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I just can't get this timing right to save my life

So, I'm not suppose to O until this Friday, but I woke up today and used an OPK and low and behold I got a positive reading which has never happened within the last year of trying to conceive. The worst part is that my SD doesn't arrive until Tuesday.Either I'm cursed to never get preggo or God is trying to tell me its still not time.another cycle wasted.uggh...I'm done with my rant for the day thanks for reading. best of luck to everyone esle!

3 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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You may not miss your window. Keep testing, sometimes a surge can last days before you actually ovulate. I fell pregnant earlier this year, twice, sadly both ended with an early MC, in each month I had negative OPK's. The irony is I have now started to get positive ones, (last month for 6 days running), but my blood test showed that I did not ovulate that month. I am not sure what my point is here, other than OPK's don't always get it right, don't give up and I too feel like a rant! I hope I haven't inappropriately jumped on your band wagon. Best of luck X

12 years ago

I hear you loud and clear. My husband is a firefighter. He's either gone at work for 48 Hrs, I'm on travel for work, or his family is visiting - they have to stay over since they are 4 states away.

He's been home for 6 months due to ACL reconstructive surgery. I figured FOR SURE it would happen with all that time home. Nope. Nothing. He was either hurting too much or too depressed. Can't say I blame the poor guy, but it's still super frustrating nonetheless.

I should be ovulating next weekend, and guess who is visiting............

12 years ago

Thanks ladies I'm glad I'm not in this alone, I'm glad y'all understand were I'm coming from.I hope your right and the OPK was wrong, hopefully I didn't O until after I performed the at home insemination.i took a trigger shot just to ensure I O'ed.

12 years ago • Post starter

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