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Any end of May/June babies? Wanna buddy up?

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Hey ladies!! There was another thread going but after 15 pages I thought we had to start a new one !! How is everyone doing? I am currently 4dpo today and feeling great!! How about the rest of you ladies?? I am sending out extra extra in hopes that we all have a better month!!

241 Replies • 11 years ago



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Awwww, shucks You gals are simply delightful!! Thank you :))

Please excuse any typos, I'm on my cell ;)

Anywho, here's a recap:

Bought 3 ept +/- blue dye tests yesterday.

Test 1: omg omg omg, a line! Albeit, a faint, barely there,
could very well be my imagination kind of line, I saw something!
(_!_)(_/_)(_!_)(_\_)(_!_) <---- happy dance

Then read all about the universal blue dye distrust and my
Upside down frown went belly up. :(

Test 2: I decided to study for. Despite dry mouth & cracking lips,
I put my nose to the grindstone & didn't drink any liquids in
Attempts of concentrating my PP & hopefully passing this test!
Results- same as test 1. I got a C. :/

Test 3- time to do an experiment. I need to know if these lines are
Hcg or ept. It's not a waste of a pee stick if I get answers, right?
So, despite having to pee AGAIN & having a perfectly good stick to
Pee upon, I opted to dunk that sucker on some soda. (I read that soda
Can make an hpt positive! Yea, I raised the stakes to make this
Experiment legit. Go big or go home, right? Lol )

*drum roll please*

Utter mass confusion. Lol Top strip is soda, bottom strip is concentrated
PP, and 3rd strip (all 3 from same box) ... Well the 3rd strip didn't make
It for the photoshoot because I attempted to darken the faint line
With a pen & it just looked obvious, desperate & embarrassing. LOL

Soooo, I'm still not certain in any direction... BUT at least it kept me
Occupied a bit while I wait for the doc appnt on Friday.

I'm so tempted to just go ahead & get the granddaddy of all hpts:
a digital. *gasp**shock**awe*
But I don't know if Im ready for that... No squinting. No interpreting.
No misreading. Just a flat out "pregnant" or "not pregnant".
Meh, either way I'm sure I will still be uncertain until I hear it
Straight from the horses mouth.
Yes, I'm probably slightly coocoo, so thank you for letting me vent
About my ridiculous antics ;)

What's everyones updates?!?! I'm anxious to know!

And welcome Keysha2013!!


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11 years ago

Missy- That was quite an experiment you little scientist you! I'd be on my way to get a digital bc I'm crazy. I actually just got back from getting some, lol. I think I'm out though. Doctor told me clomid would make af come exactly 14 days after O. However, originally I was due Monday and based on my raging pms precisely one week before Monday, I'd say she is right on track to come at cd32. Since I'm being monitored, that would mean I have an 11 day luteal. Yes, I am claiming to be smarter than a fertility doctor. Talk to you ladies tomorrow after I pee on another stick! Have a great night!

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11 years ago

Hi Ladies! I hope your weekend is going well -

Just wanted to touch base and recap, just in case someone searches for an instance like this in the future:
Since coming of BCPs, I have had cycles that range from 26-30 days. This cycle, I started having mild cramps at 9dpo and brown cm at 10dpo. I have never experienced brown cm so early. I have only had a 30 day cycle one time, right after coming off the pills. Well, sure enough, on cycle day 31 I started AF. So it is kinda late, with lots of spotting and is very light. I think it was caused by stress.

Okay, so moving on to July! Good luck all you June babies!

11 years ago

I'm still here :) just stopped bleeding from mc...sry if tmi...we r not really trying this month but were not not trying either just trying to relax n if it happens it happens

11 years ago

Oh mrscarnes- i never did get to say how sorry I am to hear of your news. Please accept my apology. I hope that things can start looking up from here;) you and ur DH are in mythoughts and prayers:)

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Mrs.Mullen. I'm still here! It did get quiet. I received my monthly visit from yesterday. Boo. I had a bad feeling so I'm glad she came sooner than later. I am trying some different things this month and have a GREAT feeling already even though is still here.

How are you doing?

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11 years ago

Hello msapera80- i too am doing well. Just waiting to ovulate (which should be any day) and its weird because this is the longest I have waited to ovulate. My dr thinks that the B-6 is doing its job and helping to thicken my lining but it is known to extend a cycle so we shall c. My OPK is ready to pop 2 bright blue lines however!! Maybe by tonight?? We have r appt with the fertility specialist tomorrow afrernoon so we should get more answers and hopefully a plan if nothing;)

11 years ago • Post starter

Good luck at the fertility doc and have fun . Make sure you ask all the questions you want to at the appointment. I didn't speak up and now I regret it. They immediately put me on clomid after one month of trying and didn't tell me whether or not I was ovulating on my own. Now I feel like I might have been better on my own.

I just started B6 this cycle because my periods were very light. Oddly enough, this one is extremely heavy (pre-b6). I took clomid which is supposed to thin your lining and mine appears to have thickened. I go for CD3 tests tomorrow.

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11 years ago

Hey Ladies! So happy to hear everyone is still in high spirits and it looks like everyones TTC progress is all in an upswing! Good good things to come, I can feel it!!!

As for me, well, today markes 14 days late for , still getting with hpts (last one taken Monday?) And oh my.. reading the digi SAY "Not Pregnant" was harsher than I expected, even with all of the symptoms I have and the gut feeling that we are preg.

I had a Dr apnt with my OB/GYN this Fri, but I received a call this a.m. RS it to Tues. Uuuuuugh More waiting

Hubs and I have still been baby dancing just incase. Today would be the beginning of a new two week wait, based on average cycles. I had meant to start tracking BBT and all that good stuff for cycle 2 if we didnt conceive cycle 1, but with all of this confusion, I was a bit distracted. Oh well.

Bright side: More Baby Dancing!

I know Im a newb, and Im sure bd may become less fun and more obligated as time goes by and things become more stressful, BUT dancing for baby versus just dancing to dance is soooooooooo much more ... well, enjoyable on a whole new level Teehee

Sorry if TMI, but maybe next time you go to BD and feel stressed or obligated or just plain ol tired of the , just remember how MUCH LOVE is shared between you and your other half to come to make this decision.

I will be and thinking of you ladies!

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11 years ago

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