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Third time's a charm?

I have wanted to be a mom for a long time now, probably since my early 20's. Unfortunately I didn't meet my Love until I was in my late 20's and at that time he wasn't ready for children. I waited it out for 5 years and finally last Sept we decided the timing was finally right. I got pregnant right away, and was so very excited! Unfortunately I started spotting and when I went for an ultrasound at 10 weeks there was only a sac and I miscarried that night. Broken. I was broken. I didn't get pregnant right away, we waited a cycle and then tried again... and again, right away I got pregnant. I'm good at this getting pregnant thing right? Unfortunately again, it was not meant to be. I went for an early ultrasound, at 8 weeks, and we saw a little flickering heartbeat; but the tech said I was only measuring 5 weeks. My dr scheduled a re-scan for a week later. By the time the re-scan came around I had started spotting again. This time I knew what was happening, I was prepared. the re-scan showed a collapsing sac. I finished miscarrying that same night.

This time it hasn't been so easy to actually get pregnant. And my PMS symptoms are now more like pregnancy symptoms. Never before did I get nauseous with PMS, well I sure do now! For 2 months I played the "could I be pregnant again?" game until AF showed her ugly head. Finally this month it feels like it could be "the month".
I took a test today at 10dpo and it looked like there could MAYBE possibly be a second line there. Or, I could just be seeing things. Will test again in a few days. (who am I kidding, I'll be testing tomorrow... if I can even wait that long!)

3 Comments • 8 years ago



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1 - 3 of 3 Comments

Good luck!

8 years ago

praying this is it for you. pray you find out what is making you lose these engels; progesterone? chromosone failure? IR? all the best

8 years ago

Sadlu, my dr wont check for anything unless I lose another. She along with many other doctors seem to do as little as possible for us when it comes to miscarriage.

8 years ago • Post starter

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