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June/July IVF buddies?

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Anyone starting IVF soon or starting IVF again? This is my first cycle trying it and am looking for others to chat with during the process whether you are a first timer like me or you could practically get an honorary doctorate in reproductive endocrinology because you know so much :-)

197 Replies • 11 years ago



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you must be so excited. I hope your number doubled again. It must have been so exciting to see a positive hpt. Congratulations and keep us posted on how everything is going.

10 years ago

On Friday, 14dpt, my beta was 43. So it more than doubled again. Doubling time of 31 hours. I also got a positive on a digital that day! I got the clearblue digital with week estimator tests and it popped up pregnant 1-2 weeks. I have 3 more of those so I will keep testing hoping to get a 2-3 week on it next week sometime. I wish nurse doom and gloom who calls me with my test results acted happier about it. She is always like sorry but your result was only 43. I am like wtf! what do you mean ONLY! they are going up and almost tripiling which I am very happy about! What more does she want? I have another beta on Monday so maybe if I hit triple digits they will finally act happy about my results.

10 years ago • Post starter

So how did the beta go yesterday? I am so excited for you, it gives me hope that all of this is worth it and can work.

10 years ago

Sadly I don't have good news. My beta only went from a 43 to a 76 so it did not double and that was 3 days in between tests instead of 2. They think it may be ectopic or a m/c is starting. I have another beta and a bunch of other blood tests on Wednesday and if numbers are still up I'll have to go in for an u/s next week to find out where this pregnancy is and possibly terminate. I am devastated even though I knew my odds weren't that great with low numbers. Yesterday's phone call completely squashed my hopes that maybe it would work.

10 years ago • Post starter

That is such sad news. I am so sorry things are not going the way they should be. I had a chemical pregnancy last April and it was soo much harder to deal with that loss than it was when the procedures did not work to begin with. I am so truly sorry. I will continue to pray that this cycle will work and you have had just a rough start.

10 years ago

M/C has officially started. Was supposed to be 6 weeks today. My beta dropped on wed back down to 37 so I knew it was coming. At least it is early and I am miscarrying naturally and didn't need an injection or d&c.

Talked to my doctor yesterday and she is just as stumped as to why this isn't working because everything looks great on paper and she was even hopeful when my numbers started rising quickly even though they were low. I have another beta on Monday and she is going to run a few more less common tests to see if we are missing anything. If my hcg is back to 0 I will be able to start bcp next week and get ready for another retrieval and transfer in mid december.

At least I felt like my doctor was on the same page as me. She wants to push a little harder with the stims this round and try to get 15-20 mature eggs since I didn't have any ohss symptoms last time and had 11 mature eggs. Hopefully we will have more to freeze this time around.

I had a great hot stone massage today and am looking forward to a relaxing weekend and a fresh start!

10 years ago • Post starter

I am so glad to hear that you are staying positive and are looking towards starting the next cycle full force. I hope everything goes the way it is supposed to and you will be pregnant for Christmas.

I was getting to the point where I was thinking that I could adopt a child and would be totally fulfilled with that decision. Then of course my sister tells us she is pregnant and is due in June. She had her ultrasound appointment yesterday and I just wish I could go through that. I think I will miss the pregnancy and newborn stages of seeing my child grow if I adopt. It seems my head and heart changes every other day on what I want to do. I hope a path for my life becomes apparent within the next 6 months.

10 years ago

My beta levels still haven't dropped to 0 yet so I am hoping my next cycle for December doesn't get pushed to January. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions the last couple weeks. After my beta dropped from a 76 to a 37 it rose back up to 45. At that point they were thinking it was definitely ectopic and I would need to have a chemical abortion. Then I went in a few days later and thankfully it dropped to 19. I have another bw appt on Thurs and I am praying that it is at a 0 and that this torture is finally over.

I have had literally 16 people (yes I am counting) in the last 3 weeks while I have been going through this either give birth or announce a pregnancy. My one "infertility" buddy, my husband's friend's wife, just announced she is expecting twins in May after her 8th attempt at IUI (she also had 1 failed IVF). It seems I am the only one left who hasn't met success yet. Seeing all these announcements for late spring next year is really taking an emotional toll on me since I would have been due in June.

I am not ready to think about adoption yet. I am no where near ready to give up on being able to experience pregnancy, labor and the newborn stage. Completely understand where you are coming from! It is such a personal/bonding thing for a woman, that a man could never understand. It is what we are built/designed for and when your body doesn't do what it is meant to do it is heartbreaking to even think about giving up on that experience. We did apply for the refund program with the idea that we could use the refund towards adoption if it didn't work as an absolute last resort but we didn't even really contemplate that it wouldn't work. I do really want to be a foster parent at some point in my life, but after I have my own children.

10 years ago • Post starter

I hope everything has gone back to normal so you can get started on your next cycle.

It was such a hard move for us to go from having our family to thinking about adoption. However in the mean time I am ready to foster and if we feel good and right adopting one of these children (if they come up for adoption) then that is what we will do. For me though I still very much hope that I will become pregnant and have another child of my own. I am really hoping that in the new year my doctor will call me ready to try something else.

I can say though if we didn`t have our daughter at home there is no way I would be looking at adoption. I really needed that experience of pregnancy and newborn. Its also funny that going into trying to have another child, I never in a million years ever thought it wouldn`t work. That thought never entered my mind at all. We got pregnant on the second IUI with my daughter who will be 3 next month. We have been trying for a second for 2 years (5 IUI`s and 1 IVF). In all We`ve been at this whole process for 6 years. It`s totally exhausting and overwhelming but oh so worth it when it happens.

A Christmas announcement or new years announcement would be so amazing for you. I don`t know if you are at that point to starting again, I really wish you all the best with your next cycle and will be praying that you get to experience all that comes along with pregnancy. Its funny when you go through this you just cant wait until the day you throw up because of your little baby.

10 years ago

New to this forum! Starting stim meds this week, and I need a place to chat about this.

34, ttc #1 for almost 2 years, tests (mine and husband's) are all normal -- good, even. Had 3 failed IUIs, tried clomid (4 rounds, just gave me a big cyst), femera (did next to nothing) and now here we are.

There are a lot of horror stories on the internet, so I'm hoping to find some peace and sanity somewhere here.

Any tips as we get into the stim meds? Any success stories??

10 years ago

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