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3 rounds of Clomid this month w/o still not pregnant

Hello, Good morning and or good evening ladies!!!!
Well I have been taking Clomid since my Dec cycle!!!! Each month I have used OPK to notify me of ovulation...Dec, Jan and March I did ovulate. Not that I think I even had problems ovulating on my own but I guess that is just the first options w Ob-gyn's to make sure the female ovulates....Well I did still nothing. So last month (March) I decided no clomid because I wanted to see if I was in fact ovulating on my own....and guess what I did!!! So today I am 9DPO with no signs and or symptoms at all!?!?!?!?! Well other than I have been a wreck emotionally because my father passed(3-30-13)...... And I did become nauseous Sunday but dont know if it was because of my emotions?!? And have neeb craving sweets. Krispy Kreme doughnuts, Butter Pecan Icecream, soda....Things that I don't typically eat?!? Then again this could all be stress, I just dont know but I took a test this morning and it was negative. So my question is what is my next step?!?! Any advice would be nice or anyone with a story of their own th/at lead to the success of pregnancy....I go back to Dr. 4/18/13 and have written down a series of questions to ask him as to what are other options....Maybe IUI is next. Also want to have my egg quality and quantity checked to be sure that I am good there. Was also thinking about doner eggs if need be. My sister has 2 children and has told me before she would be my serrogate but I want to see if I can carry a baby and if they say yes then just use her eggs?!? So please ladies reply I need your help/suggestions....

10 Replies • 11 years ago



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First... Relax, and breathe !!!! heheheh

Clomid is not only used to help O, its used to help produce multiple eggs and help your uterus lining be correct... Your doc should be doing an folical study (ultrasound) at CD 12 to see if clomid is working correctly for you (meaning you ARE indeed making mature eggs). Wait let me back up, FIRST you should of had a test done where the doc sends dye into your ovaries to see if they are "leaking" correctly on both sides... OR to see if there is a problem.... After that test THEN you should of been started on clomid (most docs start at 50 mg CD 5-9) and then the folical scan would be on CD 12 - from that ultrasound you doc will see how many eggs, how many mature eggs, and can tell you what days to have intercourse (tho I still test so I can pin point my O day, cheap tests dont work as well try the Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test, it tells you your PEAK days which is when you should be "trying")

Clomid shouldn't be used long term (no longer than 6 months) studies show if you DON'T get pregnant on clomid in 6 months, that clomid wont work for you (tho some docs think different, my reg OB says 12 months, my IUI doc says 12 months is WAY to long and 6 months is MAX) So dont waste you time, make sure your doc is doing everything to increase your chances (folical studies to make sure your on the correct dose, even a trigger shot you can ask about) If after 3 months 50 mg doesn't work you should be increased to 100 mg. Seeing where you have been on it 3 months already, I would find a doc who does IUI w/ trigger shot OR a specialist in your area... I dont think you have to worry about donor eggs yet.... you still have time, just make sure to have the correct testing done... There is also IVF if IUI doesn't work... Hope this helps... You can message me if needed... Im basing my knowledge off I have a 4 yr old son from clomid and ive been TTC baby #2 with clomid and IUI for about 8 cycles now.

11 years ago

WoW, this has been some very useful/helpful information!!!! thank you so much. Because I do want to make sure that I have mature and good quality eggs. Also my dr did mention the dye test but had not performed it. That was one on the things I was going to ask him about when I go. Also mentioned laparoscopy to check for Endo....

11 years ago • Post starter

Glad it helped you :)

The dye test is good also as it helps "clean you out" - many woman I know have gotten pregnant the first month after having it done... Make sure you ask him about a folical study on CD 12 (might be a different CD depending on how long your cycles are - mine are 28 days and I O around CD 15-17) also ask him about the trigger shot, which will make you O 30 hr after the shot.

Dont waste to much time on clomid before you get that done.... Also be sure to ask how long he will keep you on clomid... And start calling around now for a IUI who doesnt charge an arm and leg (unless you have insurance that covers it) Im in NH and it ranges from $250 if you find a OB that will do it to $1500 at a fertility clinic... May I ask what state you are in?? I wouldnt waste time with a lap for endo, if you really think you have it then ask about birth control for a couple months to get it under control/mellowed down - then come right off the BC and to the clomid (which is how i got prego with my first)

Here is the O test I was telling you about... This will be SURE to tell you your PEAK days... Not just when it finds your surge...

