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Anyone hoping for a March baby?

About me:

On month #11. So, so impatient. Tired. Going crazy. And getting scared :(

On 2nd round of Clomid, 50 the first time around, 100 this time.

Currently (Friday, 6/22) on CD 13.

This site says if we were to conceive this round, we'd be due March 17 - St. Patrick's Day. Thats gotta be a good (lucky) sign, right?

Just looking for some gals around the same cycle day/ boat as gets a little tiring trying to talk to your DH about these things!

Baby dust!

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268 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hoping for a March baby too :) Im 4DPO as of (6/23) ..making my hopeful due date March 12 if I were to conceive this cycle. It would make my due date a year (almost to the day) from my MC. Hoping that this is the month for both of us! :)

"Baby Sprout" 3/17/2012 User Image

12 years ago

Yay, a friend!

Good luck! Keep me posted :)

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12 years ago • Post starter

hi! i saw the st patricks day thing on my chart too and i was thought..OMG that would be awesome! how great for the child, there is always a party somewhere on your birthday lol.

anyway...i've been trying to conceive for 8 months now. I'm not taking clomid or anything like that far i was kinda just trying to go with the flow and doing at home opks.. obviously it hasn't worked. This month I started charting my temps, doing OPKs, i'm taking prenatals and my husband is taking vitamins as well. I just got some preliminary tests today actually to check for thyroid problems, and to check my FSH and LH. My hubby got a semen analysis and testosterone test this week now just waiting for the results. Hopefully everything turns out okay.

anyway...feel free to talk to me if you need a friend. i saw your profile and we have a lot in common. I"m 28 too and my hubby is 29. We got married in Sept 08 and started trying around our 3 year mark too lol. Hopefully this month will be a for both of us!


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12 years ago

Me too! I'm on CD 16 (6/24). We just had a miscarriage recently so we are hoping for a sticky one this round. I need some cycle buddies so maybe I won't be so stressed! :)

12 years ago

Hi Ladies I am also praying for a march baby. Currently on my 1st 50mg Clomid cycle, i'm 6 dpo. Period due 6th july. I suffer with PCOS and we have been trying for over 3 years for baby#2.

to you all &

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12 years ago

hi all! 9dpo on CD31 and month 41 of TTC.

No symptoms of either pregnancy OR period which is strange.

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Hi ladies!! I too am hoping for a March baby. We've been trying since after our loss on 8/1/11. We were given the green light in 9/2011 to start and have been trying since then!

Met with my doctor last Tuesday 6/19 and was told to get an ovulation kit and begin monitoring myself to see if I am indeed ovulating. Will have to do so for the next 3 months then depending on the results they may start me on clomid.

Anyhoo! I am due for this Wednesday and my periods have been like clockwork for the last 5 months. Sooooooo, I am praying I am not going to see her for another 9 months!!

Based on these online calculators, if we are expecting, I'll be due 3/6/2013

Well ladies!!! Hope to hear some POSITIVE news!

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12 years ago

If we were to get a BFP this cycle my EDD would be 03/18, so can I join you ladies?

This is our second cycle TTC after a miscarriage in April. I should O today or tomorrow (got my smiley this AM - felt a weird pain just a bit ago, so I'm hoping it popped, as we did the deed last night). Did a lot of BDing last several days, but not this am as we were both tired from weekend. I'm leaving for work until wednesday, so we're hoping that all of our hard work over the last few days pays off.

Good Luck to everyone!!!

User Image Baby M v1.0, 4/20/2012

12 years ago

cdabbott - sorry for the MC hopefully this is your month! looks like we're building quite the group here for possible March mommies....glad you spoke up! we're all here for you

callum - 3 years. wow. we're on month #11 and i'm going nuts - don't know how you do it! good luck with the clomid - that stuff about has killed me the last 2 months with the hot flashes!

elle - another 3+ years TTC. wowza! keep us updated, sounds like you should know something soon!

emyy - sounds like you're right in the same boat as angeluv and me, with when you started trying. good luck with the OPKs - what kind are you using? I've been using ones from this whole time and love them - they're very reasonably priced and seem to work well (check out my HPT image I posted last night!) Hope that stays AWAY! Have you felt any symptoms or anything? If you're like me you are trying to not overthink every single thing.

Daph - absolutely you can join! Actually, my EDD may have changed b/c I put down that I ovulated yesterday (big fat positive last night - check out my HPT image!), so we may have the same EDD now!
Glad to see such a good little group going!

As for me, I have barely been able to put weight on my left leg since this morning from the twinge-y pains, so I changed my o-date to today from yesterday. We BD'd Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday nights, so here's hoping.........and I already forwarned my hubby we need to go another round tonight! Here's hoping.........this business is exhausting

Quite frankly, I'm more nervous for for the fact that I had the WORST cramps of my life last go-around after the 50 mg of Clomid.......I can just imagine what they'll be like with 100. Stay away AF!!!

Hoping & praying for all of you.

Lots of being blown your ways

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12 years ago • Post starter

hi! i'm hoping for a march baby too! if we're pregnant this month, we're due 3/8/13. we've been trying since march of last year, and thus far we've had one m/c and a lot of disappointment. i'm starting to go a little crazy. (who am i kidding, i've been going crazy. every month, pretty much since last march) so, baby dust!

and i hope you get your BFP! :) :)

mama e(: <3

12 years ago

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