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Pregnancy symptoms....TTC after LEEP procedure

I don't really know why I am on here because I have already had a baby in the fall of you would think I should know these things by now. But, I still have questions & fears. With our first baby it seemed like it took an eternity to get pregnant while it actually happened on the 2nd cycle of trying. Needless to say I think it feels like forever to anyone, when you really want children. I had read all over how it can take a normal healthy couple 6 months to a year of trying to conceive, so I know that we were very lucky it happened so quickly the first time. Now we are trying again.....this is actively cycle 2. The difference this time is that I underwent a LEEP procedure to remove a small area of pre cancer cells in my cervix in April. I feel completely normal and my cycles have continued to be normal, since the procedure. My husband and I tried only once on my most fertile day leading up to ov. No luck last month. This month we tried on 2 of my fertile days. I don't know if 2 days is enough though-while the first time around I believe we tried every other day during the fertile days-so 2 or 3 times, and it happened then. I don't want to get my hopes up that we will luck out and be pregnant 2nd cycle again this time, but I am feeling things this month I don't remember feeling last month when my period was on its way. I have been having a lot of pinching/stretching feelings in my uterine region for the past few days (I am 7 days post ov according to when I supposedly ovulated-which I am pretty sure I felt happening). I don't know if I am just reading into things because I am hoping...or if this could really be it. Obviously I won't know for sure until I miss my period which is due in 6 days. If I do, I plan to wait til I am a few days late to test because I hate the feeling of testing too early and seeing a negative (that happened to me with my first while trying). Anyway....I am curious if anyone else has a)gotten pregnant relatively soon after having a LEEP procedure, and b)had these pinching/stretching feelings in the uterus before confirming a pregnancy. During my first pregnancy, I honestly don't remember feeling any differently than when my period was on the way. Just constantly feeling like my period was coming any second, and I'd keep checking but nothing. Some other symptoms I do remember, didn't really set in until a pregnancy was confirmed-burning tingling feeling in my breasts, nausea/food aversions...etc. Here's hoping to all the TTC first time moms, and 2nd or 3rd time moms out there! The two week wait is pretty stinky! =)

1 Reply • 12 years ago



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I'm very new to this board, TTC #3 also had a leep about 2.5yrs ago right after #2.

We got pg both times immediately. Actually first was a wonderful surprise, #2 was month 1.

Now, I am on our first month of TTC and feels like AF is about to arrive (due in 1 or 2 days). I have a little concern about the leep as well. Especially since getting pg was always so easy for us. I have lots of success stories after a leep and my doctor also assured me that she really doesn't see any issue with ttc and pg in general with her leep patients.

So where I don't have a success story YET! Know that we are in a similar boat. Personally, I am trying not to worry too much about it or read into it too much...stress is no good for TTC!

GL and keep me posted please!

11 years ago

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