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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 9 years ago



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So everyone I really need help. Yesterday @11dpo I started spotting as everyone in March Babies 2015 know which is of course expected since I expected af to really start tomorrow on the 16. Today I saw some more brown spotting as soon as I woke up. (Figured I had a lot of old blood)
My last period was unusually 8 days long. Idk why...
But today around 9am I went to the bathroom and saw a whole lot of brown blood with a lot of cm. So I figured I was having a weird period. It was brown and when I have it is bright red. Also this weird period did not stain my undies even though it was a lot of it. So speeding down to 2:30 it stops. Now all I got is this pressure and a wave of nausea.

I am lost...

At 9dpo I already had a blood test and it came back negative

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9 years ago

Ababy2love - the timing sounds about right for implantation bleeding. Which would explain why the test was negative at 9dpo. The hormones done show up until a few days after implantation. If AF doesn't show by Thursday I would test again. Since I haven't been pregnant yet I'm not 100% positive but everything I've read says that implantation bleeding is either pink or brown.

for you! You may still have a March baby on the way!!

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9 years ago

Ababy2love: 9DPO is to early to test. Only a very few select people ever get lucky and see something that early. I agree with DanielleH13, if you don't see AF by Thursday I would take another test. You might even be able to take one tomorrow. I used to have that when I was younger....having old blood first before new blood. Sometimes it would be a lot too. FX'd it's implantation for you and not AF trying to get rid of the old blood before turning into new blood.

My best friend bled the first month of her pregnancy. It was even enough for her to think it might be AF for her too. She called me up and asked if it was possible to still get your period and be pregnant...I originally told her yes...that was before I knew it really wasn't a period. Turns out she was actually pregnant.

awebste: Welcome! Try not to be so discouraged from the OPK's and TTC. You are still pretty young and early in the TTC process. Trust me when I say we all know how you feel when AF arrives every month. I am now into my 17th cycle DH is 39yo and I am 37yo. It sounds like you have your BD'ing covered. Just curious but which OPK's are you using?

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

DanielleH13: Good luck! Fingers crossed you catch that egg!

RPope84: Any amount of time waiting is torture once you decide that you are ready. Another friend of mine literally got pregnant the first month she tried. She got off her birth control and BAM she was pregnant. For some reason, I think that hurts more than women who accidentally get pregnant.

Lolo1176: I did dump that shady RE! The last time I saw him was in January. I talked to my OB/GYN shortly afterwards and she said she would recommend me to another whenever I was ready. At the time, I was so irritated that I just wanted to take a break, but I think it's time to jump back into it. I see her at the end of the month so hopefully she can tell me where to go from here. As far as the temping goes, I took a year long hiatus from it and have just started back at it this month. Maybe you should only temp until you see the ovulation rise and quit for the rest of your cycle.

Snowwhite: I have been pretty lucky with my DH in that department, but he prefers sex first thing in the morning. I am SOOOO not a morning person, but I would frankly rather wake up early and get it done than have to deal with him maybe being too tired in the evening. Sometimes you have to cater to them because, as we all know, men can be babies. About the grandmother issue: does she live close to you where you all can arrange a dinner soon? How old is his grandmother? I'm sure she is quite dear to him if this is an issue for him, but I wouldn't have any problem cutting dear ol' granny out of my life if she chose to ignore a miracle like a baby.

OldBiddie: Babies are rarely born on their due date anyway ;)

Have any of you tried fertility yoga? I just ordered this DVD set (which is way more money than I would want to spend for yoga, but was pretty sold on the reviews). I'll let you all know how I like it once it comes in the mail.

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

9 years ago

I didn't use any aids or tracking our first month ttc. My first month using the opk was our 2nd month trying and I used the First Response 7 Plus 1 Pregnancy Test kit. My third month trying the ClearBlue Easy 7 Plus 1 Preg Test Ovulation Kit was on sale so I bought that one - i liked it better than the first response so this month (4th month ttc) I stuck with the ClearBlue. There was definitely something wrong with the whole back - once used the pee (and there was plenty of it - sorry tmi!) did not filter into the test properly and the blue die just bled all over. With the first test I thought maybe it was me just doing it wrong, but by the second, third, fourth test doing the exact same thing I am sure it was a bad pack. I bought another pack (still Clearblue) and got a + yesterday.

I have yet to try temping - if we are not successful by 6 months I may start to try that as well.

I think we have BD at the right time this month - going to get another night in tonight and maybe tomorrow to be sure we covered our basis - as I think its possible I O'd late this month. Who knows - maybe that's the cause for being unsuccessful these past few months? I am still trying to be optimistic as I know we pretty new into the trying process - and I know we are still young, but it still hurts being let down each month.

9 years ago

Thanks Lala and Danielle. I will see. I had that a few times but not this much. I will call it my weird period for now until otherwise.

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9 years ago

I'm hopping here even though I probably won't have an April baby.

GUYS...nothing has happened yet :( No BFP, no AF, and since last Sunday, no temp spike or positive OPK. Ugh, I just wish SOMETHING would happen! Last AF started May 31, NEVER have I been off of a 26-30 day cycle. I did think back and remembered that in June I was on antidepressants and steroids, so maybe that had an affect.

OPK Question - I'm using the Wondfo strips. I've been getting super light lines all week. Then, Saturday I got a 'medium' darkness line, not quite as dark as the control. Then it went back to super light until today (Tuesday), its medium again. Is this normal?

9 years ago

My boyfriends sex drive is so little. It makes me feel rejected. I asked to bd tonight and he said "Im really tired, and have to get up early" so I said thats fine. How about tomorrow or this weekend. and hes like "I guess". I really need it this weekend or I wont conceive. I have a really good feeling aobut this month though. so Im sure we will bd soon.

I dont trust the OPKs I have. They dont work well. I dip the tip, and the dye doesnt go across the strip unless I press on it. that can't be good for it though. sigh. I dont have the money right now to buy another set of opks. They're very expensive here, like $50. Craziness!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Snowwhite-My DH has a really strenuous job so sometimes we have the same issue. Luckily he really wants a baby so he doesn't give me a hard time during my fertile period, but the rest of the month is iffy. I've found that if I bring it up to him before hand and he's not interested he'll shut it down and there's no hope, but if we just go to bed and I start touching and kissing him and turning him on, it's not too hard to convince him that he definitely wants to keep going. Sorry you're having this issue...I know how frustrating it is, but just keep trying and hopefully you'll find what works for you.

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9 years ago

@snowwhite: I can only imagine how this may be stressful between the both of y'all. I can only imagine that at this point it is officially a job and nobody wants two jobs. Try to come to some type of compromise with him. Maybe he can take a nap before hand. Hope it all works out.

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9 years ago

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