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Any end of May/June babies? Wanna buddy up?

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Hey ladies!! There was another thread going but after 15 pages I thought we had to start a new one !! How is everyone doing? I am currently 4dpo today and feeling great!! How about the rest of you ladies?? I am sending out extra extra in hopes that we all have a better month!!

241 Replies • 11 years ago



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@MrsMullen - OOoOooOoOOoooooo +OPK!

*Brown Chicken Brown Cow*
fingersx] Hehe ;)

@Froggies- I wish I had any bit of comforting advice or any answers for you. BUT, I am here to listen and pipe in with something useful if I can. We all know how nervewrecking and emptional this ride is, and if nothing else, you have SUPPORT here. I say just Pee upon a stick already! Or make an appnt with the Doc.

Speaking of Dr. apnts, I had mine today. ALMOST MISSED IT! I know, right. [Doh] I taught bootcamp this morning, then had a couple clients, & decided to take a quick snooze before my apnt...Totally overslept 10 min past when I was supposed to be there. Thank heavens I was only 5 min away and they took me!

That was the highlight of it all...Negative pee test (surprise) and then drew blood. Will get results back tomorrow. Doc said it could be many things, but pregnancy IS one of them. So, thats reassuring!

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11 years ago

@missy - Thank you. I know that you nor anyone is a expert on this because every person is different. I am going to get up early tomorrow, pee on the stick, and based on the results is who I will be making the doctors appointment with. I think I may just make it with my family doctor since they will do a test there anyways, if I request it.

11 years ago

Whoa! I just caught up! i've been so disconnected while on vacation. I haven't even been tracking my cycle which is a huge change for me. I've been temping here and there, but i keep forgetting so it's not a very reliable chart. I'm on CD14 and noticed a bit of EWCM this afternoon so i guess we will be bd'ing tonight! I have a feeling i'm going to have major regrets for not tracking my cycle once it comes around to the TWW and i have no idea how many DPO i am!

Hope all of you are doing well! FX for more BFPs!

11 years ago

Well, It's almost 3am here & my gut was telling me that I would have to tell hubby that he is going to be a daddy. Or maybe it was just the nausea. So I peed on a stick & drum roll please.... It was a big fat !!! Ta Da!!! haha

Well more like a - | because it was a CVS blue dye one-step hpt. So I will be making a doctors appointment with my family doctor in the morning.

Btw, first time of doing this, but I took the test apart because before I took the test, it already looked like the - was there and the dye had ran a bit. Not sure if it was a bad batch of tests, but it has me a little worried. Also the pill that flew out at me was a bit weird, I thought why the heck is a pill in a pregnancy test.

If Sep 27th was really , then I would be ovulating some time this week. , I think. Won't be getting pregnant any time soon.

11 years ago is awful to deal this confusing, traumatizing cycle. I can kinda relate, but certainly not to the level of your angst. I had the weirdest, longest, cycle in September. I had 6 days (!) of spotting before I got AF, and it started out weird, was lighter with clots and longer. Ugh. Completely not like any other cycle, but I chalk it up to increased stress - have had many large projects with pending due dates as well as a series of house projects.
I hope your dr. helps you out - but do you think it could be stress related?

11 years ago

Hey Ladies -

21 days late for and I got the results of blood work this morning....

So we didnt conceive first cycle, and since will be due again in 7 days Im pretty sure we didnt conceive on 2nd cycle either since Im sure something wouldve shown up in yesterdays bloodwork.

SooOoOOo, 3rd times a charm right?! This time Im arming myself with BBT, internet HPTs & OPKs, and lots of books on Taking Charge of My Fertility.

If ya'll have ANY suggestions about where is a reputable place to purchase hpts & opks online, I would greatly appreciate it!

Im just concerned that there may be a more serious underlying worry aside from just being plain ol' crazy. My chesticles, and back still hurt. My uterus still feels heavy. And my energy is way low. Ive never missed a cycle in my life, and the very first month I say "Ok, Im ready for baby!!" ...suddenly my plumbing stops working? Doc is assuming that I just didnt ovulate. I havent a clue, I hadnt started tracking yet and was too caught up with being late that I didnt track cycle 2 either. So, *IF* shows in a week, perhaps it was just a fluke anovulatory cycle, if she doesnt show then they will put me on meds to make me have a cycle.

Do you have any input on if this is the right route to go? I hate meds so much and would rather go a more natural way, but I just havent a clue what that would be. I suppose its time to molest my brain with more information!

Baby dust and sticky vibes to all!!!! xoxo

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11 years ago

@ missykreid~ hey lady!! Just slow down;) i actually just found out from my fertility doc that it is perfectly normal for women with normal cycles to have 1-2 anovulatory cycles per year- i actually didnt start doing bbt and other charting until i sarted getting frustrated in month 6 i think- i then found out once i started using the OPK's that i was actually ovulating one week later than i thought i should have been and so we were not quite as active.
That is interesting that they are already talking about giving u meds- my doc doesnt really even want to start me on them yet but they are going to if this current cycle is a no-go. We r curtently on cycle 8 and the fertility docs usually want to wait one whole year of ttc to do anything further but i guess it just varies on where u are and who u see maybe?
Ladies, how are the rest of u doing? I officially began the ttw today-cd24!!!! Crazy huh???

11 years ago • Post starter

@hopefulinky - I'm not going to call the doctor because I think that everything that was going on with me was just food poisoning or something and a pulled muscle because today, everything is gone. I think it would be a bit pointless to make a doctors appointment when everything is gone.

I don't think it had anything to do with stress because I'm not one to easily stress over something. I think that everything happens for a reason and when it comes to pregnancy, either way it goes, there is nothing I can do about it.

11 years ago

Hey every one sry I haven't been on...after the mc last cycle I needed a break...I haven't been charting or opk...just trying to take my mind off everything...dd 8th bday was last week the 4th so that helped n sat me n DH are taking both DH &DS to a harvest festival n pumpkin farm and we are just enjoying each other ;p its nice not bd on a schedule n just LOVING each other when the mood strikes...I have kno idea when ill O if it will be normal or thrown off from the mc if normal then sometime this week..if not Idk not tracking but kinda hoping if I get pregnant this month due date will be 4th of July that could be fun any how I hope everyone is still enjoying their DH and not stressing too much I kno easier said then done lol baby dust to all with lord of love and prayers ur way

11 years ago

Where did everyone go!? If there is a July Forum someone please post a link for me! TIA :-)

11 years ago

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