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im back

hello everyone! its been a while!
me and my partner took a break from ttc and well, im back with some news for you all!!!

im still not pregnant.

i know right? what a bummer! but hey ho my partner has finally agreed on having an SA and i have bloods next cycle on cd22. i was also supposed to have smears today but guess what? the lousy nurse never turned up so now i have to re-schedule.

its my birthday on sunday! so im hoping for a big surprise little bean in my belly as a pressie this year. im going to lanzarote on the monday for a week, which is great but also means i cant reschedule my appointment until i get back.

anyway, this cycle has been a bit odd. i have been using an app to note down my cm and stuff but i no longer bbt, or check my cervix, and only occasionally do i use the odd opk here and there.

anyway, my cycle is usually a very regular 30 day cycle. i usually ovulate around cd16 but no, my app is telling me that i didnt ovulate til cd25? which yes i know is probably a load of rubbish, so if i stick to what i know about my body then technically af is due tomorrow, but fingers crossed she doesnt arrive because i wanted to celebrate a new arrival this weekend!

anyway, yes im back and i cant wait to start blogging again on here. i have missed everyone so much!
please feel free to comment how you are getting along and how you are all doing :)

baby dust x

2 Comments • 9 years ago



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MISSED YOU!!!!! So glad you came back. And cheers for DP for getting an SA done, hopefully everything comes back fine. And poop on your nurse for not showing, what where the swabs for anyway? I do hope you have a wonderful trip next week and that your present is 9 months in the making. Big Hugs!!!

9 years ago

Missed you to! I, glad to be back!! I hope everything comes back well to! So worried I case it doesn't though :( and they were just checking for any infection because of the pelvic pain, and thank you Hun but don't think I'll get that pressure as af has just arrived! :(

9 years ago • Post starter

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