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Breastfeeding and TTC

Currently breastfeeding my almost 11 month old. Wondering if anyone is also TTC while breastfeeding.

I'm wondering how many of my new "symptoms" might just be part of the breastfeeding journey.

18 Replies • 8 years ago



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I'm breastfeeding my 10mo. I had a chemical last month and I wonder if BF had any influence on that. I recently weaned the night feeding as I read that night feeding can have a big impact on maintaining a pregnancy.

8 years ago

I didn't know that. How often was your baby nursing? And how did you wean? My husband and I think that we need to start getting rid of the night nursings.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

8 years ago • Post starter

Thanks! I'm on CD16 and I've been using OPK but negative so far. I think I'm getting close to O. Fx
He was feeding only once at night. I made sure he was eating enough before going to bed. When he woke up to feed, I'd go to his room as fast as I could and calmed him down. The 1st couple of nights he would cry for a bit. I'd be checking in every couple of minutes and eventually he would fall asleep. Then he started waking up really early like 5ish. So I did the same thing to get him back to sleep. It took about 5 days for him to sleep through the night without waking up to feed.

8 years ago

I hope this thread can be revived. I'm ttc while breastfeeding. My DD is 9 months. This is my first cycle. How are things going with you?

8 years ago

I'm also ttc right now. My daughter is almost 11mo and we have had one chemical pregnancy after my first pp period. I had a positive OPK last month, but I feel like I was still too irregular since I'm still breastfeeding. I am starting to chart my temps and keeping track of my CM. Good luck to you ladies!

8 years ago

Hi girls, I'm currently 7wks pregnant and still BF my 12mo. After my chemical in September we waited 1 cycle and I got pregnant in November. I completely dropped the night feeding back in October and since beginning of november he goes to daycare full time so I only BF when we get home and more on the weekends.
It is possible to get pregnant while BF. Good luck ladies!

8 years ago

Yes, let's revive this topic!! I am currently breastfeeding my 13 month old and I'd like to continue but really want another baby! KellyMom says you should be able to conceive without weaning, I hope so cuz my little lady isn't ready.

I got my period back 3 months ago and have had long cycles (40 days) since then. Not sure if that's my new normal or if they're going to go back to 28 day cycles. I just started ClearBlue Advanced OPKs this month and have had 5 flashing smilies so far! I'm hoping for a solid tomorrow. I started taking Red Maca this month too as it boats improving fertility and libido (which I need help with).

With my current babe, it took us 10 months to conceive her, I just don't want to wait so long this time. I am getting old.

What are your strategies this month?

8 years ago

Hey! :)

I'm TTC baby #4 while breastfeeding my 13mo. He eats about 4x during the day and 1-2x at night.
AF just showed up in december but was very light and lasted for 3 days. Today is CD 31 and tests are BFN. I hope to get my 28 day cycles back.

8 years ago

you guys are lucky... I breastfed #3 for 16 months with not a sniff of AF and once fully weaned, it took a further 8 months for my cycles to return! Unprotected sex throughout, no further babies lol

8 years ago

Hi All! I breastfeed my almost 15 month old and I'm on cycle day 1 of my first cycle in 2 years!! So glad I'm in this boat with all of you. How's it going?

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8 years ago

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