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Anyone hoping for a March baby?

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About me:

On month #11. So, so impatient. Tired. Going crazy. And getting scared :(

On 2nd round of Clomid, 50 the first time around, 100 this time.

Currently (Friday, 6/22) on CD 13.

This site says if we were to conceive this round, we'd be due March 17 - St. Patrick's Day. Thats gotta be a good (lucky) sign, right?

Just looking for some gals around the same cycle day/ boat as gets a little tiring trying to talk to your DH about these things!

Baby dust!

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268 Replies • 12 years ago



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So anxious me took an hpt test to see if the trigger shot was out of my system and of course its not since its only 8 days since trigger (1am will be 9 days past) so of course i got a false bfp :( sooo cant wait for 3 1/2 more days to test....

11 years ago

PBC - boohissgrowl - stay away, !!!!

There have been not 1, not 2, but THREE guys I work with whose wives have had babies in the last month, and another one whose wife is due in September. I'm pretty sure the reason I'm not pregnant is b/c they're all cursing it - they all have their batsh*t crazy women at home and don't want to have to deal with another one at work

Another day almost down.....which makes tomorrow 9 DPO. I think I may try to test Friday or Saturday.....but I am SCARED AS.....well, you know. Just praying so hard!! My mom even sent me an email on how to say a novena to St. Jude (we're not super crazy Catholics, but I was raised Catholic), and my great-grandparents (super devout Catholics) really believed in them. So....if anyone would be inclined, google it and see if St. Jude (patron saint of the hopeless and "lost" causes) can help you! It can't hurt, I guess!

Home from work and worshipping the A/C. This 90s + high humidity everyday for the last week is enough to make one go nuts - unless, of course, they lost power during the storm over the weekend. So thankful I'm not in that boat!!!!

Alright girls. Thinking about and praying for you all!

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11 years ago • Post starter

im not super catholic either but my parents are. BUT i have been doing novena's to st jude for years. When i was in college i all but failed my calculus class. I had failed every test and my only hope was to ace the i googled a prayer for hopeless causes and found him. and it worked! I got a C in calculus. Ever since, i always do novena's to st jude and i gotta say..its never failed. for some reason though I haven't done one while trying to conceive. I don't know why. But you could also try st. gerard majella. he's the patron saint of expectant mothers.

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11 years ago

Hello all

I'm new to this website, not new to ttc. A little history, 3 ivf cycles. 2 pregnacies and two misscarriages...No Children..YET... anyway at it again and currently 9dpo. Just comming here for support and sanity! to all. The Big day is the 8th for me... not sure if my symptoms are from the estrodoil and progesterone... but here they are: bloated, gas, soar boobs and nipples, cramping on and off since 3dpt on the 27th...

11 years ago

Welcome, kmiss! This is a great group of women who are here to support you and just "listen" - sorry to hear about the losses, but hopefully this is your month!

So, angeluv, I think it was you who suggested "The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant." I got it from the library this afternoon and am already on chapter 6 - it's so good! It's so informative but funny, too! It really seems the author knows the struggles of a TTC woman, whether you've been at it for 2 minutes or 2 years. It's nice to know some of the myths I've always heard are NOT true! Girls, I highly suggest getting your hands on a copy!

Fireworks are starting here (can hear them from inside the house), but off to bed for me - one day off in the middle of the week is going to throw off my whole sleep schedule otherwise!

Sleep tight, WMM! to all

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11 years ago • Post starter

I took a test today, it was wierd, it looked crooked. I'll be testing in two days if AF's late. it's stressful...

" rel="nofollow"> Victoria & Aaron TTC baby #1

11 years ago

Even if you don't believe in a higher power, a little prayer to something won't hurt. I don't pray per se, but I say a little something to the powers that be.

Yep the fireworks are starting here....its so dry in our area some counties cannot have shoot off fireworks, although you know they will anyway.

Today I had a couple brief cramps in my low, low abdomen and a weird sharp and shooting pain in my bbs. After this baby today, I really really really want to see a BFP!!!!

11 years ago

Hello Everyone,

I am new to this website. This is my first month ttc and am hoping for a bfp. I believe I am 1 dpo. I has some mild cramping yesterday, but nothing today. Just looking for others to talk to as I have just moved to the area and do not know anyone as of yet.

11 years ago

Hi all, this might be TMI but I made love to my hubby on Sunday night and last night and both times I bled very lightly (when I wiped on Sun and a bit more last night) I have brownish spotting this morning. Does anyone know if this is a good sign? I also feel like I could throw up. Any help much appreciated! :)

11 years ago

Laura, it's probably not possible that a conception that would've happened on Sunday night would have implanted already - but you never know! When did you ovulate?

Happy 4th of July to all my fellow Americans! Have fun and be safe today!

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11 years ago • Post starter

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