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CD 1 October 20th whos with me?

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who wants to chat while ttc and so i dont go completely batty lol

CD 1 seeing the RE Wednesday October 29....been trying for over a year! anyone doing anything different this cycle?

praying to see that this cycle

306 Replies • 9 years ago



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so have our appointment with the RE tomorrow and hopefully i don't get the one with a stick up her butt and will make me wait till may of next year since thats when we had our loss! my dr did all the work for clomid but i got pregnant without it.....hopefully this one just gives it to me! that was my rant ill update tomorrow with what she says! appointment is at 11am mountain time (thats where i am) so keep your fingers toes and underwear bows crossed this goes well! in other news my temping went crazy today and my opks are still a neg! hope you ladies are doing well!

9 years ago • Post starter

my temping is weird far no positve opks for me yet - just faint faint lines. before our loss i was ovulating around cd 14/15 - so I am thinking I am just too early yet - only cd 11 today. still praying that i even ovulate this cycle as its my first since the loss. i have read that the first cycle its possible you wont (i know, i shouldnt be googling!! lol).

i think we are doing pretty good with the BDing so far this cycle - might take a break tonight as my DH is on call - but for the rest of the week we will try and make it happen every day.

keeping everything crossed for you! :)

9 years ago

So someone called me at 7am and i thought it was my alarm for temping and wasn't so i skipped today whoops! so im using opks twice a day starting today and as of last night they're finally getting darker! still super faint but now i can see a second line!

so had that appointment today and she was AMAZING! like the best dr i've ever had so she told us the good news is that since we've gotten pregnant before that we're not considered infertile so thats good! she wants to do a tests where they fill my uterus with fluids and make sure theres no abnormalities and check my ovaries. for now she said to continue to use opks and i don't get any positives then i'm not ovulating on my own! the best part was that she has had a few losses before (ok not best its really sad) so she understands where i'm coming from and how i feel! she considering the loss in may as a 2nd since i've had a chemical pregnancy in the past and this way my insurance wont act like the assholes they are! lol so i have that test November 17th so we'll see!!!

oh we asked her about when to dtd and she said every other day works! so we're gonna stick to that plan and he wont have to undergo any testing this moment!

i feel a million times better now that i have a dr who knows what i'm dealing with and is willing to help! so at the end of the visit she asked my religious background and i told her i'm catholic and my husband doesn't really practice a religion. she then asked if she could pray and i said yes and she took both mine and my husbands had and started to pray! i was so shocked and so touched i've never had a dr do so and i cried! it was def a good appointment!

9 years ago • Post starter

Wahoo!!! So HAPPY for you that you had an amazing experience and got the answers you were looking for!!! she sounds like a very caring and understanding person - and from her own personal experience can relate to your feelings and concerns. keep using those opks and hopefully you and I both get a + in the next few days!

afm: cd 12 - going to start opk'ing twice a day as well. tested this morning and negative. I still think its a bit earlier for me, but prior to my miscarriage when I was temping I would at least have a faint line on the opks - so not sure what to make of that. There is a faint line that appears on my opks now, but it takes forever to show up.....before the faint line was detectable almost immediately. Not going to get too worked up about it yet until I get around cd 17 or later - if i hit those days without a + i know something isn't jiving this month and maybe I need another cycle to get back on track after the loss? I will probably go to my Fam Doc to ask the questions if I in fact don't get that +.

We skipped last night and are back on track to start BDing for the rest of the week until at least Tuesday. In an ideal world I would expect to see a positive test Saturday/Sunday so here's hoping that is the case!!!

Crazy that after all this opk testing....when we finally get our positive we have to gear up for a TWW - what a drag! lol

9 years ago

the TWW is the devil i'm convinced lol

your tests are just like mine my line is just now starting to get darker! and i hold on to them....its like an art project in my bathroom i'm not kidding lol because i compare them to one another to see if its getting darker or if my eyes are playing tricks on me. what kind of opks are you using i think mine are called wondfo they're really little like the dip sicks instead of peeing directing on them! but i notice after a few mins is when the test line finally shows up so i wonder what will happen when i get a + if it will show up right away!

as for your cycles being normal after a loss mine were. other then the first cycle after was exactly 28 days and my cycles are always shorter than that! before they were between 23-25 days. now they're between 23-28 days how fun right! lol

so crazy thing i realized the other day prior to my loss i had ovulation pains every month and that was how we got pregnant last time! now since the loss i don't feel ovulation pains makes me sad! so my temps are a little normal today i guess lol i feel like dog poo im so tired and havent felt well all day but its day so i will for lack of better term fight threw the feeling like crap and get it done! lol im sure its from my stupid allergies and the fact that ive been running around at stores!

