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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

1531 - 1540 of 7993 Replies | Last Page

@Ldav - soooo happy for you!

@picses - ha ha ha ha - can jusr imagine you boob feeling in your meeting and no one knowing what to say or where to look!

@miracle - still feeling "off"? well that's interesting......

@lschr - take time to feel bummed and then listen to @pisces - she''s always right! And have a fab bacholerette (hen night for me - I'm English!)

I felt so tired and sick last night - in bed by 9.30pm, very early for me. Feel ok today but been super busy so no time to think about it. Thought had spotting earlier but when went back to check nothing so don;t know if I missed it or was just very very little.

FF has deleted my O date!!!! Keep putting my temps in and says too uo and down to tell - and I am being v good about time every day and oral now ;) roll on thursday!
Also, which I haven't mentioned bfore, I have been getting loads of zits oin the back of my neck - which I got when preg last time. But have had AF since I started getting them - and they keep coming.

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11 years ago

@introuble ~ Zits? Who would have thought that we would get excited about zits being a pregnancy symptom? LOL! Seriously though, the fact that you had them when you were pregnant before is a good sign.. I"m still feeling off. Dizzy more like it since last Thurs. Hmm? I guess I'm grasping at anything... 6 more days until AF is supposed to be here.

@topo ~ Missed you. Glad your checking in :) Look at you symptom spotting with us.. as long as it doesn't make you nuts hon, or your dh cut you off from being on here, or drive you to drink too much than I say symptom spot hon.. LOL!

Busy day! Been making my knitted beanies (hats) for children and adults. Going to add them to my etsy shop soon.

Hope everyone is having a nice day!

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11 years ago • Post starter

Ladies-you are the only ones I can share this with!!!! I am lkaughing so hard (but quietly!)

So thought I saw spotting early, kept checking but nothing.

Went to bathroom again now (TMI alert-#2) and again pink water?!?! So wiped and TP checked again and again-nothing.
Confused, wondering if needing to go to regular dr and them remembered.......

Beet salad for lunch yesterday!

Night everyone!

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11 years ago

@piecesgirl i love ur wait in line that was awsome ur so postive girl i dnt know how i could get through some of the things i been through u and miricalmomma really say some things that make my heart melt

@miricalmomma lol symptom spoting lol now babe these are just hard to ignpre as they have been sharp pains lol growing pains off and on one day to the next lol no symptom spotting lol babe i cant find ur cards i want u to do a reading on me how with the cards lol but dnt tell me no evil stuff or negative lol when i was little i had some lady tell me something evil and whatever she see seen she started screaming idk on venice beach weirdo stuff.

@ LSchrader u say tmi i thought u would say u stuck ur finger up there to do a check no tampons lol that is so not TMI u should here some of the stuff me and @piecesgirl do lol

@Tahra hey girl yes piecesgirl is write come play with us i understand about her beliefs there are things u could share and things u dnt have to share because of those believes but i am kinda confused because u did a reading and to some that might be the same belief with bad luck idk. but welcome luv ur reading was awsome so u are counting down like the rest of us dnt worry about the bad luck hun worry about the postive energy and know that u are not alone babe trust i feel the same with family members becuase they are just so evil i feel but when it comes to us we are on in the same boat there should be no negative ora here babe.

11 years ago

Thanks ladies. I know, sorry, totally rude to just pop in and out. I just feel like if I share my symptom checking and everything else not only will I look neurotic but it will jinx it. But I guess I should follow my own words and just know that it's in Gods hands, whatever happens, happens!

@topo it's not really a belief thing it's just more of a superstitious thing, lol.

@picses ya the looking for medical advice kinda through me off. I just had an appt with my OBGYN and all she could offer was clomid, which I turned down, cause even that 2% increase for multiples is too much for me, lol. She had some other medical concerns for me, but not related to TTC, so I don't know I Tania could have tapped in to that or not. I'm trying to do my part as far as taking fertility blend and maca root, but that's about it.

Anywho, so ya, ill still be BDing with my hubby the next 2 months, but I'm not gonna time anything, mainly cause I really just want to relax and have fun with my girlfriends this month and July. So we'll see what happens. Today is my last day of AF, so we'll see, but I won't be checking ovulation this month (and watch ill probably get pregnant since I'm not trying, lol) So I'm going to assume that Tania's reading meant that I would become or find out I'm pregnant in August, and should be due around April (the number 4), I think that adds up ;). We'll see

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11 years ago

@pisces- Wow, I just love that! There are so many times during the day that I think to myself and I am so happy that I found you ladies. Unless you are going through this, you just don't get it. DH will never get it and I would be a bad wife to expect him to...even though I usually do :) Thanks for all your kind words! Patience is a virtue.

