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12 months later.......

So after the horrid depo back in march last year my period returned in August 2013 which to be fair wasn't really that long considering it can take up to 2 years. However I have only just in May this year had a moral full length full flow period so hoping that this means the evil stuff is finally properly out of my system. We have been actively ttc since August last year so are now on month 12 and so far nothing has happened. :( had a go appointment today who has referred me for blood tests which have to be carried out on cd 21 and typically I am now on cd 25 so here's to another month of waiting lol and my partner for a sperm check. Af is due in 6 days so there is still a possibility that I could already be pregnant although I have tested negative today but with smu. Feeling really down and disheartened that we haven't yet had our bfp. Feel like giving up hope at the moment :(

2 Comments • 9 years ago



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Awe I know how you feel. It's been 16 months off depo for me. I had two injections but it caused terrible eczema. That's been gone about 5 months. My LP only got to more than 12 days 3 months ago and I had a chemical last month after 8 cycles trying. I still don't feel completely back to normal but getting there. Good luck hun, it gets better each month. Your month will come soon I bet.

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9 years ago

Thank you :) I still can't believe it myself we are both still in total shock. We couldn't be happier. Hope you get your bfp soon. Baby dust xx

9 years ago • Post starter

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