/February IVF Buddies

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I'm having a tough time finding a board for just women going through their IVF cycle, so I figured I would start one!

I'm 27, DH is 29. Due to some of DH's new health problems, we started banking sperm after 3 years ttc (1 year actively trying everything naturally possible) and I had a scope test done and found out my tubes are completely blocked which is our main issue. We're now on the track for IVF as that is the only way we'll be able to get pregnant.

I start Lupron shots January 6th and stim meds will start around the 19th or so. Hoping to do a retrieval end of January and a 5 day transfer the first week of Feb which will give us an October 2017 due date.

Here's hoping it works! This is my first cycle doing IVF so the nerves of giving myself all the shots is starting to get to me! If there are any other women out there within this same calendar time frame, feel free to join me in freaking out :)

56 Replies • 7 years ago



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Taurio - 26 eggs, thats amazing! I can't believe your clinic doesn't update you, mine said they would call every day to give an update. I would think that would help with the over analyzing and stressing!

Luckylady - I'm sorry there was only 1 egg, but as Taurio said that's all you need! This could be "the one".

I just got back from my last US and got the go ahead to trigger tonight! We'll be doing the retrievals Monday morning!! I've been giving myself all of the stim injections, but hubs is going to have to give the trigger. They were also showing him how to do the progesterone oil...watching that after reading what you ladies said about it worried me while learning haha They had him push some out from the syringe to show just how thick it was and it was like shaking so they said "eh maybe this bottle is just extra hard, but you can warm it up with a warm towel" so I told him he was going to have to give those to me too. Not looking forward to that!

I had 14 follicles today with about 7 of them being between 18-21.5. The others were around 13-18 and there was one little new guy that was only 10. Hopefully they pull lots of eggs from those!

7 years ago • Post starter

Embryo is on board! Our transfer was this morning and went smoothly. The doctor let us know that we had 14 make it to today; so 1 was transferred and 13 will be frozen. We didn't opt to do PGS, so some of those are inevitably chromosomally irregular. The transfer was very anti-climactic after all the work of the last 2 weeks-- 5 minutes in the OR and we were on our way. We went out for a little celebratory breakfast afterwards then posted up on the couch with hot chocolate and Disney movies.

They're having me continue the Estrace and Progesterone, and have advised me to start a pregnancy diet as a precaution. I'm going to miss caffeine and cheese! I don't eat fish or drink alcohol, so no sadness there. Aaand now we wait. My beta is scheduled for Tuesday the 7th.

Good luck tomorrow, both of you! On transfer and retrieval!

TTC baby #1 via IVF! We're blogging our experience at

7 years ago

Taurio - YAY! that the little embryo takes and gives you a BFP! I've heard the transfer takes like 5 minutes and is nothing special..make it not very exciting after everything leading up to it haha

I had my retrieval this morning, we got 12 eggs. I was hoping for a bit more, but they seem pretty happy with it so I guess I'll go with it. They said they would call me tomorrow with how many were mature and how many got fertilized, so now we just wait for that. They said to plan on transferring on Saturday!

7 years ago • Post starter

babybump-- that's great news! I hope your embryos are thriving. :) Is your transfer tomorrow?

I'm now 4dp5dt, and I did a frer this morning- bfn. I'm a bit bummed out. I know it's still early but it seems many women get BFP on 4 or 5 days past transfer. I'll try again Saturday. I've been really crampy-- yesterday and today it's been pretty ongoing. I'm on progesterone and estrace, so I assume I wouldn't get a period until I stopped those. My beta is scheduled for Tuesday.

TTC baby #1 via IVF! We're blogging our experience at

7 years ago

I'm sorry I haven't updated...its been a week of bad news and I've been in a serious funk.

They called me Tuesday (the day after retrieval) and told me only 5 of the 12 were mature and none of them were fertilizing. They kept watching them for another 24 hours but said they all started to degenerate so they discarded every single one.

So I have none.

I spoke to my doctor and he said for my age and the aggressive protocol they put me through, I should have developed more than 12 eggs. And even with those 12, I shouldn't have had 66% of them be too immature. Of the mature ones, they had started degenerating before they were even taken out. Long story short, they said my body just doesn't produce quality eggs that can be fertilized.

It was a big blow. We had a talk about how I can't have biological children and our next option is to use donor eggs.

I'm still coming to terms with it. We're meeting with the Doctor in person on Tuesday to discuss these options and see if there's absolutely anything they can do to help my eggs out, but he said any protocol we tried would likely yield the same results and it would be a waste of our time and money to try my own eggs again.

7 years ago • Post starter

Oh I'm so sorry!! I can't believe none fertilized. It's incredibly unfair after all the work involved.

We had to do ICSI as our issue is severely low sperm motility... I wonder if that would up your odds of fertilization. I know it's hard to gamble on an IVF cycle with the expense.

I'm sending prayers and good vibes your way!!! Crap news, for sure, but you're young, and will definitely be a mama! It just might take a little longer to sort out.

TTC baby #1 via IVF! We're blogging our experience at

7 years ago

Well we did ICSI anyway which should have raised the chances which made it even worse. Just figuring things out.

I hope your transfer is going well!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Hi Everyone,

So heartbroken to read the last poster who lost all of her 12 eggs - how devastating. I cannot imagine. I'm 4dp5dt today and we transferred two - the other four didn't make it, so this is our only shot. Beta is next Monday - going to try to hold out on testing until Sunday if I can...

7 years ago

Hi Violet! Good luck with your transfer!! Is this your first ivf cycle?

I had a positive frer at 6dp5dt, and my first beta at 9dp5dt was good- 108. We were over the moon that our fresh cycle took. I went for my 2nd beta on Tuesday at 16dp5dt and it had dropped to 27. ???? My RE told me to stop taking the estrace and progesterone and wait for a period. Thankfully we have frozen embryos, so we'll try again as soon as they'll let us.

TTC baby #1 via IVF! We're blogging our experience at

7 years ago

Hi Violet, thank you for your kind words! It was truly an emotional and heartbreaking thing to come to terms with. I took 3 days off work and just curled into a ball in my bed crying, it was rough.

I took a mental break for a couple of weeks just to gather myself and come up with a plan. My RE told us we COULD try again with my own eggs if we wanted to, but they had already seen I had a low ovarion reserve and had put me on the highest dose meds they could (said thats normally what they do for someone 40+) and it didn't even do NEAR what should have happened. So, we filled out the paperwork to create a donor profile and turned that in last week, so the clinic is now on the hunt for an egg donor for us. It's a little bit more expensive, but we are willing to pay 1 more time so its either take the huge gamble on myself again and it most likely not work, or go donor eggs and have a better chance. So we took our chance.

They said it could be a few weeks before we have anyone to pick from, so now I'm just obsessively checking my email and voicemails waiting for a call. As soon as we pick one, we'll start moving on her IVF cycle and timing us up. Its a whole new world to me, but I've come to terms with it.

Taurio - Did they say since the number went down that the cycle was over, or are they still holding out hope that it will go back up?

Violet - I'm interested to hear how your IVF goes! I will offer any advice or anything I can even though I've only done it once

7 years ago • Post starter

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