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10DPO looking for a buddy

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Category: Trying to Conceive - TTC My First Child
Posted by heatherannm10 » 12 hours ago

I nearly can't handle the anticipation any longer!

I have 30-32 day cycles, I am on CD 26, Ovulation was on Oct 24th-ish, the next day felt a long hard cramp where my right ovary would be (first time ever feeling that) Then on Halloween started to notice light spotting only when I wipe on Thursday, some Friday and enough to wish I had a pantie liner is still early and there's more redder blood. The Hubby just bumped into my boob and it was rather tender! I am so excited! Im trying to not let these symptoms go to my head and get me all worked up if i get a BFN.., but Im having a hard time.

Any great ideas of how to share a BFP with the Hubby if I get one? I really want to do something cleaver!

Thanks Baby Dust to you all!!


239 Replies • 10 years ago



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Are you ladies sick and tired of hearing people's "GOOD NEWS" or what! It drives me crazy on the inside!! I am destine to be an old mom who has to adopt! (Ive actually always want to adopt, so thats not a bad thing in my eyes, but Ive always wanted to be pregnant.) I found out yesterday my brother is pregnant! Yay for him! Yay for becoming another Auntie for me! I found out that a good friend is also pregnant! Who ELSE IS LEFT!! EVERYONE I KNOW IS PREGNANT BUT ME!! it makes me so sad, especially because I have period hormones currently. I wanted to have my first kid when I was 26. If I get pregnant this cycle, I will be 28 by the time the kid is due on Christmas Eve! Its such a confusing feeling, I first get sad that someone else is pregnant but then I feel sad for feeling sad and force myself to be happy for them! Stupid.

10 years ago • Post starter

Since you brought it up, I just had to hear the "good news" a few days ago that my cousin is pregnant AGAIN. They just had one in June! The baby isnt even a year yet. Ugh when i found that out i had to hold in the tears :( It's suppose to be my turn. Of course I'm happy for THEM but sad for me. I guess we just have to hang in there and keep our heads up. It just HAS to happen for us. Good luck to you this cycle!!!!

10 years ago

Thank you! Good luck to you too! Hang in there! And I understand you're happy for them and sad for you. I get it.. I seem to only know extremely fertile women.

10 years ago • Post starter

Well ladies, we stopped actively trying because our daughter was born in November and our son was born in December so we wanted to try for a different month. AF is due in 6 days but my boobies have been hurting for a couple of weeks. I took an hpt on Monday and it was a BFN. I took one this evening and to my surprise (not really) it was a BFP!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to take another hpt (or 2 or 3 or 4) tomorrow to make sure it wasn't a false positive. I'll keep you guys updated. :)

10 years ago

Congratulations!!! How dark was the test? Your one of the lucky ones who gets an early bfp. So the secret really must be "relax and don't think about it" huh? lol If only it were that easy for me haha. Any other symptoms you've been having? Before the bfp did you feel or know that you were pregnant? Let us know how the next test comes out!

10 years ago

Thanks! Last nights test popped up as soon as the urine started going across the test. :) I picked up a Clear Blue Easy digital that gives the result and estimate time and I bought a cheap .88 Walmart one just to see if they both came back the same. They did. :) The CBE one said 1-2 weeks pregnant and the cheap one came back + after a couple of minutes. :) I added a photo of them on my page! Good luck ladies! Hope we can all be preggers together!

10 years ago

Thats great! You guys have to be so excited :) I hope you stay in contact with us, I would love to hear how things are going

As for me, I just received my positive opk so i should be ovulating soon! It's so early this month but i did have a really short and light period so maybe that had to do something with it?

Heather- How are you doing?

10 years ago

AAHHHHAHHA!! I am so excited for you!!! TRUELY EXCITED!! I didn't even feel a bit of jealousy! :) haha. I hope you have the best pregnancy EVER! You deserve it! You have been PREGGERS for TWO DAYS! Well.. that you've officially known lol. Please keep us updated! Lets hope after all this time Rose and I can join you and instead of being infertile buddies we can be pregger buddies lol! Congratulations!

Rose How much hope does it give you that Aceron jumped the hurtle! Its possible for us.. we just need to not think about it lol. I have already lost track of where I am in in my cycle. Its kind of fun not knowing. As soon as I starting thinking about it I try to distract myself tho haha.. its also kind of hard, but hay! Good Luck girl! Go have some fun baby dancing! Remember its much more fun if its fun and not a chore :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Thank you all! Hoping for a sticky baby! :)
I hope you guys get a BFP soon also so that we can be pregger buddies!
How long have you guys been trying? I'm starting to think that everyone has their month. Seriously, the only time I get pregnant and carry to term is the February/March cycle. I got pregnant in October of 2008 and miscarried. And then the cycle of February/March (mine always starts at the end of the month and goes into the next month) I got pregnant with my son and had him in December. This ones due date is 12/4/14, my DS was 12/8/09, and my DD was 12/6/06.
The only symptoms I have are sore boobies and nausea. I have a little cramping but I think it's gas, at least I hope so. :/ I am going to schedule my Dr's appt on Monday.
Good luck ladies!

10 years ago

Well I'm officially starting a fertility work up! Hubby will get sperm checked, I will go for blood work and an ultra sound before i go back April 24. She should have all the results by then and we should go from there. Once again this cycle we nailed the fertile period on the dot. I am 6 dpo today and no symptoms besides sore boobies but i get that every month. Fingers are crossed but I'm not stressing out this time because hopefully soon i will have some answers. Good luck Heather! Aceron when is your first appointment??

10 years ago

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