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Well we have a number, but...

Don't know much else. My number as of Monday was 83.4. It had been 49 on Thursday. I don't guess it's increasing as it should. The Nurse didn't seem to know what the numbers were supposed to even be. Last week I was told my doctor would be in town this week, but in the hospital all week with patients. Today I was told she is out of town for two weeks. I am SUPPOSED to have an appointment with her on Monday.

Okay, now the nurse just called back again. I am not real sure they each know what the other is doing in this office. (sigh) I asked her about my appt. for Monday and she said "Well if you have an appointment with her, then I guess she will be back by then." ????

Anyway, she spoke to one of the other doctors and they said they are still treating me as if I were pregnant. My HCG levels are rising, just not appropriately. SO, they NOW want me to come in tomorrow and get MORE blood drawn. LOL! I feel like I'm going to go completely crazy - I really do. I know they're only doing what they're supposed to do with regards to the testing but it's driving me batty. She said because I am so early in the pregnancy, it's really hard to call, especially with me still having symptoms and all. Apparently sometimes HCG levels rise sluggishly at first and then can take off. OR I could be losing the pregnancy. UGH! I STILL DON'T KNOW - is what it all boils down to.

The upside is they have called in some nausea meds. The downside? Apparently they called them in this morning and no one ever bothered to call and tell me about it. Like I said - there seems to be a big communication breakdown in this practice. It's a bit scary. I REALLY like the doctor, or I'd have gone somewhere else already, but I am going to stick it out until we get some definitive answers anyway.

3 Comments • 9 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

1 - 3 of 3 Comments

Uhmmm.... this is getting ridiculous!!!! They need to get their sh*t together - seriously! Since the numbers are slowly rising make sure to watch out for any pains that could be indicative of ectopic. I hope they're right and your numbers are just being sluggish now and are going to skyrocket. Fingers crossed!!

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9 years ago

They did a transvaginal us and a regular us last week and she didn't see any evidence of an ectopic THEN, but it was still early. I just don't know. I guess we will "wait and see" again. Honestly, depending on who you talk to in that practice, you get a plethora of different answers. :-( I will be glad to talk to my actual doctor on Monday. I plan to tell her about all of the conflicting information, un-returned phone calls, no one telling me my prescription was called in, the nurse not even knowing what the hcg levels were supposed to be, etc... That doesn't give me a very warm and fuzzy feeling, I'm afraid. :-(

9 years ago • Post starter

I agree that is CRAZY! I couldn't imagine waiting this long to wonder if I was still pregnant or not! I hope your numbers continue to rise and you get some answers soon!!

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9 years ago

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