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Had SUPER short period, could I still be preggers?

Ok, So my husband and I have been TTC for over a year now, my last period started July 6th, I O'ed on the 28th or 29th of July, my period started on August 5th, (exactly 31 days, which is how long my normal cycle is). Normally I spot (you know light pink/brown, sometimes not even enough to wear a pantie liner) for 2-4 days before my period goes into full force and then I bleed with clotting pretty good for 3-4 days and then it dies down and looks like spotting for another day or 2... THIS TIME, there was no spotting, just blood, with mild clotting and it only lasted for 3 days! Then completely stopped?

Do you know anyone that this has happened to and they turned out pregnant. I think I want to wait a few more days before I take a hpt.

1 Reply • 10 years ago



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Oh, a little more.. I had it in my head that this was the month, I just had a feeling we were going to get pregnant, this was the first time in my life I have ever had shortness of breath and it lasted for a solid 4 days, I just felt like I couldnt take in a full deep breath, I couldnt finish a yawn for FOUR days! Then I googled shortness of breath and it said that being pregnant is a possibility (never heard that before so I know I didnt fabricate it in my head!) I had mild cramps a few DPO, my nips were tender to the touch, when normally my whole boob hurts, I was pretty weepy, could have cried at any given commercial lol (most of the time I get grumpy not so much weepy around the time of my period) Also I couldnt drink enough water, Im not a big water drinker but I was craving it and just chugging it like it was going out of style. Now, 10 days later Im exhausted, I went to bed and hour and a half earlier then normal last night and could have easily slept in longer this morning.


10 years ago • Post starter

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