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10 DPO - Testing to Symptoms - Everyone welcome!!

Hey Everyone I am 10 DPO

I am waiting to test on expected AF date. I have some mild symptoms now but just PO I was feeling a lot of cramping but now its just very mild. Breast pain - burning coming and going mild. Feeling of bloating and non stop headache. BBT has been 98.3 since O occurred. Just wanted to see what everyone else is experiencing while waiting. It is difficult to decide what is pre menstrual and actual actual conception signs.

15 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi! I'm 10DPO today too!

AF is expected on either Sunday or Monday. I've been experiencing symptoms similar to yours since 5DPO. I'm super crampy, maintaining high BBT, and have had a doozy of a headache for a week. No real breast tenderness, but heartburn so bad I can't sleep. And when I do sleep, I'm having dreams the size of Texas. Hoping this is a good sign! Had a BFN yesterday at midnight, lol. Waiting till at least Sunday to test again.

Best of wishes to you!!

8 years ago

Hi LilyLight
Glad were both experiencing the same things. I have not tested and wont test until maybe Sunday but right now all I feel is nausea even the breast burning is minimal and the headache that rarely seems to fade. My last pregnancy I was so sick so If I have a BFP I am really hoping that this one will not be the same. Actually with my last pregnancy I really did not have many symptoms at all until 8 weeks at that point it was full on.
Wishing the best :) Keep me posted !!!!!

8 years ago • Post starter

I am in the same boat. I think I'm 16 DPO because I think I ovulated early but not sure. AF is due this weekend also. The wait is agonizing. I have had very vivid dreams, food tastes so good, and have had cramping, bubbles, twjnges, stabbing pains you name it for the last week and a half. I'm hoping this is a good sign. baby dust to everyone.

8 years ago

Hi nicki_sp and everyone,

The wait does seem long. I notice some cramping since this afternoon. I tracked to see what day implantation would be which would happen today so this cramping is either AF or a good sign... Just keep waiting !!! Best wishes

8 years ago • Post starter

I am 10dpo I have had cramping off and on since yesterday morning not much else except my bbs hurt off and on more so in the morning good luck to everyone

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8 years ago

I will be 10 dpo tomorrow, not many symptoms right now. Feel as though a cold is coming on, some leg cramps, and feel a bit bloated. Oh, also for the past week or so i have had the most vivid dreams, usually I don't remember them. A few days ago I had cramping, actually thought af was going to start way early! The cramping has gone away now however. I may test tomorrow but I'm thinking it will be negative.

8 years ago

Yah I tested today and BFN. It's rather disappointing when you test too early. However I am feeling AF may be around the corner based on the type of cramping. I hope not though. Baby dust to all of us!

8 years ago

Hi, I'm new to this journey and am 8DPO today. Took a test even though I new it would be negative. I'm expecting AF Wednesday so won't be disappointed in a negative until then though it's really hard to wait. Woke up with a sensitive nose this morning and have been peeing like crazy today. Pinching and full bladder feeling the last two days as well.
I am using donor sperm and home insemination and this is my first month trying. I'm praying it doesn't take too many months because timing the insemination is hard since my donor lives 3hours away.
Sticky baby dust to you all

8 years ago

I could not resist and I tested.....BFN
My BBT is still 98.3 , very light nausea, feeling really gassy now. Breast pain that comes and goes... mild cramps
Expected AF on the 5th ... I wont test again now until the 5th
Just waiting now!

8 years ago • Post starter

Started to spot today so on to next month and maybe a new years baby to all still in the tww

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8 years ago

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