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After TTC for over a year, my husband and I finally broke down and went for infertility testing. We were both beyond shocked to find that he had no sperm! We were sent to a urologist last week who ran some labs and found that his LG and FSH levels were also almost nonexistent. He's been on testosterone supplements for about 6 months but I never dreamed this would even be an issue! He did a repeat sperm analysis. We'll find out the results Tuesday in the follow up apt as well as our options. On top of it all I went for a progesterone level Monday to see if I'm ovulating. It was only 5 and they want it to be 15 so once we get him fixed up then I'll be put on Clomid. I'm just at a loss with all this. I can deal with my low progesterone but I'm terrified there will be nothing to do about the lack of sperm. Has anyone else every dealt with this? I'm going to go crazy here!

2 Replies • 10 years ago



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Unfortunately I have dealt with this as well. It's the biggest shock of your life. I still remember sitting in the doctors office and him just so straight faced saying" you will never have children". We ended up using a donor and of course my dh had a hard time with this option at first but we both really wanted the experience of going through a pregnancy and having a new born baby. We made the best decision. We have a daughter who is now 2 and she is our life. The fact that she is not biologically my dh's doesn't ever come up. I hope in your case there is something they can do to help your husband. If not remember there is always other ways to build your family you just need to explore them.

10 years ago

after ttc for over a year we went to doctors found out my partner has no sperm and went on waiting list for donor sperm . we are now waiting to do first iui this month. its a tough journey but in the end i know it will have been worth it. very heart breaking though especially when you first get that news. i wish you the best

10 years ago

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