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Two Week Wait Support

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Hi Ladies,
My TWW is about to start and I would like friends to cheer, support & accompany each other through these dreadful (and exciting few weeks). Who wants to join me?

244 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hi guys

Update I know should have but poas this mornin.....used a cheap Internet thing and frer. My period due thr 3rd Jan so that would make it 5 days away including today although it only the am here. BFN. I just don't get it. The tiNGLINg breasts really had me and the IB. Then I had read that some women get the flu symptoms as an immune response to allow an egg implant. I had the IB 2 days ago in the am. I really still feel quite fluey this morn and groat had me awake with the pain a good bit.

I just checked my cp and it's high and firm BUT my cm is green snot and I think there is eeniest teeniest bit of blood in it. Is that my period? Really disappointed as my body has totally tricked me

7 years ago

HELP. I'm not sure what going on. I think I'm now 9dpo although I could be 8dpo depends on whether egg dropped 24-48hours. You'll remember I suspected IB 2 days ago when I was checking cervix. I'm cd 26 in a 31 day cycle and I've felt really rotten today. When I went to the toilet and wiped there is quite a bit of blood. Is his my period? I'm always 31 days so this would make it 26 days so don't know why. I've put a pic up in the gallery but I'm completely freaked out. Have quite a lot of twinging in the cervix too. By CP is low firm and closed. Devestated

7 years ago

long- so the number 1 rule is you are not out until AuntFLo comes...please do not stress yourself out. if you are stressing if you do have a sticky bean...its not going to stick, your body is going to respond to all the stress and things are not going to pan thing to do is to take a deep breath, do not poas for a few days and just try to keep yourself busy. eat right...take prenatals...just wait it out. no use in stressing yourself out and overanalyzing symptoms and being overwhelmed.

At this point you either are or are not more a few days you will find out.

7 years ago

Longedfor, I agree with mollsk. Try to be calm and wait it out honey. Finding out now isn't going to change whether you are or aren't pregnant...

I did some fertility yoga yesterday evening. I thought it brought me a lot of relief and relaxation. There were some great breathing techniques and poses that really stretched and opened up my hip area. I figure it can't hurt right?

Ash, good to hear you'll be o'ing soon and it sounds like you have some good signs to confirm it! Hope you're bding like crazy! Im anxious to hear about the bloodwork too! And my holiday was okay thank you. It was hard bc it should've been my daughters first christmas so I struggled a bit : \ how was yours my darling?

Mollsk, how's the preseed working? I don't usually need any extra help in the cm area Tmi, sorry girls.. but I read about this baking soda finger thing on another forum website. We've tried it this cycle. It's said to help create a more hospitable environment for his swimmers, but who knows lol. Well find out in 2 weeks!

Alaska, how's your temp today?

Afm I'm 3dpo and no symptoms or feelings to report here!

TTC after my beautiful angel was born sleeping

7 years ago

Hey hope glad to see you back and here with us...looking forward to hearing updates. good cycle 15. A lot of things I anemic which can explain some symptoms I have with the TWW. so this cycle started prenatals and iron. I think I investigated a lot about the CM issue..i truly do not think I produce much CM, although im not personally checking but I do not ever feel wet nothing is in my underwear ever. So I may be late this cycle but I did start taking evening primrose oil and that has several articles stating it helps with fertility and production of CM, so we shall see, but you are supposed to start on CD1 and I started I may be super late, but it wont hurt, but ill keep taking it until ovulation day, so ill be on it for about 3 days.

with preseed, I used to take it for the week of fertility, but perhaps that is too much, the pack usually runs around $20 and comes with 6 syringes. I used 4....but this month im going to use it on my suspected day of ovulation and two days after we will BD and ill use another one..i have an app that tells me my est. ovulation date, however I just get a feeling I ovulate a day or two later than estimated.

keep the updates coming ladies.

7 years ago

Hi guys I think my anxiety caused it. Aunt flo arrived so this month for the 1st month in my life I've had a 25 day cycle instead if 31. Looks like maybe something didn't quite take.

I think I'm going to bbt this month and use digital ovulation as now I've no idea when I'll ovulate and if this was a once off or what.

Therefore CD2 guys. Baby dust to you all. Going to research how to do bbt

7 years ago sorry..its super frustrating and its crazy what our bodies can do. my cycle is 90% always on-time...3 days. last month 4 days was stress with the holidays im sure of it. but it can drive you crazy, I highly recommend the OPK, that will help and kudos to the BBT, I haven't gotten to that point, but let me know how it works for you..but I hear people swear by doing it, I just couldn't be that strict and remember.

hoping I ovulate soon...we are BDing...and doing everything we should be doing.

7 years ago

Awe longedfor, I'm truely sorry honey : ( it's terrine how no matter how much we try and learn our bodies in the erd we cannot control them. I wish you luck this cycle!

Thanks for the info mollsk. Hopefully after my bloodwork on cd21 I'll get a chance to talk with the doctor and maybe she can advise some tips.

I truely believe we are bding at the appropriate times so I'm really just hoping both my SO and I don't have any extra issues. Im a 2x cancer survivor and I've had two major abdominal surgeries, one with chemotherapy, and I'm left with a lot of health issues, some in my reproductive system. So I'm just in hoping there isn't a lot more.

Anyways, Im at the end of 3dpo, cd17 and I don't have anything to report. CM has seemed to dry up. I'm super tired but I didn't sleep last night so that's the issue.

Fx for everyone to m get their bfp soon!!

TTC after my beautiful angel was born sleeping

7 years ago

Alrighty ladies - it's O time!

Wish me luck :)
Now the tww begins!

Married DH 08/31/13 DD 09/07/2015 Started April 2016 ttc baby #2

7 years ago

Ovulation day.. suspected.. my opk sticks say tmmw, which is fine well BD today, tmmw and say after in hopes to catch the egg.

I'll keep you all updated.

baby dust to all.

7 years ago

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