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Trying Preseed - Does it actually help? CYCLE BUDDY PLEASE!

Hi Everyone,

I'm back on the TTC train after having a rather depressing January/February with my mother's passing.

Hubby and I have been TTC since October with no luck. Mostly just using calendar predictions and dabbling a little into OPKS (Dollar store brand).

I've never done a full cycle with OPKs, I attempted to last month but just wasn't in the mood because of recent events.

Currently on Cycle Day 6 and finishing up my P, with no idea when I will ovulate this month since last month was all whacked out!

We are going to try Pre-seed this month with the help of OPKs and I'm also charting my BBT and started reading the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility".

So, opinions non pre-seed?
Also, anyone want to be a cycle buddy? :)

Hoping for my BFP this month! If I'm lucky enough, predicted due date is on my birthday! :)


12 Replies • 8 years ago



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I'm CD08 so not too far ahead of you. Some women have hostile cm so preseed is always a good idea, just in case. When using it you at least know you are giving the swimmers the best chance.
Have you considered using soft cup/menstrual cup with it? It keeps everything next to your cervix for a few hours allowing you to get on with your day.
You can get cheap opk online that work just as well as the expensive ones, as long as you read the instructions. They are only positive if the test line is darker or equal to the control line and should not be used with first morning urine.

Forgot to say, preseed feels good when

8 years ago

Hi Kerzie!

Thanks for the tips.
I've actually never heard of the soft/menstrual cup before I will definitely look into it. I think this cycle I will do without, since I've started already and feel like I'm dabbling in a million different things!

I actually do have the online OPKs that I ordered from amazon. I think the brand was "Easy@Home" or something.

Have you started testing OPK since its your CD8?

Also, how long have you been TTC if you don't mind me asking :)?

8 years ago • Post starter

Hey Gals,

I'm newish to this site. I was just reading your posts and thought I would join in if that's ok?.
My sister swears by preseed as well as a few other people I know.
My hubby and I have been trying since July . Every month that wicked shows her face I get super emotional and feel a little more defeated. I feel like maybe this won't happen again. This last month I decided to use pressed also. I am now 10dpo and I'm feeling things I normally don't feel before AF hopefully its not all in my head. I really hope this little guy sticks. I am supposed to get the this weekend . I'm hoping she doesn't show for another year. . here's to hoping we all get this month. Hang in there ladies. The TWW is emotional. ( for me at least). to everyone!!!!!

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

I had been trying for over a year then discovered my luteal phase was too short so started on vitex. Since then it's been just over six months, I think. I don't count the first part as conception could never have happened, it never occurred to me to research online until a year had passed. I have a 5yr old son so wrongly assumed it would just happen again. Didn't even know about opk' s so was probably bd'ing at the wrong time too, lol.
Will start testing from CD10, I tend to o between CD13 and CD19. I take my bbt every few days so at least I know I actually ovulate, once my temp rises I know I can relax and give my dh a break
I hope the preseed works for you and this is your month xx

8 years ago

Hi vbabes,
First of all, my sincere condolences for your loss...
My husband and I have been trying since July/15 and I am a CD8. I had a chemical in Sept/15 and my cycles have been irregular since then so I had no luck with the calendar apps.
I am having a good experience using opk's. I have tried a couple different brands and keep going back to the dollar store opk's because they are cheap and more discrete to throw in your purse or pocket for testing at work. I'd say your internet cheapies will do just fine. If your not sure when you ovulate they are a great tool to help your narrow down your O date!
Things that helped me was to use them the same time everyday (2pm for me) and hold off on any drinks an hour or two before. I also kept pics on my phone to reference the lines.
My DH knows my opk results depending on my mood. lol he says I have an OPK is Positive grin on my face all day! lol We charmingly refer to my cervix as a window. So when I get the "look" he always comments on how the "window must be WIDE OPEN today" lol. I am just greatful for his enthusiasm toward this process.
I have no experience BBT. I work shift work and so I didn't see the point in trying that method!
We have also been experimenting with preeseed. I don't fancy the applicator method of application as a personal preference. We just use it like we have any other lube. DH and I felt better using something that was sperm friendly. So far used it for two cycles.
Other than that I've been just trying to take care of myself (you know eat right, reduce stress and stay active) and take prenatal vits (which has done wonders for my nails!:))
Nice to hear from others who are TTC for the same time frame and dabbling in all these tricks and methods to catch a sticky bean!
Since I seem to ovulate around CD17 so I wont be starting my OPKs until around CD12. I used to start on CD 10 but I never ever had +ive's that early so I don't bother.
I am always scouring the internet for TTC info. Any tips or advice that you found helpful?
Wishing you good luck this cycle!Best wishes! Baby Dust!

8 years ago

Orchid, I started a thread hear about vits, supplements, and fertility aids, will post the link in case you are interested
Hope you find some useful info x

8 years ago

Miam1324 - Wow! I REALLY hope this is your month. Please keep us updated :) Thank you for sharing your story.

Kerzie - that is unfortunate, but I am glad that you've pinpointed what was causing you your BFNS before, and really wish you the best of luck for this coming cycle :) Thank you for the tips I'll definitely keep them in mind.

Orchid - Thank you so much for the condolence, its been a rough start to the year and things are finally going upwards. As for tips, I don't have too many. My friend who is actually doing fertility treatments always suggests to BD two days before your predicted OPK, and the day after. I also found that BBT charting really helps. I know this because I was two weeks for my last MP. It was due Feb 15, I kept getting EWCM around the 12th followed by tender breasts. I coulda sworn I was pregnant. I thought wow, of ALL months to get pregnant, its going to be the month I am not trying. But it ended up just being a very late ovulation. (Two weeks to be exact). And of course, after SEVERAL BPNs. 14 days later, I got my period. And I actually knew without fail, because those are symptoms you can also get when you ovulate. (I hadnt been tracking that month cause of all the stress). But anyways, I knew for sure even before I got my blood done that i wasnt pregnant, because for a couple of days my temperature was really high, and 1 or 2 days before my period, it dropped dramatically. Finally by Feb 2nd (exactly 14 days after my SUSPECTED OV date, AF came to visit.

So I highly suggest the BBT method, even if youre on shift work, set an alarm on your phone (for the same time everyday), even involve your hubby in the process, and take those 2 minutes to take your temperature while youre in bed, then go back to sleep. You'd be surprised how much it can help you! BEcause sometimes the OPKS will show that youre ovulating, but that could be between 24-48 hours. THats a huge window of time to cover BDing for a 12 hour conception period. And if you're in shift work, I presume its harder to time BDing.
The book that I started reading "Taking charge of your Fertility" also swears by BBT charting, even to AVOID pregnancy. I will give you more tips, as I read! But in the mean time, best of luck. and please keep me updated :)

8 years ago • Post starter

Vbabes I am so sorry. I thought I responded to about the passing of your Mom. I would hope and pray its pregnancy brain. I know a little something about TTC while morning a loss.
I lost my Mom and Dad as well as my little boy when I was 36weeks along all within a year and a half. It hasn't been easy...
Our bodies do funny things to us as well as our heads. I hope and pray that you get all that you want in life ....

Since I posted earlier I feel like total crap excuse my language. I'm super dizzy I'm hot. I feel like I wanna puke. I hope I'm prego and not just getting sick. I will for sure keep you all updated.

For everyone else don't give up hope. I can't speak for everyone but if anyone needs to talk or just vent I am here..

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

I'm out!!!

I guess here to December!

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago


Sorry to hear :(

Stay positive and keep trying!! It's going to happen!

8 years ago • Post starter

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