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Yay! I finally got a positive on my OPK last night and we did the deed! I am hoping that if we can BD for the next couple of nights then we can catch that egg and make a baby! This is the first time that I used OPK and I didnt think it was working because I was having a lot of cm and no + result, then boom, there it was. I was so excited you would've thought it was a bfp. lol. It also is much earlier than I thought I would OV because of longer cycles. According to all of the charts and calculators I shouldve OVd on Sunday coming up, but I will take it! Now I am closer to being able to POS. I did, however make a promise to myself that I will not POS before 14 DPO this month......last month I wasted lots of money and heartache. Let's hope I can keeo that promise! I am definiltely in good spirits today, let's hope it stays with me!

2 Comments • 11 years ago



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Are you charting at all? I know that sometimes you can get +OPK without actually Oing. So your body can be gearing up to ovulate but not and trying to over and over, hence making your cycles longer. I obviously have no idea, but thought I would throw it out there. It's really much easier to temp than most people think. I think you are doing great though and this could be your cycle! Baby dust!

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11 years ago

am going to continue to use the OPK through the rest of my cycle, I got a 20 pack. I want to be sure that I only surge once so I can be more certain that the little eggy actually came through. I also got some spotting today which means the follicle could've erupted. FX!!

11 years ago • Post starter

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