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Looking for a TTC friend

Hey, I'm 21 years old and married. My SO and I have been trying to conceive for 2 months now going on 3 this month. both times my period was late, the first month I was 11 days late, this past month I was 3 days late and now we have to start over. I just moved to Colorado in February. well that's a little about me, how about you?

Looking for TTC friends

9 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

1 - 9 of 9 Replies

Hey! I'd be happy to be your TTC buddy, it's really awkward for me 'cuz both my girl friends got pregnant in their 1-2 months of trying. Instead of chatting about trying, all they talk about now is how their bodies are changing... I feel left behind!
Were you on birth control pills before you started trying? I was, and got off them in January. My cycles have been varried since: 29, 32, 26 days. First month I was super moody, second one I wasted two pregnancy tests and the third caught me off guard. Now I have no idea what to expect this time, I have to carry tampons around with me all the time! :)

Btw- I'm 27 from Canada, married for 2 years.

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11 years ago

I haven't been on birth control. and its frustrating for me i've wasted about 8 pregnancy tests over the past 2 months, i kept hoping that I was just testing too early but no luck so we are trying again this month i hope we both get pregnancies that stick :)

11 years ago • Post starter

hey ladies.
that makes us three now. been married four months. been trying all the time.he has a daughter from a previous marriage. I am 28 and hubby is 32. I am on folic acid for this cycle. hope all goes well. hoping for a February baby

11 years ago

Hi I will be your TTC buddy. I am 22 years old, been married for 3 years. My husband and I have just started trying for baby number 1 :) This is our first cycle trying. I am taking folic acid. Been off BC since 7th of April this year. I am from rural Australia :)

~? Milly Moo ?~

11 years ago

I hope everything works out for us both :) I just recently found out why we haven't conceived yet. we were using a water based lube and it slows sperm mobility 60% to 100% so just a tip to help you stay away from lubes unless you are using Pre-seed. Pre-seed is meant to help move the sperm along. Anyway good luck and I'm here if you wanna talk :)

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey! I would love to be your ttc buddy! I am 30 years old and have been ttc for 7 months. It has been a hard for me because my husband works all over the east coast for work and is not home much. So, this summer I decided to go with him since he is working in New York and I had never been...also, we will finally be together everyday so I am praying we conceive this summer. I had an IUD for 8 years. I got it removed 7 months ago. I already have an 8 year old son. It took me forever to get pregnant with him and now it seems like forever again to ttc again. It would be great to talk with people that are going threw the same things I am. I dont like to talk with my husband about it because then he gets his hopes up. When I get my period, he gets so upset so I just dont talk to him about it. Anyways, my cycles run on average 26 days...sometimes longer, When that happens I feel like its from stress. I am from Gainesville, Florida (I go to school there, so I am a Gator fan lol)!! Oh and I am currently on cycle day 22 and 11dpo. Looking foward to talking with you!!

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11 years ago

Hello! I am 24 and married. I was on BCPs for probably a good 8-9 years. I got off of them in September of last year and got pregnant right away, mid-November I found out I misscarried. So, here I we are, trying to convieve again and not having the luck we did before! I am taking prenatals and using ovulation kits but as of right now, that's all were using. Hopefully we can all share stories :)


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11 years ago

Hey ladies! Tomorrow starts the beginning of baby making for this month for me! I am supposed to ovulate the 18th. We are starting the 15th because its a 3 day window that usually has a high chance for conception. we also will be trying for a 10 day span to cover the 3 day window and post ovulation of up to 6 days after ovulation. Excited hoping this month sticks (no pun intended lol) We are also trying to go lube free. Anyway you ladies keep me updated!!!

Baby dust for all of us!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies
My name is Lacey and this is our 2nd month TTC. I came off BCP in March 2013 and have been trying ever since. This was our first month temping and using opks. On CD 19 I got my first positive opk and solid smiley face!! Now on CD 21 and 2 dpo! Hoping for a !!!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

11 years ago

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