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What labs should a doctor do to check hormones / fertility?

I am a Army spouse and I am on Tricare insurance. Anyone here that is a military spouse might be able to relate to the sometimes questionable healthcare received. Sometimes it feels like you are just a number and in order to receive any sort of special attention you need to stand on your head and do a dance. Now of course this is NOT always the case and I have had wonderful military docs and service as well. However, since this TTC journey has started I have felt lost. When I miscarried, they made me wait in the pregnancy waiting from for 1.5 hours before seeing me to tell me, yes, my HCG levels were back down to <2. :-(

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, my husband and I have been TTC since November of 2015. We had one m/c in Feb and a Chemical pregnancy in April. With my first, I got pregnant that first month we tried. I feel as though something is wrong with my body, like perhaps my progesterone is off, or something.

I have a Pap Smear appointment beginning of next month. What tests do I ask for at this time? I understand they probably wont order all of them, but I want to go in there knowing what I should have done, and fight for it.


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1 Reply • 9 years ago



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So I'm assuming you're going to drs on post? Have u thought abt going off post? I have yet attempted to use my tricare, but then again we don't live on a base.

Anywho, I don't even remember the names anymore, when I was going to a fertility Dr, but I know he checked my levels at day 3 n again after I ovulated to make sure I indeed ovulated. Then throughout my course, they checked my estrogen n progesterone every couple days. Oh n b4 that I had a hydrosonagram or water sonogram to make sure there was no blockage and whatnot. U can also ask for ur thyroid to be checked, that's one thing that can throw off ur hormones.

Sorry I couldn't have been better help.

9 years ago

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