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1-3% chance of natural conception w/ severe MFI... BFP!!!!

Hi ladies!!!

I never thought I would be writing anything like this. But I am. We have been trying to conceive for exactly a year to the month. At first they thought I had severe endometriosis so I had a laparoscopy done in December 2013. They only found stage one endo and it wasn't effecting any of my reproductive organs! Praise the Lord! They removed the little spot of scaring though. Shortly before my surgery my husband had his first SA. It came back with an EXTREMELY low sperm count of only 2.9 million. He did another two months later in December 2013 and it was at 8.1 said that was a normal jump and that happens basically every month with men to a degree. His morph and motility were also low but borderline so doctor wasn't nearly as concerned with them. I can't remember exact numbers on those.

I am a "realist" so I started doing my homework and quickly realized this was definitely a male fertility issue. I had him start supplements of L-carnitine, L-arginine and a super anti-oxident back in October 2013 when we got his first SA results back. I have had him continue taking these up until now and even added some CoQ10 a couple months ago.

Fast forward to April 17, 2014. We had our second appointment with our infertility specialst (whom I absolutely love!). He reviewed my husband's test results from Oct and Dec 2013 and said that we basically had a 1-3% chance of conceiving on our own every month. He said we were excellent candidates for IVF w/ ICSI though and we were thrilled about that! We walked away planning our first IVF cycle this November 2014. I was SO excited to have a PLAN finally!! :)

Fast forward to May 2nd 2014. I really stopped tracking my cycles a couple months ago. We were still trying but I got tired of doing bbt and taking opks so I just quit. I ovulate around the same time anyways every month so I knew roughly when to "have fun". I realized Friday, May 2nd that I was a few days lateish from when AF normally arrives...and I felt a little strange. So I decided I would test that night. I dipped the stick in the cup...ran to go get my pj's on and came right back to TWO BEAMING pink lines!! BFP!!! I took 4 tests that night...all were SUPER positive!! We could not believe our eyes!! OMG!!! :) I never thought I would see those two lines in my life...especially outside of IVF...

Apparently we were already pregnant when our fertility specialist explained to us that we only have a 1-3% chance of conceiving every month. :)

I want to encourage you all to not give up. I know that you have all heard stories like this before and like me have thought "that is SO awesome but it will never happen to me". But PLEASE stay hopeful!! I KNOW the Lord is good...ALL THE matter if your pregnant or not. He is good. He is walking right along side of you through this rollarcoaster of a journey. He sees each tear that you cry. He holds you when you need to be held. He LOVES you unconditionally. PLEASE believe that if it is in the Lord's will for you to have a child then you will ABSOLUTELY have that child in His PERFECT will and timing!!! I let go of a LOT of expectations I had in the past year...expectations that my life should look a certain way. Or the core belief that I "deserved" to have a child of my own. Some of you may disagree with this and I am totally okay with that but it is my belief that we do not deserve anything. I do not deserve to live in America, or have a sweet husband, or have an incredible family, or a roof over my head, and food on my table. The fact is, we are ALL sinful and flawed and we NEED the grace and salvation of Jesus Christ to redeem us and restore us. I was NOT blessed with this child inside of me because I deserve it. I was blessed because the Lord so graciously gave him/her to us. I do not understand His ways and do not pretend to. But I TRUST that with each one of you, He has a perfect plan...Whatever that is. Let go and let God! I know it sounds silly but it is so true and freeing. Trust in His goodness.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5 - 6

Okay, I am done with my rant! I promise! But I just wanted to throw that out there and encourage you all a little! Like I said, some of you may disagree and that is totally okay...i'm not here to debate at all but just to encourage and love my sisters who have traveled this journey with me. :)

Please let me know if you have any questions or just want to chat! I would love to get to know you! :)

- Jen

7 Replies • 10 years ago



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Oh my goodness our situation is so similar to yours! Congratulations you must be ecstatic!

We got our first BFP after a year of trying and had just been referred to a specialist. Unfortunately that one we miscarried at 10 weeks. Then, a year later we are pregnant again!!! This time we had had another sperm analysis done and it was really bad (similar to yours). I had been on fertility meds so we stopped them when we found out there was no point. We are booked in for IVF/ICSI in November as well!!! We knew we basically couldn't get pregnant, but me being me couldn't stop trying anyway if there was the slightest chance. We had put my husband onto supplements as soon as we found out the bad news (almost 3 months ago) and interestingly enough he had another sperm analysis done yesterday (was already booked in!) and fund it was still just as bad. So despite terrible sperm and my ovulation issues we have managed to get pregnant!!! We are not telling anyone as we don't want to have to untell them in case of a miscarriage. Based on last time that was a horrible experience to have people asking how you are when you know things are going badly but you don't feel like talking about it. So anyway, congrats, and I know how you feel :)

So when are you due? We are due Jan 9th.

