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ttc after a loss, hoping for a BFP, september/october baby!

We went through a miscarriage in late november, worse time of our lives we are now ttc again and feel very hopeful to get that soon. We hope that 2013 will be a fresh start and a good year .
I am on day 4 of my cycle and if we conceive this month baby would be due 29th of september.
I have been drinking red raspberry leaf tea to strengthen my uterus, and am going to be taking blackstrap molasses as it helps prevent miscarriage, so i will be using it instead of honey in my porridge and taking a spoonful in hot water also, a good friend of mine told me about it.
debating on trying softcups? has anyone else used them? as its a foreign object it can irratate and increase YI so i am a bit dubious. everyone

5 Replies • 11 years ago



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Sorry for your loss it's devastating and I know the feeling to well . I took my 1st dose of Clomid Nov.8th :2012 and concieved only to start bleeding Dec11th . My HCG has been slow going down and we are eager to start TTC again . My fertility clinic did a ultrasound 12/28/12 and everything looked good no left over tissue or anything in my tubes . The ultrasound tech. showed me a follicle on my left ovary so I should ovulate soon I was pretty surprised to see that this early . My HCG hormone was still at 28 the day of the u/s but I thought it had to be 5 or below to ovulate ? I hope that this is our cycle and we get sticky beans :) Baby Dust

11 years ago

i'm sorry to hear of both of your losses. it is so very hard, words can't describe it. i had an early m/c this month december 11, 2012. it was my very first pregnancy but definitely not my last. i'm 6dpo now and it seems very promising as i ovulated a lot earlier then last cycle (i'm so very happy about this). if i conceive this cycle, my due date will be september 16, 2013. i'm hoping and praying, hoping and praying.

wishing lots of babydust to both of you and sticky vibes!
goodluck, and let's keep in touch!


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11 years ago

ChelseaAlexandria sorry about your loss it's hard I know :( I'm not sure if I have ovulated yet bc of the HCG still in my system. The CB Digital gave me a smiley on 12/28 but from what I have read HCG can trigger a False + on OPK's . I will keep testing until the end of this week and BDing and time will tell I guess . My DH and I are trying for #4 i have 3 girls with the youngest being 8 yrs. from a previous marriage so a boy would be nice :) I had a TR in May 2012 so it's been a bumpy road Dec.11th was the first loss I have ever had so I was pretty emotional . I'm so tired of seeing pregnant women everywhere I look and then there's women like us struggling . I keep telling myself that good things cone to those who wait and I hope it's true :) Baby Dust and keep in touch .

11 years ago

I am so sorry to hear of your losses worse thing you can go through. sending hugs
So sorry been long reply i have been MIA, my nan past away recently and have been sorting out the arrangements for the funeral and so on. Been an awful time, and on top if it i have the flu!! i am hoping to ovu in a day or 2 hope your all doing well, and

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,
I am in a similar situation. My husband and I had to terminate my very first pregnancy this past November at about 12 wks for medical reasons. I got my period exactly 5 wks later. This cycle I got a +opk around cd 22 and now I'm 11 dpo and still no AF. BFN on hpt yesterday and the day before...although, not with fmu and not with the most concentrated urine, as I've been drinking lots of fluids b/c I'm sick.

Can anyone tell me whether to expect my cycles to be about the same as pre- d and c? Or what was your average cycle length after d and c?

I'm very confused, wondering when I should test again or even IF I should test again.

Thanks ladies and all my sympathies!

11 years ago

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