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July 2016 Babies!!!

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Welcome to all who are hoping for July 2016 babies....a place for encouragement, a laugh, therapy, discussion....who else better relates to us than someone going through the same thing? Whether you're on cycle #1 or 100, ttc your first or tenth, each cycle presents its own challenges, highs, lows, heartbreak and hopefully happy ending. Let's go through it together!

Good luck and

Me (36) & DW (32) together since February 2006 DD (conceived via at home insemination with KD sperm) born Feb 2015 TTC #2

201 Replies • 8 years ago



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My ovaries are surely active ..also extremely fatigue not test again till 1 7dpo 6 more days or if I through up lol (pregnant joke)

8 years ago

Just got the news this afternoon that I had a positive pregnancy blood test this morning! 12dpo, estimated due date (according to my tracker) is July 7, 2016. I'm new to this site, literally joined in the beginning of this week. Hoping to get support as I transition through my first trimester since DH and I are not telling anyone till we're closer to the second...

Baby dust to you all!

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8 years ago

Laura and Jbean: congrats on your BFP!!!!!!!! Happy and health 9 months.

Xoxo: I also felt super tired at 7 dpo. Hope it!s a good sign.

Lalou3tt3: too bad you're feeling so sick. I read that it's pretty commun in very early pregnancy. Hope it's more than a cold.

MrsRabren: i've been stalking so many bbt charts and came to the conclusion that everything is possible no matter the temps in the TWW. Yours looks good btw.

Jku: yay for your ovulation!! I really hope you get your BFP this month.

To all others, hope you are doing well and that you manage to keep sane during the waiting game.

AFM : i've been MIA this week because I had to travel for work. I'm 11 dpo and tested this morning. I thought I saw a super faint line but an hour later I couln'd see it anymore. I guess only time will tell...

TTC#3 since September 2015 DD 11/2013 DS 01/2012 User Image

8 years ago

Congrats to the BFPs!

Hopefully we'll have more soon....I see some promising symptoms! I got sick as a dog every time I got pregnant. It's like the minute the HCG went up, my immune system went down. When I was young, my sister made me take a preg test just because I was sneezing too much. She was right (I ended up miscarrying) but still.

AFM, I'm CD6 and O-day should be next wednesday. I'll give you one thing - I'm regular like clockwork. Every time I track, I ovulate exactly on CD14. I'm going to try OPKs this month though, just to see if I actually ovulate or it's just the EWCM. I can GET pregnant, it's the staying part I have a hard time with.

8 years ago

@Laura congrats what's your betas

8 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Congrats to all of the BFPs so far. Hopefully there will be some more within the next few weeks.

AFM - I had my IUI last Saturday. I had cramps so badly that I could barely walk on Saturday and not much since. I've been away in Canada for work, which has been a great distraction. I'm hoping the second week of my TWW goes by just as quickly.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago


jku394: I'm in the same boat, was super tired this week and was wondering if it was progesterone too.

Lalou3tt3: I agree with calvingirl, I think the whole sick thing is true. Hopefully your's is too.

Margie_M: I find the hardest part is the second week.

AFM: Not sure if it was the day after OV or OV day but last Saturday my whole body was achy as if I was getting the flu but nothing else happened and the next day I felt fine. This happened to me last month too. About 7 or 8 dpo today. Tired this week and had a crying/laughing session(because I was crying) last night for no reason...I wonder if my progesterone is all out of wack. I just had a checkup blood work done this morning and go back next Friday for the results. Its just blood work to check iron levels and thyroid(the general stuff) are good. I think I will talk to him about fertility too since it's been a little over a year of TTC.

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8 years ago

@xoxojadorecouture I haven't gotten those results yet. I just switched OB-GYNs a couple weeks ago (just didn't like my original one) so I think the new one may want to meet first? I haven't been scheduled for a follow up test yet.

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8 years ago

Well congrats anyway happy healthy 9 mos

8 years ago

Mommy - I'm 9 dpo today so we're tww buddies! When are you testing??

Margie - Sorry your IUI was so painful! You're around the same as Mommy and I then, right? Yay for buddies.

calvin - I hope the opk's give you some answers this month. And I hope you are able to find your sticky bean very, very soon!

Luna - Super faint lines are so exciting and so frustrating at the same time! Can't wait to hear if it darkens!!!

Laura - Congrats! Love hearing success stories :)

AFM - Funny story....I had a dream last night I went to the hospital because I was in labor. The doctor told me I was having 11 babies (!). Basically a litter. Like puppies. And they were all girls. I told them there was no way they could all be girls, they needed to check again. I was more concerned with gender than the fact I was having 11 babies! So funny how our minds work. Anyway, I'll be testing tomorrow morning which will be 10 dpo. FX for us all!!!!

Me (36) & DW (32) together since February 2006 DD (conceived via at home insemination with KD sperm) born Feb 2015 TTC #2

8 years ago • Post starter

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