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Just so down.

Just did a first response test from 5 days from my period due-date, and negative--again. :(

I have been trying now for 6 months. I know some may roll their eyes and laugh at me, but really no matter what it hurts and painful. I got pregnant so fast with my baby boy (who is now 20 months), and thought the second time would be the same, but no it certainly has not.

I did take fertilaid for a month-I know the recommended usage is 3 months but I only took it once. I did buy fertility tea which I have yet to try.

I bought ovulation tests only to confirm my ovulation time.

Feel so emotionally hurt and confused. I believe in God and know its Gods will but I struggle so much with this. 6 more months of trying and we gotta go to a fertility clinic. Never thought it would take anytime. :(

I know I need to be more patient and everyone tells me to stop stressing and it will happen if I don't think about it and stop worrying and stressing but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Have hope. Always trust in God. Be positive. That is what I need to remember through this journey~ Baby dust to all

63 Replies • 9 years ago



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Omyusuf, I am in a very similar boat. We've been officially trying since January but have been really trying since November so each bfn is getting harder rather than easier. Our son was a souvenir from our honeymoon but the second is proving much more difficult. It's heartbreaking and it's easy to wonder if God indeed has other plans and all this effort will end up being for nothing. I get you, girl. And don't worry about those who have been trying much longer on here. Most won't roll their eyes or even think anything hurtful because their journey started where we are and they recall how much it hurts. I'll keep you in my prayers, sugar. Hope that everything is just meant to work out in your favor.

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9 years ago

Thanks so much for replying! I am glad you understand. So weird how having one for some like me and you with our 1st is quick but second its so much harder. :(

Hopefully it works out for the both of us, don't want the gap to be too much between my son and their sibling. I see many mommies around me with their siblings for their 1st and I feel bad but get a bit sad...I am happy for them but sad for me.

Glad I am not alone. :) My 1st is 20 months, you?

Baby dust your way too!

Have hope. Always trust in God. Be positive. That is what I need to remember through this journey~ Baby dust to all

9 years ago • Post starter

It's natural in our species to not immediately be happy for others we view as doing better since, instinctually, we all know it's only survival of the fittest and we naturally want to be the fittest. But the fact that you try already sounds like you have a better heart than many people.

My son is actually almost four and a half (talk about a gap, huh?). We are a military family, I did half my pregnancy on my own and almost the entire first year, then my husband started slowly being able to be home more until, last year, he finished his last deployment for a while. He's a fight medic and is still gone at least a week each month. That's why I have put off wanting another one so long. For one, having two little ones at the same time is a lot of work without a second (or fourth! Lol) pair of hands and, for another, I felt like my son was already missing out on a lot with his dad and didn't want him to feel like Mom was distracted too. I had four brothers and know how resentment can grow with a finite resource being shared. Anyway, he starts pre-kindergarten in August and is already so independent that I think he'll like being a big brother, if I can get it to happen. He's actually been asking for a baby since my niece was born last June.

We have just started tracking BBT. We had just been tracking CM and BDing as often as our schedules allow, even outside of my fertile window. I just invested in Preseed too, just in case the pressure makes it hard for me to perform at my best. What all methods are you trying?

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9 years ago

Yea I do feel happy for them but sad for me. I don't like feeling both tho-it should be just happiness for them and not thinking about myself at the moment.

I have used OVULATION tests digital and the other kind, and took fertild aid for a month, and checked CM as well.

Maybe a fertility monitor?

Have hope. Always trust in God. Be positive. That is what I need to remember through this journey~ Baby dust to all

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi guys, I've been ttc with #1 for six months as well. It was so fun and exciting the first couple months, but it has become so hard!! I don't know how women try for much longer- they are so much stronger than I am. It's practically all I think about during the tww. I'm only 5dpo so I have a loooooong way to go before my period. It's difficult to stay optimistic, but I've just gotten used to getting that period every month :-(

9 years ago

Omyusuf, I have never used the ovulation tests. Others make them sound so complicated. But charting temps is not an exact science either. So far my temp hasn't been the same two days in a row and I have no idea if that's normal or not, especially with Flo in town. I do have to say that I'm pretty thankful the setbacks just seem to be with me because I doubt my husband could handle the pressure of monitoring his fertility.

Welcome, TTC! You're absolutely in good company when it comes to being exhausted and a little bit defeated. Luckily, we as women have an almost unparalleled strength when it comes to fighting for our families, whether they be present or future. We were just discussing the methods we use. Do you use any to increase your odds?

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9 years ago

I am in a very similar boat as well. My son is 19 months, and we have been trying for 7 months for baby number two. We had a miscarriage at 5.5 weeks back in Feb, then what I think was a chemical pregnancy last month. Very emotional. I am now 4 dpo so I have a long time to wait to test. I told myself this month that I wouldn't test until Memorial day, that is one day before my period is due. I find that when I start testing early I get really down and stress about it and it postpones that sadness. I am a pee on a stick addict, so I gave all my preg tests to my husband and told him to hide them well and not give them to me until Memorial Day morning! I stressed the importance of hiding them well because I KNOW i will look for them. You are still early, so I know it is hard, but wait a coupe days and test again.

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9 years ago

Amanda- I have been using opks and checking cm. the opks were REALLY confusing this time- I had a positive for a week. I am pretty sure I know when I ovulated by the change in cm. I feel like my body at least is nice enough to tell me that lol!!

I am so bad! I can't believe I took a preg test today. 6dpo. I am torturing myself, I've never taken one so early!!

9 years ago

I think weather trying for baby no.1 or no.2 or whatever we still feel each-others pain as its a long to have a child or have a sibling for your child which are both justifiable and understandable.

I don't know how it was so easy to get pregnant with my son and this time its taking time-I sometimes wonder if I will ever be pregnant again. :(

Have hope. Always trust in God. Be positive. That is what I need to remember through this journey~ Baby dust to all

9 years ago • Post starter

JenLHusson, that made me laugh... I'm not sure my husband could hide them from me, I'm an addict too. It's a mixture of impatience and desperation, I think. After this cycle, we're taking two off to rest and recharge before hitting it hard. February 2016 is my cut off because I decided a long time ago that I didn't want to be pregnant in my thirties... so you may actually be able to smell my desperation thru your screen as that date gets closer. Lol!

TTC, don't beat yourself up! You waited 6 days, that's something at least. ;-) I have 40+ day cycles so I wait three weeks to ovulate and then three weeks to see if I was successful. I still usually break down and test at 8-10dpo. I've had to start stocking up on the dollar tests just to keep from going broke!

Omyusuf, you are not alone, darling girl. It's like pushing a rock up a mountain. It's so stressful and hard but you know you can't just quit, lest the weight of it crush you. That's why I joined this site. My husband started thinking I was a bit obsessed so I found those who understood, "my people".

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9 years ago

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