we're using preseed but im waiting till i get darker lines before i use it this cycle because that shit is $20 and i still have two applicators left! i used it the past two cycle the last time on all my peak days and then last time the two days prior to ovulation....also using the same method we used last time to get pregnant but ill spare you on that unless you really want to know but it is tmi!

idk how you bd everyday it would burn him out! especially this week! my husband is army active duty and they had drill last weekend. thankfully they had monday off work because they get a day off every quarter for no duis lol (we're in a military town they're very common out here i guess) so thankfully he didn't have to work 12 days in a row! his days start at 4am for PT and then he gets to shower eat and work until about 4pm! and tuesday we DTD and he slept passed his alarm lol

thats all i've got i hope i'm not getting sick now my immune system already kinda sucks lol keeping fingers toes and underwear bows we get + opks soon!

ps sorry for spelling or grammar errors i'm like falling asleep sitting here typing lol

9 years ago • Post starter

tested twice yesterday (cd 12) and both still neg....tested this morning and it looks like the line is starting to get a bit more prominent. I save all my opks too for each cycle to looks like its progressing - but I don't know if I am just talking myself into seeing a darker line or not. Going to test again this afternoon when I get home from work and FX its a bit darker - if my logic is proved correct I would think I would see a positive sat/sun.

bding everyday from now till tuesday will be challenging - but we have done it before. I am sure by Sunday we will both be exhausted and not really into it anymore....but I would rather do it and get in an extra day then wonder what if next month. we try and make it fun and different every time to keep it exciting - but ya after like 7 days in a row it does get trying - especially this month as my husband is resident surgeon and is on trauma for the next two months....he gets no sleep to begin with and then adding this on top can be really really exhausting. But he really wants this too and is committed so we make the best of it. Luckily it worked out that this weekend is NOT on call - so we will be able to get our BDing without a hitch - and he will be able to sleep in sat/sun to gain his strength! lol

my temps are friggin strange - i am wondering if my thermometer is broken - the same temp for the last 4 days??? really? i am going to take my temp tonight when I get home and see if its any different after running around all day and being at should be much higher than a resting temp. if its the exact same I will know my thermo is broken and that this week of temps was pretty much USELESS!

we are both gonna ovulate - we just have to be patient till we see that dark really trying to stay optimistic about it, there is nothing i can do if i don't get that positive opk so until then I am convincing myself its going to happen...and then hopefully by this time next week we will be well into our tww obsessing over every little symptom LOL

come on + opk!!!! :) :)

9 years ago

hahaha yes hopefully by next week we'll be TWW! def skipped last night because i was so tired i would've fallen asleep so boo but we'll be doing so tonight!

wow your husband is busy! i'm assuming the only thing i have to base that off of is that i watch greys anatomy lol

so in unrelated baby making news lol i just found out ive been hired at the hospital out here in colorado that i interviewed for a month ago! lol woo hoo! so at least i can keep my mind off of trying! lol let me know what happens when you temp! i did this morning and it dropped so idk wtf is going on! lol

9 years ago • Post starter

well just went to the bathroom before lunch (i am on EST in Ontario, Canada btw) and there was a tiny patch of white/eggy cm in my undies - so maybe a darker line tonight?!?!!? or maybe its just the universes way of messing with my head while I am at work lol not like I can temp or do an opk here! lol having slight right ovary pains as well - so FX FX!

yes my DH is super busy - but he has never once complained of trying this hard, so I am very grateful for that. he is on trauma until JANUARY so even if this cycle we aren't successful, my second november cycle and my december cycle he will still be on it and be crazy busy too - we will just have to work around it! since our loss he has been even more engaged - i think it really hit him how attached he was to the idea of becoming a dad - little epiphany moment maybe?

CONGRATULATIONS on the amazing job!!!!! That is so exciting! :) :) definitely some amazing news to keep your mind off all this craziness with ttc, cycles, cm, opks - the list goes on and on LOL Have you started your new job yet?

9 years ago

my husband is the same way...he didn't show any emotion to me until we left the next morning and i could see him in the truck behind me crying. and we had already told parents and his dad cried too. it hard not just for us!

well hopefully thats not your body playing stupid tricks...hate when that happens! lol to bad you don't have an opk lol im currently waiting for them to come fix our water heater and watching american horror story....scary as all get out! lol trying to do anything so i don't go do an opk lol

thank you!!! haven't started the new job yet. i have orientation on november 10th!

9 years ago • Post starter

heading home right now to do my afternoon opk....FX I see a darker line!

9 years ago

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