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Any end of May/June babies? Wanna buddy up?

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Hey ladies!! There was another thread going but after 15 pages I thought we had to start a new one !! How is everyone doing? I am currently 4dpo today and feeling great!! How about the rest of you ladies?? I am sending out extra extra in hopes that we all have a better month!!

241 Replies • 11 years ago



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I'm prefacing this by asking please don't yell at me for going poas crazy. I know CB Digital opk tell you once you get a smiley, to quit testing. I got my smiley yesterday at 6:45am and then took another last night at 8:00pm and got a neg and another neg at 6:45am today. If I got my surge overnight into Monday morning, does that most likely mean that I will ovulate today since the surge comes 24-48hrs before ovulation? I just want to make sure my dpo's are correct for the wicked tww.

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11 years ago

Don't worry mspera80, I did the same thing over the weekend. I got two smileys two days in a row so I think the second was on the down-swing of the LH. I'm also having trouble getting an accurate 'Ovulation' day to count my DPOs. I just chose the day after the smiley and know that I could be off a day either way. Last month was easier as I had the ovulation pains I typically have on my left ovary. This month I didn't have any pains to know when exactly it was happening so I'm really up in the air with it which is a bad place to be mentally but have no choice really. I think to narrow it down further we would need to be tracking our bbt to see when Ov is over, but that is just too much for me. To make matters worse, I checked my cervix position this morning it was higher and softer than it has ever been in the last week so now I"m starting to wonder if I am O'ing today.. like 4 days after my smiley.? If that is the case we missed it this month. Also wondering if the antibiotic I'm on delayed it possiby. Frankly I really have to quit overanalyzing everything and just pick an O date and go with it. As long as I know when is due, then I'll know if I'm late. Sorry for the novel, been a rough morning.

11 years ago

So i Have Only Been TTC For Two Months Now & I Believe My Time Is HERE I Am 15DPO & Still No . Im Waiting Until Friday To POAS Just Incase She Decides To Come Late.ANYWHO
I Had Ask My Older Sister For Some TTC Tips She Told Me As Soon As Your Aunty Florine Leaves To Start BD. Perhaps We Spend To Much Time Focusing On The "RIGHT" timing & Day. While That Being So True Because We Can O Early or Late & Our Bodies Can Always Give Us False Negatives By Using OPKS...
& Remember Its Never Too Early or To Late.


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11 years ago

Also I Would Recommend A Nice Full Body Massage, IT REALLY WORKS !!!

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11 years ago

babyfever-no worries on the novel. it is nice to know someone else is going crazy with me! I'm hoping to have some more answers at my appointment tomorrow.

We try to BD soon after leaves, but every other day at least. Then we wait until a smiley to BD every day for a few days. It is exhausting!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

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11 years ago

Hi all,

This is my first post on the website, i have loved reading everyone elses posts and picked up some handy tips. Thank you ladies.

I have been TTC since May, although only been charting symptoms since my last cycle. I have used an OPK this month and it came up positive 3 days ago. So i am currently 2DPO I think . I am only on day 12 in my cycle though not sure if thats good or bad although my cycle is typically 25-27 days.

I am hoping for a this month. Feeling abit negative about it all at the mo though. Anyone got any advice about surviving the dreaded TWW??

11 years ago

Hey ladies :D if I get a bfp this cycle should be due on 2nd June so that would be smack in the middle between my birthday and my lb's so would be nice.

I am gonna try not to test until next Friday.... or at least until next Wednesday lol I am fine about everything until I get to about 5/6dpo and then I get my poas addiction kicking in.

I am thankful that I get to read about all you ladies who are going through the same stress; wondering and happiness/disapointments as me; That is what helps me get through the ttw

good luck all and hopefully lots of

11 years ago

Hi everyone. Just joined recently and it's nice to be in a community where i am not alone in ttc. Anyway had a miscarriage last may so definitely hoping for a bfp now. Im 4dpo and have very tender breasts. Crossing my fingers for me and everyone here.

Based on calculations im due june1, if ever. So yes, i want to buddy up! :)

11 years ago

Welcome to the new comers!! I wish luck to everyone this cycle!!! Just remember to sray happy and positive!!! Keep us posted on ur symptoms;)

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies! I moved over from the last forum...

So, last month was my first month TTC. And, it stressed me out. All the little strips, yada yada, so I took a break from that this month.
So that means that I am not going to be sure exactly when I ovulate (which I guess you can't be with just the strips, anyhow, but close), but I suspect I will today, tomorrow or the following, as I am at CD 14.
I also vow to not obsess with every sign and symptom that starts the day after tomorrow.
I am wishing you all baby dust! I hope this is your month!

p.s. this due date calculator has the birth date from this cycle as the day after my birthday. which i am not sure whether or not I should love it or hate it (since I enjoy my birthday so much)

11 years ago

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