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my TWW is over :( CD1 AGAIN! Who's with me??!!

The witch came today damnit! But the good thing is, is that we get to try HARD again! Fun for us! So, if anyone else is right there with me......join in please.

This will be my 2nd month trying. Not excitied about my lack of chances to get pregnant after 30 But that's not gonna stop me

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

12 Replies • 13 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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Hey! I'm on CD3 and on my 2nd cycle TTC (I lost my first one).

I would love to be buddies! It's just so nice to have someone to do the "wait" with you!!

I'm married to the most wonderful, supportive and loving husband! and I have a little cocker spaniel puppy =) My passion is pregnancy! I work with women who are trying to conceive by teaching them the influence that diet has on their reproductive health and how natural nutrition and their food choices can help reverse infertility. I also work with woman on proper nutrition and diet during their pregnancy and breastfeeding/post-pregnancy season.

13 years ago

me i am with you lol mine came in the middle of the night....

May this will be the month... User Image

13 years ago

I'm excited for us! But, bummed at the same time ya know... Well, I bought Preseed, Fertilaid him/her, and OPK this morning! Not gonna take anymore chances. Plus, I'm one who can FEEL when I ovulate so that should be a good thing.

Never thought I would want sore BB's and to feel nauseous this bad! LOL

I added you both as friends...check it out

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago • Post starter

Ok girls! how are you today? I'm over this already. Ready for the big O!!!

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago • Post starter


I am doing good!! I'm ready for the big O too!!! YAY!! haha..


I'm married to the most wonderful, supportive and loving husband! and I have a little cocker spaniel puppy =) My passion is pregnancy! I work with women who are trying to conceive by teaching them the influence that diet has on their reproductive health and how natural nutrition and their food choices can help reverse infertility. I also work with woman on proper nutrition and diet during their pregnancy and breastfeeding/post-pregnancy season.

13 years ago

I just saw your post!!

You bought preseed! Awesome! I just bought that day before yesterday! I am excited to try it out! I've heard really good things about it!

What's fertilaid?

I'm married to the most wonderful, supportive and loving husband! and I have a little cocker spaniel puppy =) My passion is pregnancy! I work with women who are trying to conceive by teaching them the influence that diet has on their reproductive health and how natural nutrition and their food choices can help reverse infertility. I also work with woman on proper nutrition and diet during their pregnancy and breastfeeding/post-pregnancy season.

13 years ago

FertilAid are vitamins for him/her. Check out their website. Will tell you everything you wanna know.......Including ingredients

Anything can help right!?

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago • Post starter

i am fine... Af is being mean this month and being really strange... i am going to see my doctor on monday.... to see if there is anything wrong with me... on why i am not getting pregnant and when i do i cant stay pregnant...

May this will be the month... User Image

13 years ago

Hi ladies,
Well I am now CD 6 and have just finished taking a round of clomid this cycle. We've been trying to conceive baby #1 for over 4 years now, and lost one baby on Xmas 2009. This isn't my first time on the clomid, I've been off it for about 2 years as it wasn't being very effective, but this time my body has reacted suddenly and violently. My bbs are HUGE and so sore, my feet are swollen (first time in my life I think), and I'm tired - and it's only day 6! I'm hoping that all these effects mean the drug is actually having some impact.
I'm putting a lot of faith and effort into this cycle. I hope this is the lucky one for all of us :)
Good luck everyone, keep us all posted on whats's happening. It would be great to get at least one BFP out of this discussion!

13 years ago

Anillia-- to you monday! I hope it's all good news.

Alix-- and welcome to our lives I'm sorry to hear that it's taken you and your DH so long with so many issues LOTS of to you. Be sure to keep us posted.

I'm on DC6 and gonna start tonight every 2days until CD 9 or 10 then it's ON everyday until I O!!! We are taking FertilAid, I've been taking temps in the AM, and can't wait to try PreSeed. Im gonna go buy my OPK tomorrow! This has to be my month for my !!


JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago • Post starter

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