@trouble - OMG, I just laughed SO hard!!!! You are too funny!!!!!

@topo- HA! Well, I never said I didn't do me I have been, but just didn't post it! I am not one to be modest, so thanks for letting me know I can step it up a bit :P

@miracle & Pisces- I love that you guys have been forgetful...pregnancy brain :)

AFM- AF showed up in full force this morning. I am at peace with her appearance and keep thinking of @pisces comment. Patience! As you guys know, my best friend is getting married and her bach party is this weekend. I am her matron of honor and DH and I even considered putting trying on hold until after the wedding. We decided to try and let whatever happen happen. Well here we are, two weeks away from the wedding and not pregnant. I will enjoy the celebration!

I get to see my sister tonight for the first time since she told me she is pregnant. Excited to rub her belly. I am really sorry if I forgot anyone!

11 years ago

Its seriously not meant for me to post any messages today. :-( TWICE I have typed the longest messages to everybody in the world and twice I get an error message and my messages are lost :-(

11 years ago

Good morning everyone! I slept deep last night. Had vivivd dreams. I actually woke up on my back with my arms up like a baby/kid sleeps, which means you are super relaxed. I could still go back to sleep some more.

@Introuble ~ Too funny about the beet salad. LOL! I would have thought the same thing.

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11 years ago • Post starter

@tahra hey girl, glad you will pop in more regular. I hate to think of you on the sidelines when there may be something that you are feeling or feeling discouraged and if we know that then we are here to pick you up.

@intouble when you said "hen night" and that you were Britsh I thought of that movie "The Wedding Date" ....I LOVE LOVE that movie. it is so cute and they have a hen night. I BUSTED out laughing this morning at your beet salad post, people probably thought I was one of the crazies. I hope when you have you appt tomorrow that they are able to provide you with some clarity Or maybe they say "we cant help you get pregnant because you already ARE" ...that would ROCK!!! Do you still live in Britain?

@Jsx I hope you are got plenty of rest yesterday

@lsch I am glad that anything that I said was helpful. I honestly think that somethings that I say in here are God speaking because I re-read what I said to @Tahra and I said "where did that come from?". My grandmother is a big believer in sometimes when you say soemthing that you didnt plan on saying - Thats God!

@topo Girl you are SOOOOOO right about nothing being TMI in here. You & I have said so many things that I think nothing of anything that I read anymore. Remember when that one lady who stop posting first mentioned checking her cervix and we both were like WHATTTT???!!!! We quizzed that poor woman for a month trying to figure out how to check our cervix. I was like if DH walks in this bathroom right now, he would think I was cheating on him with MYSELF....LMAO

@miracle Look at you Ms. Creativity!!! I am so proud of you and all the things you create. Post up your Etsy link so we can follow you and recommend you to our friends. Oh wait I just saw that you posted a link. Thanks Vivid dreams again huh? hmmmmmmm **eyebrow raised***

AFM: Temps look good (98.32 today), nips still sore, a little queasy on and off (hasnt stopped me from eating) and this morning smells were very intense on my train ride to work. I am not ALL excited about any of these observations because I have experienced all of them in at least one of my cyles before. one cycle I was queasy and smelling things, last cycle my temps were looking AWESOME, had two temp dips before, I admit I never had sore boobs before and I admit that I have never had them all at the same cycle like I do now my friend was ALL excited about my temp dip and I told her - I wasnt because I hadnt really felt the AF cramps that everyone else describes and she said to me " stop this negativity and start visualizing your egg implanting and growing into the healthy baby that you deserve". So I did, I took a moment to start visualizing and commanding positice energy and about an hour later, I started with this cramping and back pain. It wasnt exactly AF pain but close. It was intense but not outright pain and I was uncomfortable. when I woke this morning my temp was 98.32 and I am back to the mild cramping but not the same as last night. Nips are still sore.

11 years ago

Afternoon mommies & mommies2be:

AFN:Ugh today I am so moody! Everything and everyone is annoying me.
My BB's are hurting worse than yesterday
Before lunch I was starving where as before I could hold out
And I cant stay awake at work, 15 min here and I was nodding off,for the nxt 45 min my head was on the desk!
My DH says he's been sleepy and hungry, just to throw that in there :)

I think I may test early I'll post if I do

11 years ago

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