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morning sickness and dating scan

hello everyone!
sorry i haven't been active, god you wouldn't believe how shattered i am!
i am now 11 weeks and 1 day pregnant and boy do i know it.

i started off getting sickness midway through week six. it was awful. i wouldnt only throw up but feel nauseas all day and wouldnt be able to eat anything. it was awful! i could only eat after 6pm and even then it couldnt be spicy or acidic. i was living on ginger biscuits until my body decided to no longer like the taste so i began to eat dry crackers. that helped a lot with the nausea but not for long.

at week 9 i had some spotting/bleeding and i was admitted into hospital for the night, where i had smears and swabs done and endless amounts of bloods taken! during the smear tests my obgyn said that my uterus is tilted forward and to the right. she didnt believe me when i told her i havent had kids before! but the fact my uterus is tilting forward means i will start showing early and quickly.

anyway, fast forward to the next morning i was rushed in to have an emergency scan because they were beginning to believe i was experiencing an ectopic pregnancy due to pains in my left side of my abdomen. that was when me and my partner saw our baby for the first time. measuring a day earlier than we thought, very healthy, the heart was beating and the baby was in the right place! it was overwhelming, and although we didnt get to bring home a picture we was both so happy with the outcome. the spotting stopped and the pain wore off after a few days.

fast forward to now and i have had to quit my job due to physically not being able to get in and being unwell. i still experience sickness and nausea but thankfully its not as bad as what it was.

my mother knows as i previously mentioned, my partners dad knows as well as his mum and younger siblings, but we plan on breaking the news to the family on christmas day! that way i will be in the safe zone and at about 13 weeks pregnant. its my nan im so excited to tell. she has been dropping hints to my mum for a while that all of her friends are becoming great grandparents and she cant wait for there to be another baby in the family. we have had to hide everything from her!

i am going to announce by putting the scan in a cracker for her, i think she will be overjoyed! its going to be amazing.

next friday i have my first proper scan, i will be 12 weeks and 3 days at this scan and we get to see our baby for the second time but this time get to bring home pictures! its exciting and i just hope i make it too the safe zone.

so far i havent been able to help myself and have bought socks for the baby, baby vests and blankets, bath towels, a pair of tiny sneakers and even newborn dummies! its just so exciting! however i feel so rough and am already so over the first trimester! im hoping the morning sickness (or should i say all day sickness) disappears soon so i can start to get some energy back! and oh how i miss eating what i want, when i want!

anyway, regardless of all of the downsides of the first trimester, i am beginning to show a little bit with a tiny bump now and having to hide from family members, i just wear oversized jumpers and stuff, but its not a problem seeing as its winter now.

anyway, sorry for the delayed update everyone, i hope your all doing well and im hoping to hear of some bfps soon! let me know!

2 Comments • 9 years ago



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congratulations..hope all goes well for u guys. beautiful christmas pressy for gran!

9 years ago

Oh sweetie, so sorry to hear about the morning sickness, it does get better though. I can't wait to hear how your Nan reacts, it will be so wonderful for her. Thanks for checking in, I miss you!

9 years ago

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