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Provera, Clomid Metformin TTC9months (join this forum ladys)

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Hi ladys i think we all need a forum were we can talk about are journey. Fertilty Meds and such.
My story im going to make it short.
I have PCOS, and DH and I TTC for 9 months now, Doc started me on 10mg of provera or metroxypro... rather same thing. For 5days, I ended on sat, its been four days and know period yet, I realy want my period iv never wanted it so bad lol, that way i can start my clomid days 5-9, and start BD with DH lol Thats the best part after all!! did anyone have any luck yet, I hope this works, We desperatly want a child :)

PRAYING4aneeding some

131 Replies • 12 years ago



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Whats going on Cass?? Any thing yet??
I would like to WELCOME Myself to the 5 days of HELL!!! (5 days of clomid) Its going to suck!!

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

wth sorry for the language!
I bled for a couple of hours LIGHT
And now nothing i better not be spotting again , i mean come on cant i catch a break i just want to get my period back on track Please god if your listening i need help lol
i feel like crap, PMS, UTI, whats next?""""
I counted on my chart as CD1 but now im beging to wonder
sorry im just agravated. If this is it, then i wont be far behind you :) ill start clomid in 4 days :)!!! We can be cycle buddies
Hope that the 4 days of hell will go easy on ya, i felt moody on it and irratable and then on the last day of my pill i was so sick Throwing up migranes it was awful, and then to find out i didnt even ovulate on it!

-Drinking eight 8oz glasses of water a day
-Thats five 500mL bottled water a day
-How does anyone do that, well im going to try!!!
-Maybe ill come accustomed to it ;)

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

First time I took provera which is the only time it was in march, my period came 15 days later and it was light for about 3-4 days maybe that's what's happening to you? and I took clomid on cd3-5 that cycle lasted 57 days! So now I'm cd2 with no provera which I'm soooo happy about because it's my regular flow again :) the only difference was that I cramped a lot more this time who knows but now I'm wondering if I should keep taking clomid cd3-5? Wdy think? Why are you girls on it on cd5-9, just cause your doctor said or for other reasons?

User Image and please!!!

12 years ago

Yes take the clomid, and it doesnt matter 3-7 or 5-9 ether one will do, promise :) and UPDATE its back yay lol, yeah this is my second cycle. :), if i get a BFN this time around i hope my period will return to normal like yours :)! but i will continue to take the clomid. If i were you i would take it this month, just incase your ovulation is off, it will help. And you should realy start evening primrose oil, Wallmart 5 bucks. Itll help with your cm, very sperm friendly herb. This is the first time useing it but i heard great reviews.

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

AWWW Cass thank the man upstairs IT came back!! YAY we are cycle buddies! Usually AF is a solid 7-8 days for me and heavy the whole time ! Not this month! This month it has been medium flow and only 5 days !!! And it came on its own bc I O'd last month which is the first time in 2 years! WHOO HOO Go us lets hopw this all keeps up! P.S I use PreSeed for CM (Its alot more fun)

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

First day of charting BBT
There is no such thing as TMI on here lol iv learned that lol!!!!
Clomid on Thursday-Monday
This time around i hope my doc doesnt call me in to early to check to see if i ovulated, I dont ovulate the normal 14 days "duh doc i mean have you seen my cycles or been listening to me at all "LMAO He asumes i ovulate some were between CD10-20 or something like that but if my cycles are 47 days long will i still ovulate 14 days after period or around that, OR 14 days befor next expected period, UGH i hate this, thank god for my opks lol i dont see how anyone test twice a day there so expensive, i get a box of 20 for 19$ but i need about 40 or 50 to test with lmao Poasa lol Do i have to test twice a day girls? What time should i test?

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

I test twice a day @ 11am and 6pm and I O around day 17! I buy my OPK's online I usually get 50 for 13$ which is pretty cheap! And they work great!

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

Im so mad right now. I called and left a message with my doc, Told him CD1 started yesterday k, Well the nurse calls me back and says umm ok lets see he wants you to start your provera on the 14th, i said no i just took my provera, she says you said cd1 started yesterday right i said yes, She said um ok well he wants you to start the provera on the 14th and have intercoarse on the 20th bla bla bla ect ect... I said i think he has it all confused, he already put me on my provera and it jump started my period yesterday, i want to no weather he wants me to start clomid days 3-7 or 5-9, I mean comeon how hard is that i know more then my own damn doctor im so tired of this shit.

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Every month someone i know becomes pregnant, It just happend again, Why must we be envyis of them, its like human nature for me, and i cant help it, There all younger then me like just out of there teens most of them.
Please Please lord bless us with a healthy bouncing baby of are own

"WHY NOT NOW" i get tired of this same question

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Hubby is going to second shift yay no more thirds, or nights with out my hubby by my side yay.
And were buying my hubbys moms house with in the next yr or two im real happy about that, i love that place i can see my self living there for ever :)
Babysitting my little bro nlaw keeps my mind on fun things and not negative ones, but he goes to school befor long and i guess its back to sitting around the house finding projects to do :)!
Doc called well nurse did lol
Clomid 14th-18th
Sex 20th-30th
blood work july2 CD23
hmmm do you think hes testing to early since i have a 47 day cycle last time, Does that matter because i dont understand the checking the progesterone levels thing??
Can someone explain this to me

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

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