Community post


1540 days ttc

Just thought I would give a quick update. There is still a couple of people I am silently stalking and keeping my fingers crossed for a bfp. But doubt there is many on here who still know me... guess thats part of ttc for 4 years.

So I had a lapscope, ovarian drillling and dc a few weeks back. still busy recovering. Endo was back with a vengance. So Dr isnt very positive that I wilk get prwgnant without medication. But my body is tired and dh does not want to actively try anymore. So we will hear what dr says at my 6 week follow up and take it from there. All and all... it seems like my dream of having another child is slipping away very fast and I think its almost time to accept it.. . I just wish I knew how to do that..

Hope to see the last people on my stalker list get a bfp soon.

4 Comments • 6 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

1 - 4 of 4 Comments

I'm still here following a few people as well and was glad to see your update, although i wish it had been a bfp update of course. You're a strong woman who has come through so much. I truly hope these last interventions are the key to success. **hugs to you**

<a href=

6 years ago

ah thanks Erica. Hope things are going well with you and your 2 bubs. xx

6 years ago • Post starter

I check here regularly just to see if you've had your BFP. I'm holding onto hope for you. It's taken me years to accept I will probably never fall pregnant, very tough. Thinking of you xxx

6 years ago

Good to hear from you S. hope you are well. xx

6 years ago • Post starter

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