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Ladys let take this journey together :-) join me Please!

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Hi ladys, I know Me and many other ladys are trying for there first child, and we all have days were we just need support from other women who are going threw the same thing, "Baby Dust To all" is my Motto!

Heres my Story, My name is Cassandra and me and my DH have been TTC for 8 months now. I have Irregular Periods, and Im on medication To help stimulate my ovarys because iv been told its a very good possibility that I have PCOS, iv never had a ultrasound to see what the cyst look like or how bad they are Yet. :-) but i will.
This month has been rough on me, My LMP was on the 1st of march, But i had 2 periods in one month lol my sec one came on the 22d it was very spotty light flow to nothing at all except when i wiped sorry (TMI) It lasted from the 22-30th, I was scarred because what I thought might be implantation was turning in to a early mc, So i took a test on the 26th to be sure and it was Indeed A BFP, Rexall Brand Thin Blue dark line, Took one the next day it was lighter then the next day still there but so so so faint. It disapeared :-(, After the spotting stoped, I started hurting on my lower right side thinking i have a cyst, wont no till Thursday, going for a blood test and to see what these sharp pains are from :-), Im not giveing up hope this month. My period was suppost to come on the 4th of april instead it came for the sec time in one month on the 22sd of march. Iv heard of women having vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy, so im testing again on the 4th, i took a clear blue digital on the 30th lol BFN im a (poasa) lol i love to pee on a stick my husband teases me about it :-). My breast are sore, there never sore ever lol!! but iv learned not to go with symptoms. My nausea went away when i started to spot.
But anyways ladys tell me your storys and lets give each other support, we can post are HPT and tweek them a bit lol have fun, talk about sex after all thats the fun part right! :-) But i understand its all so stressfull, it is, lets work together TY :-) hope you join

PRAYING4aneeding some

175 Replies • 12 years ago



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Im gonna get bloodwork done on my way into work tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Or I actually think I am gonna go get it done in the morning actually cuz sometimes they have it back by the afternoon. Then I can come back home and sleep. I will def. let you know the outcome of what the blood work shows. Hopefully a positive. I am hoping God is planning on something good for me. I have been having dreams about pregnancy tests and having a child...then just having vivid dreams about other things. That starting back in April when all this started. I guess we shall see.

Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!!

Hoping for a
and a

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12 years ago

2 days to wait to see if last month was the or implantation ...ive stayed away as began obsessing...not knowing it the worst feeling ....Ive put on weight, achey breasts...but is it in my head
Hope everyone is well...
for all and for the bloodwork for you acollier

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12 years ago

Thank you loveandhope!!!!!!! keeping fingers crossed that something good will come out of this.

Good luck to you when you start testing!!!!! Hoping for a for you. and a

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12 years ago

acollier have you got your test results back yet?
had to use provera this time, and its been 11days since my last pill and im spoting today so im hopeing CD1 comes soon, Im doing this cycle dif
1- Evening Primrose Oil (helps with CM)
2- After period BD every other day
3- Charting temps on CD1
4-Taking Clomid CD5-9
5-And Useing OPKs for the first time correctly lol Starting CD 10 :)

I thought about the Rubastusin thing but i hate that crap
Really hopeing this is AF for me
Will see in the morning

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Cass- I got the bloodwork done on friday so I wont have the results back until sometime later this week. But when I went into work on Friday, I had a couple of my residents and I swear that they were hallucinating because they were holloring out earlier in the day so I wasn't thinking nothing of it, and I forget what she said but something like "so what do we have here", and I am like what, and she said "is someone gonna be a new mommy" I almost fell out of my skin. I was like well maybe. I don't know. I had to go ask one of my other residents, "now give me your honest answer, do you think I look pregnant?" She said yeah, and you have that glow on your face. And Im like ok, but I can still fit into my regular clothes so, I don't know. I am praying that its positive but if not...oh well. Not much I can do about it but try again. They did a blood test and a urine test.

Im glad for you, hoping CD1 starts soon for you. Then you can start on BDing and having fun every night or every other night.

Praying for ya girl. Love ya!!!!!!! Keep your head up high and I have a cat sitting on my lap right now and I cannot see the coputer.

and hoping for this month a for you. and me.


If you need to talk just message me on here or fb

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12 years ago

Thanks girl! I think CD1 is here I put the evil grin because its not all that exciteing lol you know what i mean. I could do with out the fatigue and cramps ect..... lol
And if your not then Hopefully itll happen soon for you guys.
How late are you on AF?
love ya

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

it just stoped WHAT??? no lol
I hope it comes back anyways i started my evening primrose oil
-Drinking eight 8oz glasses of water a day
-Thats five 500mL bottled water a day
-How does anyone do that, well im going to try!!!
-Maybe ill come accustomed to it ;)

Come back
Come back

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

yay its back, its back!!!

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Oh Cass, you make me laugh. AF isn't suppose to be here until another 2 weeks. So. My belly is getting bigger by the day. The only think I want to eat is vanilla snack packs. And chocolate milk. I get up in the morning, I am nauseous. I should be ovulating today, but no sign of it. But man, my lower back hurts, and I have menstural type cramps. My boobs itch. And my moods are not stabilizing. I am ok for like a couple days then I just feel depressed. I have terrible headaches. I am not horny at all. Which is really unusual because if you are ovulating you usually are more sexually aroused than usual. I pray to God that I am because I feel like it. My cervix is closed but increased CM, not fertile CM. TMI I know that. Sorry. I feel bloated...just like miserable blah, but then ok. Its just a weird feeling. Bloodwork should be back in like a couple more days. I am praying and praying, but I will want them to do an ultrasound to make sure everything looks ok too. To see how my ovaries look and everything. I will let you know how it goes..... .......and on arriving. Now you can start on CD1. and yes I would definitely chart your BBT. Easy way of charting to see when you have ovulated.

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12 years ago

First day of charting BBT
Acollier- There is no such thing as TMI on here lol iv learned that lol!!!!
Clomid on Thursday-Monday
This time around i hope my doc doesnt call me in to early to check to see if i ovulated, I dont ovulate the normal 14 days "duh doc i mean have you seen my cycles or been listening to me at all "LMAO He asumes i ovulate some were between CD10-20 or something like that but if my cycles are 47 days long will i still ovulate 14 days after period or around that, OR 14 days befor next expected period, UGH i hate this, thank god for my opks lol i dont see how anyone test twice a day there so expensive, i get a box of 20 for 19$ but i need about 40 or 50 to test with lmao Poasa lol Do i have to test twice a day girls? What time should i test?

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

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