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Ladys let take this journey together :-) join me Please!

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Hi ladys, I know Me and many other ladys are trying for there first child, and we all have days were we just need support from other women who are going threw the same thing, "Baby Dust To all" is my Motto!

Heres my Story, My name is Cassandra and me and my DH have been TTC for 8 months now. I have Irregular Periods, and Im on medication To help stimulate my ovarys because iv been told its a very good possibility that I have PCOS, iv never had a ultrasound to see what the cyst look like or how bad they are Yet. :-) but i will.
This month has been rough on me, My LMP was on the 1st of march, But i had 2 periods in one month lol my sec one came on the 22d it was very spotty light flow to nothing at all except when i wiped sorry (TMI) It lasted from the 22-30th, I was scarred because what I thought might be implantation was turning in to a early mc, So i took a test on the 26th to be sure and it was Indeed A BFP, Rexall Brand Thin Blue dark line, Took one the next day it was lighter then the next day still there but so so so faint. It disapeared :-(, After the spotting stoped, I started hurting on my lower right side thinking i have a cyst, wont no till Thursday, going for a blood test and to see what these sharp pains are from :-), Im not giveing up hope this month. My period was suppost to come on the 4th of april instead it came for the sec time in one month on the 22sd of march. Iv heard of women having vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy, so im testing again on the 4th, i took a clear blue digital on the 30th lol BFN im a (poasa) lol i love to pee on a stick my husband teases me about it :-). My breast are sore, there never sore ever lol!! but iv learned not to go with symptoms. My nausea went away when i started to spot.
But anyways ladys tell me your storys and lets give each other support, we can post are HPT and tweek them a bit lol have fun, talk about sex after all thats the fun part right! :-) But i understand its all so stressfull, it is, lets work together TY :-) hope you join

PRAYING4aneeding some

175 Replies • 12 years ago



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Fingers crossed for you Hope...... and to you!!! Let us know and have fun the next three nights!!!!!


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12 years ago

CD40 ughhhh
Come on all ready So not fair

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

If you feel anybetter by belly looks like a 4 month pregnant belly. and I know I am not 4 months preg. I would be 9 weeks....with twins probably. but not likely. Not sure What I am gonna do. what Do you think I should do? Get the bloodwork done for an hCG level to be done? Stress could be causing my hormone levels not to rise in my urine so that could be why I am getting negatives. That was the perfect timeing for conceiving. I don't know. Let me know what you think. I might do another test before call the doc. I don't know. After I eat now, I feel bloated like Im gonna blow up. Ugh, bad feeling.

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12 years ago

Go for blood work! ;)

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Cass, I had a negative OPK last night. I really don't know. But my bladder is filling up a lot quicker now, and I drink like I normally drink so. I don't know whats going on with me. It would be a nice brithday present to say that I am pregnant but. I don't know. Thanks I will probably call tomorrow. Today is my birthday so...!!!!!!!!

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12 years ago

CD41 and almost 2 weeks after the spotting that i thought was IB. And a week after expected period, My boobs are so sore, and i cant stop peeing HUH???? Whats going on with me, i took a onestep dollar store test this morning it was negative, thinking it would say positive by now if i was pregnant, so im feeling down, because i still havent had a period start from the provera yet, just sitting around waiting on my new cycle to begin, Hope i ovulate this time around and then maybe start my periods and ovulation on my own!
NOTE: Its only been 6days since my last pill, and last time i didnt start till day 12.

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Well Cass, my body is not quite right either. I hope you start your cycle so you can get BD again and have fun again. I just know that I am probably like 9 weeks pregnant. My belly is the only thing that is getting bigger. That is it, but I just took another HPT and its negative, and so is the opk. So, maybe I just don't have enough hCG in my urine cuz my hormones are out of wack. Do you think? Im gonna call my ob/GYN tomorrow. And see if they will do a blood test. I look like Im 4 months pregnant. My lounge pants are getting tighter that just a few qeeks ago fit just fine. Whats up with that? I have heard stories of where younger women are pregnant but dont have enough hormone to detect it on a HPT, or even a blood test. So they encourage them to do a sonogram, and bam, there is the baby. I have some of the weirdest illnesses, so I wouldn't be suprised if I am. Maybe God doesn't want to have to go through the rough 1st trimester. Now, when I eat I get fuller quicker than before when I was hungry and couldn't get full. I had stabbing pains in my breast. I will let you know how things go. I hope you start soon so you can get on with your life and move forward!!!!

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12 years ago

You could be bloated to tho, you need a blood test! Are you going to go get one. I sware tho i feel prego lol all the time but other months i have felt the same so who knows but im not one to get sore breast or erect nipples and nether will go away so idk, Neg HPT. My mother never did get a positive preg test lol so maybe im like her wishing she was still around so i could talk to her about this, im going to run that by my doctor if i dont get my period this time around maybe he will check me out. But i dont think im preg!!! But who knows. You sound like you need to relax a bit, take some time for your self and focus on something other then TTC for a while, easier said then done i know lol but im working on it so maybe we can do it together :)! love ya girl wish ya the best, keep me updated.

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Yeah, Im gonna call the doc today, and see what they say....but Im on medication to make my gut relax and keep things moving slowly so I don't know..I wake up with a headache and so tired I don't want to get out of bed in the morning..nauseous when I wake up....maybe Im not but I just need to put myself at ease and if I am I need to stop all my medication or get them to tweak it so it is safe. My belly feels hard so that is why I am a little concerned. Maybe something else is going on. I will let you know what the update is. I had a wonderful day on Tuesday..which was my I relaxed that day. I got to spend time with my mom and my brother so it was nice.

I will let you know what the doc says.

I have off the weekend so relaxing is what Im gonna do and hopefully m mother in law will come and fold my clothes up. I hate folding. My husband doesnt know how to keep a house clean..just like his mother.

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12 years ago

lol that was funny, Glad your going to relax :) Hopeing CD1 comes soon for me, im on CD42 i think...?

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

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