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Game over. :-(

I am absolutely gutted. My partner and I went to a private fertility specialist, who was very nice and kept telling us not to worry because we were young etc. We went through the tests, and they said it was a procedure. I expected myself to come back quite poor as I have not been ovulating (as per tests) and the specialist was going to give us clomid. This turned out to be the least of our problems. My partner had to give a sperm sample. He has a sperm count of Zero. Nothing. He literally just doesn't produce anything.

I always was a bit suspicious as he didn't seem to "produce" a lot. And I don't wish to be mean being his back, but his testicles are really small as well, and apparently all of this points to Azoospermia (no sperm). I feel that if I said something and we got checked out sooner, we would have saved ourselves all the heartache of trying for so long.

He is adamant he doesn't want a sperm donor. I am adamant I don't want to go through fullblown IVF, so we have pretty much hit a stalemate.

He feels terribly and I feel awful for him and I am trying to hold it together, and put on a brave face. But I saw a pregnant woman in the supermarket and just came home and cried. My cousin is pregnant and his best friends wife is about to give birth. We both now need to smile and be happy for others, because this isn't their fault. But we are both utterly gutted. We are only 29 years old as well.

I just needed somewhere to vent because noone really "gets it". Thanks for reading. I hope you all have better luck than we have.

1 Reply • 9 years ago



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I'm so sorry sweetie! You can do an IUI with donor sperm and it doesn't cost that much but its not a guarantee. Best of Luck!=)

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9 years ago

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