11 years ago

You are so informative!!!! I thank you very much for sharing this info with me!!! I am in NC (North Carolina).... And I don't think there is Endo I talked with another friend that has it and she said if it did have it I would know by now being that I am 33. there would if been some signs and or aches and pains. But I am going to ask about dye test and go ahead and have it done as well as the trigger shot. He did say that he can do IUI in his office but did not say how $... But I am really ready for my appt April 18 with all my new information and questions that I have!!! And really excited to let you know what the responses are to my questions and what the plans are for moving forward!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Sounds like a good plan you have :)

And yes you would know (well have some clue) if you have/had endo, its painful.... I think the most important thing is getting the folical study done on CD 12, that way you know if your responding to the clomid or if you need a higher dose. Along with the dye test... those 2 alone can tell you soooo much about if/why you are having problems.. Oh also, did you have your partners sperm checked?

Keep me updated :)

11 years ago

Yes he has been checked and dr says all is good. I did clomid Dec, Jan and Feb. I have had irregular cycles in the past but since July I have been having one every month. Except I didn't in Nov. But cycles very regular the last 4-5 months.Aug 2nd-6th, Sept 27-1st, Oct 28-Nov 1. Dec cycle 8-12 Ovulated cycle day 16, Jan cycle 7-11 Ovulated cycle day 16, Feb cycle 7-11 Ovulated cycle day 16. March cycle 8-12 without clomid ovulated cycle day 18. and thanks for the link about to check it out now. Oh and this is actually the test I did use this month. I just hope we did it enough. We baby danced
March14 (SEX)
March15 (SEX)
March18- opk negative (SEX)
March19opk high fertility (SEX)
March21opk high fertility (SEX0
March23opk high fertility (SEX)
March25opk PEAK fertility (NO SEX) Ovulation Day
March26 opk PEAK fertility (SEX) Ovulation Day
March27 checked OPK still Peak (NO SEX) Ovulation Day
April 2 (SEX)
April3 (SEX)
Maybe something dropped and we caught it!!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hello mama

I have started takin Fertomid (clone for Chlomid) in my last cycle (my last day to take the pill was last Sunday) i started taking my fertomid and folic acid from cycle day 3 (cant remember from what days i took them last time).

Ive used it in 2009 for 3 cycles but didnt conceive on it. later on in 2010 i conceived twice but sadly miscarried both babies @ 1 month and some days. Im starting again and I hope this time they work faster than last time.

baby dust to all you wonderful woman

I have 4 angel babies and im only starting this fertomid now but starting to ttc in September. Im staring the meds early because they didnt work fast last time so im trying to be ahead of them. i just cant wait to see a BFP in September going forth. I just cant wait to have someone playing inside me and feel and look pregnant. I've waited 6 years for that. cant really say I felt anything with past pregnancy's except for the missed period thats all. Either than that I think it was too early to feel pregnant or look the part.

The sad part is everyone around me is getting pregnant so easy and fast but Im not panicking yet since my targeted tcc time is September going forward.

11 years ago

Hello Somkay13 and thank you so much for sharing. I haven't heard of the Fertomid but pleased to hear that it has worked for u in the past...But sorry sorry to hear of your 4 angel babies!!!! God bless you.But I love your positive attitude and refusing to give up and give in. Praying for your sticky bean in September. I have 4 more days til testing. I'm scared and excited. Usually my boobies become very sore a week before my cycle is due. Cycle is due some time around the 7 or 9 of this month. I haven't really felt any type of way. Other than I've felt nauseous a couple of times, vomited once earlier this week like Sun or Mon and I had a really serious craving for butter pecan Ice cream. But then again when my sis was prego with her first she didn't know until she was 3 months along. So I encourage u and U do the same for me!!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

All is well mama. All things work well and together in God's time. I know that we will have little ones playing in our tummies soon and Im positive that im going to have a baby next May and you will be a December mommy or be a mommy with me in May (that would be great).

Im not sure if its the Clomid that made me pregos coz it was 5 months after I stopped using it that I got to conceive. So im not sure if it assisted or not. A part of me wants fratenal twins and then another is scared of twins, but as long as its a healthy bouncing baby I will be pleased (a girl preferably)...

I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts.

11 years ago

ok so it turns out that im starting ttc from next Monday 15 April 2013... This is all wonderful because I've wanted a January / December baby became Im born in January and DH is born February. I cant wait and Im praying that the baby dust sticks this month, Im not sure if im ovulating already or not but my cm has the eggwhite thingy but no pains like other months. here is my circle prediction:
Last Period
March 25, 2013

Next Period
April 28, 2013

Next Ovulation
April 14, 2013
Im really confused with the cm changing before time and im not going to babydance till Sunday or Monday when DH is back :(... Im just praying we get the bean in time to conceive our barbie doll.

How are you ladies doing???

11 years ago

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