10 years ago

shelob - Oh my goodness!!! That is too funny!! Let's be pregnancy buddies!! :) I will be 6 weeks this upcoming Sunday (Mother's day) and will be due either the 4th or 5th of January! We are SO excited!! We are headed to my parents this weekend to tell them for Mother's day weekend!! :) :) They know all about our fertility issues too and know that we were planning our ivf for November so it's going to BLOW THEIR SOCKS OFF!!! haha. We aren't telling anyone else other than family until after 1st trimester is over. SO hoping for a sticky little bean!! :)

I feel great! The first few days after I found out I was REALLY sick and nauseous but my doctor put me on Diclegis and it is a MIRACLE drug so I have felt great since other than reallllly sore boobs and cramps...kind of like AF. How are you feeling??!!! I am SO thrilled for you!!! It only takes one little swimmer huh?! :) *Hugs!!*

10 years ago • Post starter

p.s. I am SO sorry about your previous loss. That must have been heart breaking after all you had gone through with fertility issues. But I know you are THRILLED about this one so lets pray for sticky beans!! :)

10 years ago • Post starter

I am feeling pretty good. Definitely noticing something is up though. Serious gas!!! In fact that started the day before my positive test and I was a little (very) suspicious. I also woke up the day after my positive to the most incredibly intense hunger pangs. That was 4am and I ate and ate! Yoghurt, muesli bar, fruit etc. I also drank a lot of water and couldn't get myself to feel full! Since then I have had lots of hunger pangs and they come on quickly and I know I must eat something or my tummy will feel a bit queasy. No sickness as such but I am hoping that happens because I as every reassurance that this pregnancy will be okay. I don't want the blood tests yet as they don't actually tell you much. My sister in law had a blighted ovum and her hCG was amazing and they only found out at the 12 week scan what was going on. Devastating. I would rather not have false hope or a cause for worry! I think we will tell the medical people at the end of the next week (6 weeks pregnant). Have you told your fertility specialists? I don't know what this means for our place on the IVF list. I am afraid of being bumped off and then having a miscarriage! I couldn't believe it when we got pregnant the first time just as soon as we got a specialist appointment. But then we miscarried just a week before the appointment happened, It is so early. Last time I didn't have these symptoms I am having now. Other symptoms I have a sore breasts. I actually had them from 3 dpo which was crazy. I never have them that early! They got worse in the last couple of days too. Can't cross my arms without pain! I also have cramping. All sorts of different pains. I will assume they are all okay because apparently most women have a lot in at least their first trimester.

So when are you going to have your first appointment? Have you had hCGs done?


10 years ago

Hi @Shelob! I am so sorry I totally forgot to respond to your last post! Sounds like we have similar symptoms. Today I am 7 weeks and 1 i'm calculating. We have our first appointment this Friday! I will be 7 weeks and 5 days so almost 8 weeks...we are going to have an ultrasound done...I REALLY hope little bean is healthy and on track!! Anxious and excited!

I did have an HSG done back in December. I had a laparoscopy done with HSG and chromotubation (sp?). They thought I had severe endometriosis. Turns out I only had stage one and they removed the one spot that had scaring. So basically they did that then checked my uterus and tubes and all were good! Our biggest thing was low count with DH. But apparently that didn't stop us...just took us a little longer than normal. SO GRATEFUL!!!

How are you feeling?? When is your first appointment?? :)

10 years ago • Post starter

I just looked back at that last post, and boy have things changed! I now feel sick all day every day. It is hard to get myself to eat anything. Cannot eat in the morning, no way! Just the thought makes me fell horrible. Then I get very hungry at work so have to eat something early there.

Yesterday I got my hCG result from Friday (6 weeks) and it was 44,700!!! I couldn't believe it. My last pregnancy at the same stage was less than 6000. This will explain the symptoms. Also been having horrible bowel issues. Sudden cramping and need to go to the toilet. Makes my back sore too. I am pleased I have symptoms, but they are much harder to deal with than I thought they would be. Particularly because of work. I don't want to tell anyone until 12 weeks. In fact, my husband doesn't want to tell even family and close friends until then! The miscarriage had a huge effect on him and he is VERY cautious. Wants to wait until after we have had a scan at least. I am much more optimistic now, particularly because of how I feel!

So I am 6 weeks 4 days today - I love how close we are in dates!!! I booked my midwife yesterday after getting the results from the blood test. We have an appointment in 3 weeks. I thought it would be sooner, but they don't seem worried about how I am gong so that is actually a confidence booster! I told her about our previous miscarriage too.

It is amazing how we both managed to get pregnant with those sperm issues. I am still blown away by it!

10 years ago

Oh! I misread that and thought it said HSG! You asked if I did HCG! Yes! I did and the first was 6,540 and second two days later was at 13,741. So it more than doubled like they liked and I was right on at the time for being 5-6 weeks.

Those numbers are GREAT for your HCG!! Congratulations! I'm sorry you are feeling so sick. I felt REALLY sick for a few days and couldnt eat anything and was losing weight like crazy...I was only 95 lbs post pregnancy so I really can't afford to lose any. So talked to my doc and they put me on this medicine called DICLEGIS. It is a God sent! You need to try it. It's grade A so super safe for pregnancy. Its helped my nausea SO MUCH...aka I can eat now!! :)

It is AMAZING we both got pregnant with the swimmer issue. I am a bit nervous about a miscarriage myself though. I read that a lot of times with low sperm count it can be because of a chromosome abnormality and if the sperm that was used happened to have one then the pregnancy typically ends around 9 weeks. :( I REALLY hope that our little beans have all the chromosomes they need to be healthy and strong!!

10 years ago • Post starter

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